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Underpowered Amps


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Amps feel like a useless weapon when compared to Melee's, Secondaries and even Primaries. When you compare an Amps ability to kill with a properly modded weapon, or even unmodded in some cases, they don't compare at all. They can't keep up damage wise or utility wise. Currently the only real use for an Amp is to remove Sentient resistances or kill Vomvalysts, and they still struggle to kill Vomvalysts of any significant level. Making Void Damage true neutral was a good start but it still doesn't fix amp usability.

I feel that we should be able to mod our amps like we do weapons. Although if we had as many slots as we do for weapons they would probably become way overpowered. Perhaps only give them 3 slots for each fire mode.

Having different slots for each fire mode would help with balancing as the two modes tend to have drastically different stats.

I would propose several mods; Increase Base Damage, Increase Crit Chance, Increase Crit Damage, Increase Status Chance, Increase Fire Rate, Increase Punch Through, and Increase Energy Efficiency (energy per shot).

If DE wanted to keep people from one-shoting Eidolon Shields they could make the Amps Base Damage be the thing that damages it's shields. Although lets be honest, people can already one-shot an Eidolon's Shields without an Amp.


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Like everything, amps destroy enemies until a certain level. Enemies gain more armor. Until that armor is stripped, or until the enemy is weakened in some way via ability, nothing is gonna do great damage against it. That's why you go from one-shotting everything with a basic weapon setup to hitting enemies for literally 50 damage. 

I have "nuked" Hydron maps with a Propa scaffold. 

We aren't balancing the game around steel path.....so maybe try providing some more information like the enemy level you were fighting, the amp you were using etc. 

I do agree that we need a better variation of amp parts, amp/operator arcanes, and maybe a slight adjustment to either amp components or amp base damage.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

Like everything, amps destroy enemies until a certain level. Enemies gain more armor. Until that armor is stripped, or until the enemy is weakened in some way via ability, nothing is gonna do great damage against it. That's why you go from one-shotting everything with a basic weapon setup to hitting enemies for literally 50 damage. 

I have "nuked" Hydron maps with a Propa scaffold. 

We aren't balancing the game around steel path.....so maybe try providing some more information like the enemy level you were fighting, the amp you were using etc. 

I do agree that we need a better variation of amp parts, amp/operator arcanes, and maybe a slight adjustment to either amp components or amp base damage.

Yea I use the propa scaffold, and it wrecks up to a perfectly reasonable point.


Amps aren't even supposed to be the primary weapon damage you are kicking out OP, the focus tree and the abilities the amps have, such as cycling the damage type needed in the PT fight or finishing off vomvalysts (which they do just fine.)

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