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  1. They're doing damage combos only: dark-dark-4 instead of light-light-4 or dark-light-4.
  2. A tenet 1 handed sword.....I'll use it permanently for the next 10 years.
  3. It seemed all the frame did was buff crit damage....which I already have rivens and shards for.
  4. It was just recently implemented. Unfortunately, some people with a lot of time on their hands ruined it for others.
  5. Kinda right, but it's not an issue for veterans....who the content is for.... If some vet is already sitting on 10,000 plat, them using 20p to give an old weapon more mod space isn't a big deal. We recently had an affinity weekend, so paired with a blessing and booster, it's 15min of ESO to max out a weapon....
  6. I think you'll have more than enough forma/plat/time/boosters by the time this is implemented, making it a non issue.
  7. People use the playstyle because it's fun. Gaming isn't new anymore, we all did our time and played slower paced souls-like games and really strict MMO. Those games are fun, but are too restrictive after awhile. 8 players in a raid: 1-2 healer, 1-2 tank, 1-2 bard/buffer/support and 3-4 dps. Once you get into a good clan/linkshell you'll likely be designated a role and it'll likely be support since all the established players take the dps spots.
  8. That's how games go. DE has shown time and time again they like less restrictions, power fantasy and fun. And we support them for that. That's why they're making Soul frame for all the people complaining. There's probably hundreds of thousands of different game services, so it's up to you to find a game that's slow enough or fast enough for you. Also: recruit chat/find a friend with similar interests etc.
  9. Don't expect them to come here and say "Oh you're right Dante is fine, it was probably just me."
  10. It's probably made with cooperation in mind. Even 2 players is better than 1.
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