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Interactive open world.


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A problem I see with the open worlds are they are just big spaces that stay the same no matter what. Sure the new one we open doors and have cave city’s, but that’s it.


If you do another DE can you theme it around a 4 faction war on a planet with an Zelda Majoras Mask theme.

Have a longer then current cycle with events happing every cycle at the same time. A faction fights for a base at X time. They win unless the Tenno comes. Faction y then counter attacks some place because of this ext. the end of the time cycle would end in an void energy explosion that whipped out the planet and reset time.

The faction we help can be a group of cephalon. Cephalon from each faction that tried to fight each other for control of an powerful alien tech. They have been trapped so long they have stopped fighting and are looking for a way to end the looping. Maybe they have items that when given to the old faction they belonged to they would view you as an ally working for them.



So we get sieges Grineer fighting corpus, infestation running amok and sentient maybe showing up at the last chaos filled hour.

Cool right.


Maybe a new mechanic added could be the Railjack can enter orbit and beam down your crew and supplies. Supplies they use to construct a base. 

The base can be used to intercept factions movements. Or setting up a mining base in hostile territory. 

I understand Warframe is limited on number of units on screen so each faction would move a central portal type gizmo when attacking. The troops of the attacking faction would flood in through it.


I get this is a jumbo mess and I’m sorry bing on my phone makes editing extremely hard. 

Just know Majoras mask is cool and it’s vary interesting to have events play out around you. Events that you can alter to change the corse of time.

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2 hours ago, BDMblue said:

Faction y then counter attacks some place because of this ext. the end of the time cycle would end in an void energy explosion that whipped out the planet and reset time.

I was hoping for something similar when Fortuna released. We were able to capture bases,  but sadly the enemies never tried taking them back (or atleast take way too long if such a feature exists) and you can only hold one base at a time.

I would've liked it if you were able to capture multiple bases at once. Enemies would then attack a base every set amount of time. 

Each base held could then give some benefit to the team. This could also interact with bounties, allowing bounties near a base to either give some extra reward, some allies to help the mission or an increase in how quickly the mission can be completed.

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A couple of points here:

I agree that more procedural generation for Free Roam maps is a good idea. DE seem to be experimenting with the caves system in Deimos, which is a step in the right direction. However, I feel that's not enough. What we need is proper procedural generation for the overland terrain. I've often cited XCOM 2's approach to random map generation because it really does produce seamless results. Yes, that's a grid-based game which makes it a lot easier to fit tiles together, but... Well, what's stopping DE from creating a grid-based Free Roam map themselves? The features of such a map don't need to be grid-based themselves, as long as the seams between them are covered up well enough - which can be done.

I don't agree that "faction warfare" is the right answer to this, however. Division 2 tried that, and the results were so inconsequential that they ended up rolling it back with Warlords of New York. This sounds significant on paper, but doesn't play out like this in practice. See, Division 2 had a dynamic world. Events would pop up on their own. You could take over Control Points, but enemy factions could attack and retake them, or even take them from each other. All that meant is most of the points were in enemy hands most of the time, restricting fast-travel... And not a lot else. These kinds of random NPC vs. NPC random encounters are definitely fun when they happen, but the offer very little value long-term. Having them isn't really a problem, but players start ignoring them very, very quickly.

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I’m not asking for any random events. All battles would happen at x time and the winner would always be team 1 unless the Tenno intervenes. 

The point would be a sequence of events that leads to the end of the world.

Think of the open world missions capture kill some captain. In a world like this the guy your killing would be in the world. A real member of the events. Put him in a base behind a shield.

k so the cephalon have been watching for a while and give you a string of missions to get him to exit this base so you can stop him before he does x thing that is a big part of the end of the world.

a convoy is heading to this location with supplies to build something. You stop it then jam communications between the bases. So the base who lost the shipment sends a messenger to x base with the boss. You intercept him and use a new device to disguise as him. You enter the base kill him escape. Now attack at x time lunched from that base does not happen. 


Having a world with random stuff just happing won’t do anything random is S#&$.  Having a set of events happen every day always the same, but the players can change them. Everything goes from meaningless to meaningful.

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