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A Chance To Make It Right


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hmm interesting i say no to that thank you very mutch i like to go alone or tag along has long has a have handsome male tennos killing whit me XD i don´t care sides just getting something to eat and wear is all i look for!!!

Edited by Akytsu
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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


Alad V, I see that you are not as smart as we do, you still try to persuade us with those greedy words. You give us worthless rewards to sacrifice for our kind. Either you give us a supreme rewards for each battle(like a hundred potatoes.) , or explain and stop your Zanuka Project and give us a those worthless rewards. Then we will reconsider. For now, we shall continue crushing the greedy milk out of your heads.


PS. I shall reconsider if you marry with lotus.


Worst Regards,


Edited by SoulConnector
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we will stop fighting for the Grineer ONLY if you stop using our fellow Tennos for your Zanuka project. cancel the project immediately and MAYBE we will join you in stopping the Grineer from taking territories. i can already imagine how you're going to trick us into believing that you are helping, therefore i suggest you to not do anything foolish like continuing the project secretly. you'll be surprised in discovering how much of a bad idea it is to betray a Tenno when you will be laying in a pool of your own blood or whatever fluid flows in your body in case of betrayal.

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Many of you Tenno should be ashamed ... you serve the Lotus, certainly not Alad V and not Sargas Ruk. You are being forced to choose who you believe is the lesser of two evils and while you all might disagree, never forget that whoever you pick is still evil. All of this Hail Grineer/Hail Corpus/Hail Sargas Ruk/Hail Alad V nonsense is disgusting and you should be charged with treason for letting the words escape your lips.


I personally believe you can go soak your head Alad V. I will not sacrifice the lives of my soldiers and submit them to your experiments. We will fight you every step of the way, and when we have your head, we will turn our attention to the Grineer dogs and Sargas Ruk.

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Tenno, we must must realize however painful it may to lose a few of our kin, we cannot allow the Grineer to become more powerful. Keep in mind, the  Grineer have always been out to exterminate us and after they have their way, the sisters will turn there backs on us and it will be no different than before the war. We may not be certain how much legitimacy there is behind Alad's words, but we can be assured that assisting the Corpus will be the better long term solution. 

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I'll fight alongside Alad V just to save the innocents the Grineer would enslave. I won't trust him nor the Grinner, we all know they are both lying into our faces, and they will both turn on us after the fight.
I personally think the Tenno are supposed to protect the innocents, even if it puts their own kind into danger.
At least Alad V has the bones to say it straight to my face that he will still go with his experiments even if I help him, while the Grineer just acts as if he cares for us Tenno. Just putting that out there.

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Many of you Tenno should be ashamed ... you serve the Lotus, certainly not Alad V and not Sargas Ruk. You are being forced to choose who you believe is the lesser of two evils and while you all might disagree, never forget that whoever you pick is still evil. All of this Hail Grineer/Hail Corpus/Hail Sargas Ruk/Hail Alad V nonsense is disgusting and you should be charged with treason for letting the words escape your lips.


I personally believe you can go soak your head Alad V. I will not sacrifice the lives of my soldiers and submit them to your experiments. We will fight you every step of the way, and when we have your head, we will turn our attention to the Grineer dogs and Sargas Ruk.

Brother, I am in total agreement with you, but we must remember while we quarrel over the few Tenno being held captive by the Corpus, the Grineer run a campaign of genocide against us, not to mention all the millions of other lives they are taking in their conquest of planets and systems. Fighting against the Corpus is a waste of soldiers and resources! What they have done against us is certainly vile, but in the greater scheme of things they our not our true enemy, nor should they be the first priority. We must put aside our differences with the Corpus, and stop Grineer advancements for the time being. Negotiations with the Corpus will surely be more viable when this is all over.  

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I would rather fight for Alad V than for those un-eco-friendly Grineer :L

I hate to get a machete that does absolutely nothing but in short range and a pumkin on a stick that doesn't glow like Jack'O Latern :P

Edited by WaiFoong98
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Again completely right. The actual idea is nice. But after the transmissions got finished, i was just like "WHAT?" because of how thin their explanation and setup was.


But i thought at least the actualy conflict could be nice. After all Steve spoke of being able to see warships in the backround fighting it out and us fighting our ways through ships and bases, while being supported by Grineer or Corpus.


But instead of various missions in various new areas we have 2 types of maps with a minimal difference between them. ONE type of mission, which always follows the same setup.

Cluttering the map full of enemies and allies just shows how weak the AI in this game is. I constantly run up to allies and enemies and see them ignoring each other until i'm at 20 meters range. The allies might aswell just have a campfire.


The worst part about this, is that Steve now has the plan of quantity over quality in missions, he now wants to throw clumps of enemies at us in missions to slow down rushers. Which means we will soon encounter even more brain dead enemies but just in larger numbers.


Oh and i can't see any ships in the backround fighting.


Not to forget the stupid winner takes it all promise about the event reward (meaning players can potentialy get NOTHING for the hours they wasted following the mind number ONE type of mission over and over) and the seperated battle rewards which are designed to goat players towards supporting one side depending on the battle, instead of having even rewards and just let players fight it out according to the side they initialy picked.

Instead we have people constantly changing sides as soon as a shinier carrot is in sight.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

ooook.... There would be OVER 100000000000!!!1!!!1111! credits plz. ^^

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Alad V, whatever the V stands for, i have 4 Orokin Reactors because you know how to bribe a curtain Tenno :). Give me a Vauban chassis and i'll walk your dog. i have 480,000 credits, i wonder why ur so richie mcghee tho? Tenno are like trees. They need to be here because there is always some idiot trying to cut the tree down over... financial opportunities. I will not let you hurt our dormant colleagues, even if it mean i have to destroy the all the corpus that ever existed with my incendiary, antimatter, healing, poisonous, mischievious, armor piercing damage hands( ember,nova, trinity, saryn, loki, exca) p.s get out of the Illuminati wit yo triangul symbol you got too much money lol ps the grineer are warriors. worthy warriors. you are just corporate sharks wth guns selling my kind, precious little baby nova's striaght out of best buy, mint condition, and you're selling them, bashing them with your ugly blue technology stick with them for your Zanuka project. I hate people with money. They abuse it. Thats why your Cyber-Kingdom is going to find reality the hard way with the dirtiest boots of the Grineer empire stuffed in you Proactive plastic surgury face!

   Mispelling on purpose thx for reading corporate shark

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