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A Summarization Of Why The War Is Rigged.


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Yeah, Corpus won Martialis after a slow and grueling 24 hour push.  They won a couple of other conflicts too.  Insofar, they still have just under 1/3 of the system still under their control - plus whatever they manage to take back in the last round of conflicts, if anything.  All in all, the Corpus losses have been pretty straightforward.  No hold-the-line moments like Martialis.  For a reason.


Grineer didn't 'suddenly' take off after that.  They've been consistently winning, as per the efforts of the people supporting them before the battle pay system was even introduced.


Yeah, Grineer were heavily favored.  By players, including the largest clans.  I understand that you're bitter about that, but nothing either you or DE can do about it.  All in all, only about one or two nodes turned over in less than 24 hours.  It takes all of 15 or less minutes to hit the pay cap one way or another, so anyone with 15 minutes to spend on any day of the event had the opportunity for something worthwhile.


You actually have a point about the T3 rewards. I have sympathy for the people still pushing for Corpus out of principle, given that they're losing.  Though, it was kinda spelled out from the beginning how that was going to be determined.  I suspect the other weapons will return in the future, though.

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This event hardly seems rigged to me, DE just underestimated what a potato means to it's player base. They cost like £2, if I was running the show I wouldn't have thought that the whole war could be won with £2 either.

Edited by Jandor
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So the final victor is determined by the number of conflicts won by each faction?


Can someone please find the quote of that for me, because I still can't find it.

As from what I can tell from this picture the conflict winner is the one holding most nodes when the event ends.


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This event hardly seems rigged to me, DE just underestimated what a potato means to it's player base. They cost like £2, if I was running the show I wouldn't have thought that the whole war could be swung with £2 either.




After all of the Alert complaints ("OMG, no potatoes after a week!?!?"), after all of the feedback going "MOAR POTATOES PRZ!!!" after Livestreams, after the scores of people rushing on to do the Potato Alerts when they come up, you're trying to feed me that it is a surprise that potatoes are some of the most sought-after items in Warframe (right behind Forma)? lol.


How long, again, have you been playing Warframe?

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After all of the Alert complaints ("OMG, no potatoes after a week!?!?"), after all of the feedback going "MOAR POTATOES PRZ!!!" after Livestreams, after the scores of people rushing on to do the Potato Alerts when they come up, you're trying to feed me that it is a surprise that potatoes are some of the most sought-after items in Warframe (right behind Forma)? lol.


How long, again, have you been playing Warframe?


Since you asked so politely, I've been playing since closed beta.

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I support the Corpus because of lore. By lore I understand my own experience in the game, since DE didnt put any lore on it, as of yet.


If I go to Phobos, call some ten players in my contact list, and the few who answer the call bail out as soon as they enter the stage, what am I to think? Feeling abandoned by most Tenno, I will not care for some small cache of cryopods captured by the Corpus. And should I add, Sargas want those Tenno for him only, not for freeing them, but to do the same things the Corpus will be doing.


This fact alone shows that the support for the Grineer or Corpus is more out of flavour than anything else. People who like bullies, bullying and stuff like "Im the uber pwnzord and you... are just my subject" will likely support the Grineer, and those who are more tech-minded (nerds?) will likely support the Corpus.


Those who like big scores, big clans, sports-like competition, to feel superior only by strenght of numbers, who choose a weapon because of damage and not because of how fun it will be, who like to spam ultimates, those will likely support Grineer, whereas the more individualistic, technical, and tactical players will likely support the other side, prefering smaller clans, smaller operations and more stealth, focused gameplay.


DE is doing a psychological experiment, and they are doing good.

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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This fact alone shows that the support for the Grineer or Corpus is more out of flavour than anything else. People who like bullies, bullying and stuff like "Im the uber pwnzord and you... are just my subject" will likely support the Grineer, and those who are like more tech-minded (nerds?) will likely support the Corpus.


No no no, you've got it all wrong. People who support the Corpus are greedy and tend to cry when made fun of. Grineer supporters are loyal to their comrades and better in bed. The ladies love a Grineer supporter.

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I support the Corpus because of lore. By lore I understand my own experience in the game, since DE didnt put any lore on it, as of yet.


If I go to Phobos, call some ten players in my contact list, and the few who answer the call bail out as soon as they enter the stage, what am I to think? Feeling abandoned by most Tenno, I will not care for some small cache of cryopods captured by the Corpus. And should I add, Sargas want those Tenno for him only, not for freeing them, but to do the same things the Corpus will be doing.


This fact alone shows that the support for the Grineer or Corpus is more out of flavour than anything else. People who like bullies, bullying and stuff like "Im the uber pwnzord and you... are just my subject" will likely support the Grineer, and those who are like more tech-minded (nerds?) will likely support the Corpus.


Those who like big scores, big clans, sports-like competition, to feel superior only by strenght of numbers, who choose a weapon because of damage and not because of how fun it will be, who like to spam ultimates, those will likely support Grineer, whereas the more individualistic, technical, and tactical players will likely support the other side, prefering smaller clans, smaller operations and more stealth, focused gameplay.


DE is doing a psychological experiment, and they are doing good.

Actually, I usually fall in the 'nerd' camp, but I went for the Grineer for my own Lore reasons. Namely that Alad V has a history of making Very Bad Decisions which throw the Solar System into conflict (Fomorians anybody). Working on my assumption that our goal is peace in the solar system, I decided that Alad V needed to go down. And maybe, just maybe, the Board will sack him after another of his mad schemes crumbles to dust.

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All three of those are factors in this event and more than one interesting twist has developed as a result.  As it should be.  There is no reason any one factor should single-handedly dictate the entire course of the war.


This appears to be the root of the issue. You, and others, seem to believe that large clans struggling over trophies, players driven by greed, and fighters who actually believe in the cause their faction embodies should all be tugging ropes over this event. I, and many other players (from both sides) I've seen in this forum, do not agree. The first two factors should be curbed by DE. The third should be encouraged.


This event was set up to be a war of morals, and it should be determined by morals. Players who want to treat this as another p**sing contest or a glorified string of alerts should look elsewhere to fulfill their needs.


Note: I'm not saying that the majority of the playerbase didn't support the Grineer. However, if clan rewards and battle pays were removed from the equation, the true answer would be far more clear.

Edited by Ixalion
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This event hardly seems rigged to me, DE just underestimated what a potato means to it's player base. They cost like £2, if I was running the show I wouldn't have thought that the whole war could be won with £2 either.


You will do that only if you just create a game and then push the stuff out, with nobody in your team actually playing their own game, visiting forums/reddit etc.


Unfortunately thats exactly what DE does apparantly thats why they fkd it up. If it was not a mistake, then its deliberate and it can be fully called as "rigged".


£2 is a pretty significant amount in some countries, try using any online currency converter and run that value over some countries who fall somewhere middle to low in per-capita income rankings. And if you are making such a big game, there must be someone in your team who knows a thing or two about global economics and aware of that fact. If there is none, then probably your game wont gonna last long anyways.

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Unless DE has a massive bug with their mission tracking, we can add deliberately manipulating the score as another reason.

Martialis has gone from 60% to 0.5% in minutes.

EDIT: People are reporting Spear went negative, so something is up.

Edited by Unknown924
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Unless DE has a massive bug with their mission tracking, we can add deliberately manipulating the score as another reason.

Martialis has gone from 60% to 0.5% in minutes.

EDIT: People are reporting Spear went negative, so something is up.


When I saw Martialis pop, I saw it being 0.1%.


Then, after I did one mission, it was 0.5%.


After that mission, it was 51.27%, favoring the Grineer and that's where it is at right now.


EDIT: I know this thread is about how the event is rigged, but I'm going to write this one off as a bug/glitch until we've significant reason to believe otherwise.

Edited by Xylia
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When I saw Martialis pop, I saw it being 0.1%.


Then, after I did one mission, it was 0.5%.


After that mission, it was 51.27%, favoring the Grineer and that's where it is at right now.


EDIT: I know this thread is about how the event is rigged, but I'm going to write this one off as a bug/glitch until we've significant reason to believe otherwise.


I believe Spear had around 10% left on the gauge before things glitched. Now it's shown as Grineer controlled.


... I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, it was fairly obvious what the final outcome on that planet would have been. On the other hand, whatever caused this basically just gave the Grineer a free win.


I've been saying this a lot the past few days, but I'll say it again. This is troubling.

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Flux Rifle vs Ignis... So the rumors that Corpus battle pay getting better isn't true at all.


This event hardly seems rigged to me, DE just underestimated what a potato means to it's player base. They cost like £2, if I was running the show I wouldn't have thought that the whole war could be won with £2 either.

£2 is 10 in our country's money. That's like two whole meals.

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This event hardly seems rigged to me, DE just underestimated what a potato means to it's player base. They cost like £2, if I was running the show I wouldn't have thought that the whole war could be won with £2 either.

Potatoes are SUPER hard to get without paying money, though, and everybody wants them. And "free stuff that usually costs money" is always a compelling argument. It should have been COMPLETELY obvious to DE that that would happen.

Edited by OblivionNecroninja
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As the thread title says, this is a concise summary of why the event is rigged, and why the Corpus had no chance to win the battle from the start.


Reason #1: Clan Leaderboards. So your entire clan is forced to all go for the same side, regardless of what each individual player might want. I'm pretty sure the people at DE thinks that this "encourages" clans to "coordinate", but as we saw some threads at the beginning of the event, players were either forced to give up their "choice", or leave their clan because of it. Or they resisted and got kicked. Not to mention the fact that there's no changing your mind, there's no anything. Gotta go 100% all the way or you don't stand a chance at Leaderboards. I feel this is the #1 biggest mistake as far as the event goes. They should have just had straight up # of missions done, either side and be done with it.


Reason #2: Rewards.. Reason #1 leads straight into Reason #2 -- because any Clan wanting to try for Leaderboards are locked into whatever they start with.... offering such hugely unbalanced rewards at the very beginning doomed the Corpus from the start. Any clan wanting Leaderboards weren't going to pass up potatoes in the first few battles for measly credits. They weren't going to pass up Mutagen Masses right after a MASSIVE nerf to Mutagen Sample drops, right after DE introduced several new Mutagen Sample Clantech items. Doesn't matter what the Corpus offer up now, as evidenced by Spear, the Grineer are still going to win because the clans wanting leaderboards are like "we're just gonna have to give up the reward if we want a one-time statue".


Reason #3: Difficulty. As I've said in many other threads... fighting Corpus is a LOT easier than fighting Grineer. There is absolutely NOTHING balanced about Grineer vs Corpus -- Corpus die easier, Corpus has a lot less CC/Stuns/Staggers, Corpus has next-to-no AoE, Corpus have lousy accuracy at range, unlike the Grineer who can do all of these things in spades. Grineer are simply not fun to fight, and are very frustrating. To introduce an event like this WITHOUT fixing the ridiculousness of Napalms, Scorches, Eviscerators, etc was poorly timed. To implement this event BEFORE fixing the ridiculous armor scaling (yanno, one side has armor, the other doesn't? lol!) was poorly timed. Many of the MIDDLE battles did not have Napalms, but the first several did. And again, because of Reason #1... once you do a few, you're locked in your decision if your Clan wants to try for Leaderboards.


Reason #4: Unbalanced/Weak Lore. The whole premise behind helping the Grineer are "Free Tenno sleeping in Cryopods that the Corpus are experimenting on!". That's a reason every player understands, and understands well. However.... on the Corpus side... "OMG Grineer are getting too powerful, and are enslaving "colonists", we must kill them so they don't get too powerful!" ........what colonists, again? I've never seen colonies, or civilians in the game-world (other than Rescue targets.... but then I avoid Rescue missions like the plague). Who exactly are the Grineer enslaving? I've never seen these people. I've never even heard of these people. You expect players to care about something that only exists in passing mention? Really? You wanted players to choose between Tenno Cryopods and .....some colonists we never heard of until now?


Reason #5: Warbros. This is more or less re-iterating #1, but this deserves its own mention. You know the biggest Clans are going to go for Leaderboards, and you locked each clan into doing 100% for a side. Surely you should have known that these mega-clan-alliance-whatevers were going to decide the entire War for the rest of the playerbase. Do you really think your average joe (or even several hundred of them) are going to put a dent in the efforts of 17k+ no-lifers who routinely win every stinking competition to date? Seriously? This is another reason why we should have just nixed the individual side competitions (and made the competition for just the event in general, without the individual side requirements). So, once Warbros chooses who wins.......that's it. Everybody else might as well go home.


I feel that this event was a very good example of questionable design and game balance (or lack thereof). This event needed some serious tweaks, and the outcome we're seeing pretty much makes this very apparent. So, after all of these things... "Where's the Feedback"? Well....


RE: Reason #1: DE should have Gotten rid of the Corpus and Grineer competitions, and made the competition event-wide, regardless of which side was chosen.


RE: Reason #2: The rewards should have been balanced in the first several missions to give players a real choice.


RE: Reason #3: Corpus and Grineer need serious balancing tweaks -- Corpus are too weak, Grineer too powerful. If you ever hope to have a balanced "War", then these guys need balancing. Napalms and Eviscerators need nerfed, Crewmen are far too weak. This event should have at the very least waited until after Armor 2.0.


RE: Reason #4: We needed a better reason to help the Corpus. "The Grineer will be too poweful!" ......vague, much? "The Grineer are enslaving colonists!" .....what colonists? What colonies? Maybe if we got to SEE these colonists in-game before the event, we might have cared about them more. DE needed to give the Grineer more 'bad', or give the Corpus a good side, maybe the Corpus promising the support the Tenno against the Grineer once the War's over, or something. Anything.


RE: Reason #5: Not sure what anything can be done about these ridiculous Mega-Clans. Steve once said "we should have put a cap on them earlier" .... so I won't rail on him now for Hindsight always being 20/20, but sheesh. Maybe some sort of Balance Incentive should have been offered, for players who tried to Balance the War? Players who have less than 10% deviance from either side get a special reward for weakening both sides equally? That would have gone a long way towards making this "War" feel like a Real "War" and not a CurbStompBattle (tvtropes).





1. Yes this is done in games, you have to follow your clan to achieve something. If you dont feel like this is something you can do then, yes, you can leave. Some clans do have something requirements if you want to play with them.


2. Leaderboards have nothing to do with the rewards. If people wanted to go Corpus they needed to go Corpus from the start and fully support them. The idea that every clan suddenly picked Grineer because of the first battle on the very first day and its something that messed up the event is something that is really out there. By the way, the mutagen mass was the third battle and they are easy to get in defense and survival. Anyone claiming nerf on their drop rates is a person that will probably have a hard time loading the game.


3. Not really going to get into difficulty but the Corpus have Techs which launch shields, the Elite Crewmen which cut you down really quick, the Railgun MOAs sniping from super far. They can focus fire on you and have you down in seconds. It's not like you can walk through them.


4. Alerts have mentioned civilians for a long time now. And how exactly do think they should have phrased this? I think everyone knows that the conquering empire is bad. In fact, the whole story so far in the game is how evil the Grineer are. The idea that the Grineer are all of a sudden scott free of anything is, again, something out of left field.


5. The only reason clans have any impact on this event is because the rest of the larger population was going for rewards. So it's not that they are super mega powerful it's that the rest of the population give them the choice.


Re 1. What's a "competition wide event"? If this was just who can get the most missions done..... needless to say the population of winners was going to be small and the big clans are going to win.


Re 2. The first 3 battles went Grineer but the second battle should have gone Corpus. It was 125k vs 3 Orokin Cell. I can get 3 cells in 2 boss runs. I am not going to get anywhere close to 125k in the 10 minutes i can get those Cells.


Re 3. Did you mod yourself to fight Grineer? And i dont even know what's the point here. The level of these folks isnt high enough to cause that much trouble that people are going to switch because of that.


Re 4. Again the Grineer have been clearly depicted as the the real bad guys in this game. I really dont see how a sentence all of a sudden changed that view. 


Re 5. If you are going to blame anyone you need to blame the masses for not sticking to one side instead of the people that decided to pick a side. The clans clearly mean nothing when the rewards went the Corpus way. Again, the masses let the clan be the deciding vote when they only care about the rewards.  And this was probably the reason that DE made that rule about the clans because if it wasnt there the we would probably be totally even because anyone could do what they want which would surely mean going for rewards.

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Re 1. What's a "competition wide event"? If this was just who can get the most missions done..... needless to say the population of winners was going to be small and the big clans are going to win.


What I meant was instead of having Gradivus (Corpus) and Gradivus (Grineer), just have Gradivus.


Do 100 missions for Grineer? You have 100 points towards the Gradivus Leaderboard.

Do 50 missions for Grineer, and 50 missions for Corpus? You have 100 points towards the Gradivus Leaderboard.


That way you don't have clans being "locked in" on their choices after the first few battles if they want to try for leaderboards and members are free to support whomever they wish.


I maintain my opinion that in actual Lore, the BEST thing the Tenno could have done, was to support them both equally and slowly bleed both sides out to cause a Pyrrhic Victory for whoever wound up winning. What we get instead is a "Grineer Curbstomp the Corpus and are now roaming the galaxy unchecked and are able to turn their full might against the Tenno".

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What I meant was instead of having Gradivus (Corpus) and Gradivus (Grineer), just have Gradivus.


Do 100 missions for Grineer? You have 100 points towards the Gradivus Leaderboard.

Do 50 missions for Grineer, and 50 missions for Corpus? You have 100 points towards the Gradivus Leaderboard.


That way you don't have clans being "locked in" on their choices after the first few battles if they want to try for leaderboards and members are free to support whomever they wish.


I maintain my opinion that in actual Lore, the BEST thing the Tenno could have done, was to support them both equally and slowly bleed both sides out to cause a Pyrrhic Victory for whoever wound up winning. What we get instead is a "Grineer Curbstomp the Corpus and are now roaming the galaxy unchecked and are able to turn their full might against the Tenno".


If you take out the clans out of backing one side the results of the event would be exactly the same since it's pretty obvious that the masses went for rewards and the current view of the event is that the Grineer have gotten more rewards that favour them. It wasnt until the 8th battle that the Grineer actually starting winning nodes where they had credits vs Corpus mats.


As for lore, we need to wait to see how DE develops this because our lore, im sure you know, is not the lore the game is going to go with.

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If you take out the clans out of backing one side the results of the event would be exactly the same since it's pretty obvious that the masses went for rewards and the current view of the event is that the Grineer have gotten more rewards that favour them. It wasnt until the 8th battle that the Grineer actually starting winning nodes where they had credits vs Corpus mats.


As for lore, we need to wait to see how DE develops this because our lore, im sure you know, is not the lore the game is going to go with.


Completely missing the point.


I pointed out the unfairness of the rewards in my OP.


That, COMBINED with the "Lock-in" nature of the leaderboards caused this Curbstomp mess that we have today.


IF the rewards would have been more fair from the start, AND if there was no "lock-in", then we would have had an actual power struggle.

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Completely missing the point.


I pointed out the unfairness of the rewards in my OP.


That, COMBINED with the "Lock-in" nature of the leaderboards caused this Curbstomp mess that we have today.


IF the rewards would have been more fair from the start, AND if there was no "lock-in", then we would have had an actual power struggle.


Im not missing the point.

I am not going by the idea that the first reward declared the whole fight.

Who would think that the first reward is the only time a catalyst was going to be thrown in?

Did some clans probably went Grineer for the first reward? Maybe, but we dont know what number is so you cant say that this declared the fight.

Look at August now, it's going Corpus. They may be a deciding vote when there's an even split in the majority but when there isnt one they dont mean anything. The fact that Corpus is still winning battles clearly show how little they mean when the masses have their word.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Its not that one side is weaker than the other its that they play differently.


Corpus=weak frontline but good support i.e shields and those darn ospreys. (also the corpus have advanced "Hide in this box glitching Technology")

with Corpus you take out their support units and the rest fall like flies.


Grineer=Strong frontline with little support i.e Heavys and their ilk

they have stronger units so you just need to think a bit more when fighting them. Also modding your Frame/Weapons the right way helps.


I agree the whole clan thing was handled poorly. You shouldn't be cast out for supporting one side or the other in this fight. I mean the reward is at least to me a pointless statue...


Most players choose sides based on the rewards(like I do) so yes better balance of rewards is a must. Offering an Orokin Catalyst for one side vs 100000 credits isn't the most balanced thing. If we had to choose between lets say each side offering Bps for warframes or weapons, players would think at least a few seconds more before saying "OMG 1337 P0t4t035!! LUZLUZ!!" if you catch me meaning...

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How long did it take for Martialis to flip?  How well did the Corpus hold onto ANY point at ANY time during the war?


Oh, right.


Momentum didn't take off until Martialis because that is the point where people heavily sank one way or another into that major battle.  Before then, investment wasn't heavy enough to weigh one way or another.


The complaints set on the first day kept consistent, even in the face of things that demonstrated them wrong time and again.  Even rewards?  Grineer.  Consistently better rewards for the Corpus?  Barely noticable change, they were still losing.  Yet these were supposed to be the things that single-handedly determined why people supported the Grineer.


Simply put, you're wrong.  People supported the Grineer before battle pay came into the picture and major fluctuations in battle pay haven't affected the end outcome.  More convoluted excuses for why your favorite faction isn't winning aren't any more convincing.


First, kinda contradictory to say momentum wasn't a factor while admitting it exists within the same post, kinda blows your argument out of the water right off the bat. ;-)


Likewise, you claimed that "the heart of the war was with the Grineer", that obviously wasn't true: otherwise Quirnus and Martialis wouldn't have been Corpus victories - that Martialis took a long time is irrelevant, the Corpus still took it, why? The rewards. Even then it was basically the Grineer equivalent of an Operation Market Garden, yeah, it was a defeat, but it wasn't going to change the momentum of the war when D-Day had already taken place beforehand. The lopsided rewards (to say nothing else of the other valid points raised in the OP) meant the Corpus had an uphill slog right off the bat.


Martialis wasn't on the first day either, hence the idea that the first day basically set the tone for the entire war remains true.


Incidentally, you know what they say about "when you assume"? As I said in this thread, I'm a Grineer supporter - as of this posting, our Grineer-aligned clan's solidly been in the Top 3 in its tier basically since the event started and we've had guys switch allegiances to grab Corpie catalysts and reactors to boot, they just had the good sense to make up the deficit elsewhere (hell, I'm the biggest "mercenary" advocate of the bunch and I'm near the top of our intraclan leaderboards, which should say something about the reward "balance")... I'm just honest enough to admit that yeah, the war was definitely rigged in the Grineer's favor the instant DE decided to have the opening rewards favor them.

Edited by Taranis49
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Help the Grineer fight the Corpus, Liberate your fellow Tenno in stasis, and generally further the means of a race that is really just been shafted by genetics.


Help the Corpus repel the Grineer. Enable the Corpus to disect, experiment on, and sell off the remains of your fellow Tenno in stasis. Help colonists.


The biggest issue here is that the grineer are slightly more sympathetic and not screwing you over completely for their own gains.

Is Ruk any better than Alad? probably not.  Its just the issue here.


Blaming warbros for the event is silly at best.


Till clan organizing is OP.

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