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New Loka special missions - DNA system for companions


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Hello Folks !

I'm here because I had an idea that could bring an another kind of mission. Of course some of you may like it or not, depend of your taste, in my case I would love to see it.

So, for now we have have the Arbitration from Arbiters of Hexis, we also got a nice question implying Red Veil and Cephalon Suda. We also have the sanctuary with Simaris. I know that we already have a quest with New Loka but not some special quests like Arbitration. My idea is improving the companion system and dojo decoration while bringing new kind of quests. Those special quests would be related to all kind of animals and plants that we can find in within the system (maybe the void too). So we will travel in the system for the new loka and try to find or/and capture those living thing. If we are lucky we will be able to encounter a rare specimen. Also, once a week or every two week to alternate with void merchant, all the week-end a boss like monster will appear and we would be able to farm them and try to capture them.

So you may wonder "what could it be bringing to us ?". First we can have new room in dojo where we can show off all these creatures/plants, some of them may be infested too, it will bring a new goal to all clan member to capture really rare and strong monsters and show off to visitors. My second thought about it is using the DNA of all theses plants, fish, bird and monster we captured to add new power to our animal companion. Adding poison element to each attack for example, some of those amelioration would only be compatible to a kind of companion (kubrow, kavat or infested). We can use this occasion to bring a new type of companion, for example a bird companion or amphibious (I would love to have some kind of badass lizard to follow me in my missions).

Bonus : it's sad to think that only one of our companion can roam in our ship while the others are in stasis. So my solution would be to allow the others to roam in the dojo, like that every clan member can admire our companion .

The main idea here is to bring new ways to interact with our companions while giving a lot more of diversity in our mission. I just want to have a new kind of companion, discovering new plants and collecting (but in a fun way, not like we have to do right now...) . I also want to improve the kubrow, even if they aren't my favorite ones, it's still sad that they are still underrated, using the dna system we would be able to give them an armor like the grineer, maybe allowing the companion to go over lvl 30. There's a lot of way to improve them. If you are curious and you find this scratch interesting I will do a clean post with all kind of improvment and missions. You can give your ideas too and I will put them in my post. And hten I really hope that it could give a lot of inspiration to our awesome devs !

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2 hours ago, KeroroLulu said:

Adding poison element to each attack for example, some of those amelioration would only be compatible to a kind of companion (kubrow, kavat or infested)

Can you explain how this reward would be different from just putting a toxic 60/60 mod on my companion? If it's the same as how Lich weapons work, I don't think it's really worth getting, since most of the pets are used for utility, not damage. If the only other reward is a bunch of decorations, I'd completely pass this mission type after getting the new pets, since it just looks like conservation in the starchart.

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il y a 26 minutes, (XBOX)Regxxh a dit :

Can you explain how this reward would be different from just putting a toxic 60/60 mod on my companion? If it's the same as how Lich weapons work, I don't think it's really worth getting, since most of the pets are used for utility, not damage. If the only other reward is a bunch of decorations, I'd completely pass this mission type after getting the new pets, since it just looks like conservation in the starchart.

Well in my case I don't want only utility companions. I want them to bring more diversity in our gameplay and see them as an additionnal weapon. For the toxic part it was just an example coming from nowhere. The reward will be more like : "Gain an alloy plate armor" and then allow my pet to not die every seconds in end game. For now I just want to bring an evolution that would allow Kubrows to come back. People will say "Kubrow are still good I use them" but it's just a minority of player or in a situationnal setting. I see this evolution more like the Helminth System for pet. Instead of taking abilities from frame we get abilities from wild monster we captured and gave to New Loka. So we could buil our pet as we wish and enhanced his utility.

It can also be cosmetic but I really want to add new power/passive that will make my pet more unique, something I bread myself from scratch. I think this kind of gameplay would bring satisfaction to players. The main goal is having your unique pet that will fit your gameplay. Of course we should avoid to make it too strong, just some new evolution. But what I really want to see is a whole new set of missions where I can roam on a wild maze (like on earth or mars) and meet new kind of monsters. There's already the sand stringray in Mars so I was thinking of adding more and make them usefull to farm. Same thing with plants, collecting them in an another way than scanning, and we can use them to decorate our Dojo or Orbiter. Anyway, I hope you understand what I mean.

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I've run the numbers on how enemy durability and damage diverge over time to "do my homework" for a Summoner 'frame, and part of that included cross-checking with Companion damage. The result was that you need to have about seven times the damage of current Companions to compare to the Kuva Chakkur's AoE. So this system would need to be packing in truly spectacular totals to actually level things out.

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I attempted to address some of the ways to make pets better in my thread. I think that it's cool to really branch into more variants of pets and meddling with their DNA via conservation, but the upgrades would need to be far more substantial than anything we've got to slap onto pets right now.

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Il y a 13 heures, Teoarrk a dit :

I attempted to address some of the ways to make pets better in my thread. I think that it's cool to really branch into more variants of pets and meddling with their DNA via conservation, but the upgrades would need to be far more substantial than anything we've got to slap onto pets right now.

For the moment only Kavat Smeeta are really viable. They give 100% chance of red crit and double your loot and affinity. Compared to other pets it's absolutly OP. Some kubrow just can dig all and find a bunch ressources. In the offensive scop it's irreveliant, none of them are strong enough to deal damages. For the supporting part, it can be nice but nothing extraordinary.

I really think that pet's role should be really clear. For now it's just some nice pet following you and pull ressources to you. If all pets should be able to make farming easier ok but we need improvment for the others. Because the god tier pet for farming is smeeta and nothing else. And it's really sad to see only one viable pet among dozens. For me meddling with their DNA would be able to improve them and here we have two choices :

1) Only a small powerup, something that will make your pet more unique but nothing else.

2) A really strong powerup for the pet. We can have some common DNA from normal creature, it will give a powerup in stats. Then there's bosses' DNAs, those ones will provide new abilities and strong passive to your pet. The question here is how many DNA can we stack ? I was thinking of allowing about 10 common DNAs and 2 bosses' DNAs (one ability and one passive). There's also the solution to fuse two different DNAs to make a new powerfull one.

They are my ideas for now.

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