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The Final Thoughts Of A Prod Crewman


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I was grinding Spear this evening as I have for the past day or so, when something happened that I personally had not experienced before during this event (or didn't notice, since my brain was turned off for most of it).  This single Prod Crewman, along with a Shield Osprey, charged at me when they were the last ones alive.  Normally, this wouldn't be a cause for extensive thought, but for one reason or another, it got me thinking.  What drove this man?  What gave him the strength to charge at me, knowing full well he would die as soon as he entered my sight?  Desperation?  Lack of the ability to think for himself?  Something closer to home, perhaps?


Half an hour later, I wrote a short fanfic detailing what I believe was going through that particular Crewman's mind, before his untimely death.  Hope you enjoy!




Four days.  It’s been four days since the war started, and we lost over half of Mars.  There are any number of avenues to which the blame for our failures can be shifted.  Undoubtedly, Director Alad V’s initial reluctance to provide adequate compensation for the Betrayer’s support is the start of the downward spiral, but it is not the sole reason.  Even when the payments were increased significantly, few Tenno came to our aid.  Why?  Do the Betrayers care so much for their own that they are willing to expand the Grineer’s empire just to get them back?  Are they so short-sighted that they cannot foresee such a threat, or is rescuing their kin all that fills their empty skulls?  A plague on those who think nothing for the innocent victims cowering on Mars, fearing for their very lives!
It doesn’t much matter anymore, though.  A squad of four such fools are on their way here as I type this.  As far as I know, I’m one of the last surviving members of my crew, aside from this Shield Osprey floating over my head.  This Osprey saved my skin more than a few times from would-be accidents down in the mining tunnels, but I fear this time its protection will not be enough.  We were over a hundred strong just minutes ago, but we barely slowed them down.  One of the Tenno can vaporize more than twenty of us with just a flick of its wrist.  Their small, cube-shaped robots spit fire and death wherever they look while the fruit-shaped ones vacuum up everything of value that isn’t nailed down.  Not only that, but they have dozens upon dozens of Grineer soldiers backing them up.  How could we possibly halt their advance?  We knew we couldn’t, but that didn’t stop us from putting our lives on the line to try.  The only thing stopping them at the moment is the force field that bars the path between our front lines, but it probably won’t stop them for long.
In hindsight, my crew and I could be called insane, or just following orders, or suicidal.  Especially given that most of us weren’t trained for combat, being a mining crew.  I can’t speak for my late friends and coworkers, but for me, my reason is simple.  It’s common knowledge that the Grineer enslave the populations of their conquered worlds.  Because of my transfer from Neptune to Mars, my family had to move to one of the colonies on Mars as well.  When I picture my wife and child -- bound in Grineer chains, wearing beggar’s rags, forced into whatever manual labor the dogs demand of them -- a chilling hand clutches my heart and crushes the warmth from my body.
There’s the alarm.  They’ve breached the barrier.  They will burst through the door any second now.  Yet my resolve remains steadfast.  I will die cold and alone, with only this Shield Osprey to bear witness to my end before it too expires.  Nevertheless, I must try.  Not just for my family’s sake, but for the sake of every man, woman, and child on Mars.  My trusted Shock Prod in hand, I’ll charge them the second they enter this building.  If I can kill at least one of them, that will help the war effort.  If I can kill at least one of them, the people of Mars might be spared an eternity of suffering in the long run.
They are here.
Edited by Katakuna
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This shows the main conflict of me choosing greenier before this event even started (weighted the pros and cons of each one lore wise). In the end, clan mates and I still chose the greenier...and then the event started and the rewards were just like oh okay...well then >~>

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Thanks everyone.  As a Grineer supporter, such thoughts as these tickled my heartstrings after I erased the poor fellow from existence, and they'll probably continue to do so with every Corpus I kill hereafter.  Such is the tragedy that is war.


I'll have to kill a lot of Grineer after the event to even out the guilt.

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Loved it.  I've always cared about what goes through the Corpus and Grineer's heads.  One of the strangest things about this event, for me, has been Grineer heroism.  I've seen those soulless clones jump in front of bullets to save their comrades and suicidal charges that should never have worked.


I can't help but admit to a grudging respect that has been growing for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I choose Grineer because I couldn't stand the idea of Corpus dissecting and torturing my fellow Tenno as a thanks for my support. Once during the event I desided to do couple of missions for Corpus, to hear different lines, and for reactor, and I felt guilty for killing Grineers.


If I had read this before the event, I would still have chosen Grineer, but not with same enthusiasm.

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