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Plexus vs Grid


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Why not just let us use endo to upgrade the plexus or dirac instead of removing dirac completely? Pretty silly we could just play before to upgrade the grid but now will have to actively grind and grind and grind and reforma and grind again and reforma again and grind and grind and grind and reforma again and grind and grind and grind to get back to where we were.

Having polarity slots is also a issue for people who liked to use different avionics. Having polarity slots means a locked build. You're only limiting players on what they can use by making it go from hey fit whatever to you better forma this and stick to a strict build that having polarity slots will lock it to.

Having the freedom to experiment with the grid and a lack of polarity slots was amazing. Why remove that? to just push forma regrinding? that's disappointing. You took something great and are just making it another restrictive play only one build system.

That complaint aside on a ridiculous backstep of a change,I like everything else. I'm looking forward to the other railjack changes.

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Avionics are mods now , mods use endo , you cant use dirac on mods making dirac useless outside of railjack . Changing dirac to endo is a QoL change and good idea not to mention railjavk can now be an alternative source of endo besides rathuum and arbitrations .

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