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When The Badges Come Corpus...


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You are still not understanding.

3.) Corpus already enslaved those colonists, brainwashed them in their indoctrination temples and turn them into factory workers for the MOAs or into Crewmen to fight the war with.

You are not freeing those colonists.

You keep the colonists, which are mere assets to the Corpus, under Corpus oppression and indoctrination.

You watch as your paymasters conduct experiments on your fellow Tenno - the only party you could truly save in this conflict.

The Grineer do not dare oppress us. They never tried, in fact, because they know it is pointless to do so. The Grineer see and saw us as the fearsome warriors we are. The Grineer will do only one thing - kill us when they can. They can't, now. They need us, and we need them. Mars is a low price for the salvation of Tennos. And everywhere else, were Grineer dare to encroach on sleeping Tenno, we will meet them with the same resolve as always. We will kill them when they try. As we always did. As we always do. As we always will.

Except for you. You decided to let this one slide. You decided to let these Tennos die. You deemed these Tenno not worth fighting for. Pitiful.

#1 In all seriousness link me the indoctrination temple stuff. Haven't seen this out there, so as it stands it sounds like something you pulled out your butt! Lol, if its real though I'd love to read about it.

#2 Straight from DE regarding the event "Choose Sacrifice, siding with Corpus to halt the Grineer conquest and enslavement of colonies." We may not be freeing them but we are halting it.. And remember it's the Grineer enslaving, not the Corpus.

#3 I never said it was an easy choice. They do call it sacrifice for a reason. The definition of sacrifice from wikia (paraphrased so that it applies to this situation) is to give something up for a greater good. In my eyes (which you can totally disagree with) is that saving these Tenno may just be a short term solution. We wave one group now, but how many do we lose to the beefed up Grineer military in the future?


Better go read some more lore. Particularly event lore.

Event lore? You mean the fact that this all started because Ruk got all pissy at Alad for conducting research in Grineer territory and then served him with a life or death order to stop and hand over the Tenno pods? Yeah I read that. Did you?

Lol pretty sure he wasn't planning on giving them big good morning hugs when they woke up!

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Event lore? You mean the fact that this all started because Ruk got all &!$$y at Alad for conducting research in Grineer territory and then served him with a life or death order to stop and hand over the Tenno pods? Yeah I read that. Did you?

Lol pretty sure he wasn't planning on giving them big good morning hugs when they woke up!

Clearly missed the part where DE stated 'free your kin' by siding with the Grineer.


Or the strong hints that the Corpus are indoctrinating the colonies. 

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#1 In all seriousness link me the indoctrination temple stuff. Haven't seen this out there, so as it stands it sounds like something you pulled out your butt! Lol, if its real though I'd love to read about it.

#2 Straight from DE regarding the event "Choose Sacrifice, siding with Corpus to halt the Grineer conquest and enslavement of colonies." We may not be freeing them but we are halting it.. And remember it's the Grineer enslaving, not the Corpus.

#3 I never said it was an easy choice. They do call it sacrifice for a reason. The definition of sacrifice from wikia (paraphrased so that it applies to this situation) is to give something up for a greater good. In my eyes (which you can totally disagree with) is that saving these Tenno may just be a short term solution. We wave one group now, but how many do we lose to the beefed up Grineer military in the future?


#1 Hover over Neptune for a second.

#2 So, if the Grineer texts don't mention the Tennos are free, it means that the Grinner murder them, but if the Corpus text does not mention that the colonies are enslaved by the Corpus, those guys dance naked under rainbows all day long?

#3 The less Tenno we have, the more Tenno we lose. The Grineer are spreading - not multiplying. An army spread thin is an army easier defeated.

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That badge will indicate choosing the side to go against the self-preserving circular premise of the Tenno and speak of the willingness to extend the god-like powers of the warframe to protect others that are entirely unable to protect themselves.


Tenno sleeping in cryopods can defend themselves now?

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Take a look at the concept art livestream from a few weeks ago - they are clearly discussing these temples AND showing CONCEPT ART OF THEM.

#1 The last I saw of the Corpus were the gas CITIES, not indoctrination temples.

#2 Are you talking about the jungle themed stuff? Because I think that'll be Grineer based (So excited!!)

#3 If there isn't any current lore about it and this is just inference then.. I'm not sure it really applies in this case.

#4 Indoctrination could totally be apart of the Zanuka Project, but that's currently not completed so I'm pretty sure they haven't used it on anyone yet .

#5 MOST IMPORTANTLY: sorry we kinda hijacked the thread. Corpus/Tenno forces held Spear for an

an impressive amount of time. :D. Well fought Tenno!

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#1 The last I saw of the Corpus were the gas CITIES, not indoctrination temples.

#2 Are you talking about the jungle themed stuff? Because I think that'll be Grineer based (So excited!!)

#3 If there isn't any current lore about it and this is just inference then.. I'm not sure it really applies in this case.

#4 Indoctrination could totally be apart of the Zanuka Project, but that's currently not completed so I'm pretty sure they haven't used it on anyone yet .

#5 MOST IMPORTANTLY: sorry we kinda hijacked the thread. Corpus/Tenno forces held Spear for an

an impressive amount of time. :D. Well fought Tenno!


1. They said that the gas cities contained the Indoctrination Temples.

3. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/867234346352611851/3C902D12B6C586F852AAF662EBD074FD41DE83CC/'>Indoctrination Temples on Neptune

4. The Zenuka Project is clearly the brainwashing and controlling of the Berserker Warframe to use against the Tenno. That is why the concept art shows her in Corpus-styled restraints.

Edited by Brimir
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Clearly missed the part where DE stated 'free your kin' by siding with the Grineer.


Or the strong hints that the Corpus are indoctrinating the colonies.

Yeah it you keep ignoring the other half of that. Free your kin, or hault enslavement and strengthen the Grineer.

Strong hints aren't facts, so as you stated "lrn2argue". I read through the transcripts and only had reference ONCE when Alad stated "Once the new Zanuka Products (yes products, not projects) come off the assembly line, the Grineer will work for us". But that could mean many things, new weapons, corpus controlled warframes, little pink candy bunnies that can be used to quickly degenerate the Grineer clone make up.. We don't know.. Yet.

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Yeah it you keep ignoring the other half of that. Free your kin, or hault enslavement and strengthen the Grineer.

Strong hints aren't facts, so as you stated "lrn2argue". I read through the transcripts and only had reference ONCE when Alad stated "Once the new Zanuka Products (yes products, not projects) come off the assembly line, the Grineer will work for us". But that could mean many things, new weapons, corpus controlled warframes, little pink candy bunnies that can be used to quickly degenerate the Grineer clone make up.. We don't know.. Yet.

Watch a livestream about the Berserker. 


Read the transcripts again about the resistance cells. 


Again: lrn. 

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I think it also was quite fair.


Though the first Grineer rewards VS Corpus credits caused some clans to change their decision and - Because they would negate their clan points - Had to stick to their choice until the end to be top ranked.


-> While we are it, does anyone know how the badges will look like?


You must be talking about some of the smaller clans. Because most (if not all) of the really huge clans decided who they were going with before they found out what the first battle payment was. And huge clans can't just flip sides last second. It is WAY too hard to get a message to 1000 members for that to happen. I think you guys just have to accept that Grineer had more huge clans supporting it to begin with. Not everyone was going Corpus (like some people seem to think).


Why would picking Grineer automatically entitle you as a greed player?


It doesn't.

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#1 Hover over Neptune for a second.

#2 So, if the Grineer texts don't mention the Tennos are free, it means that the Grinner murder them, but if the Corpus text does not mention that the colonies are enslaved by the Corpus, those guys dance naked under rainbows all day long?

#3 The less Tenno we have, the more Tenno we lose. The Grineer are spreading - not multiplying. An army spread thin is an army easier defeated.

Lol The Grineer manufacture clones. They ARE multiplying.

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Grineer spreading isn't as big a deal as people are making it out to be. Think about what one tenno is capable of doing to an entire ship of grineer. Saving just one tenno increases our military strength drastically, this effect is further multiplied for every additional tenno we recover.

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Lol The Grineer manufacture clones. They ARE multiplying.




But the acquisition of Mars does not mean they do so at a faster pace. It's not that Mars means +150,000 Grineer just appear. The Grineer will have to clone more to make up for that new territory, or they get spread thin. And cloning requires resources. Armour requires resources. Weapons requires resources. All things the Grineer lost in this conflict.


Sometimes I wonder if some people ever played a single RTS.

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An aside, I often wonder how Grineer hierarchy works. Do the famous ones get cloned more? Are all the clones as similar as possible, or do they play with genes to create unique individuals in the quest for "the best Grineer," ...are the famous ones just a bunch of clones who all share the same name. (Is there one Vor, or a replaceable Vor made from a template? If so, why aren't their 30 Vors?) 


It's not too relevant, but when you're talking about how the occupation of Mars will actually transpire, it's not totally unrelated either...

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An aside, I often wonder how Grineer hierarchy works. Do the famous ones get cloned more? Are all the clones as similar as possible, or do they play with genes to create unique individuals in the quest for "the best Grineer," ...are the famous ones just a bunch of clones who all share the same name. (Is there one Vor, or a replaceable Vor made from a template? If so, why aren't their 30 Vors?) 


I asked the very same question a few days ago.



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But the acquisition of Mars does not mean they do so at a faster pace. It's not that Mars means +150,000 Grineer just appear. The Grineer will have to clone more to make up for that new territory, or they get spread thin. And cloning requires resources. Armour requires resources. Weapons requires resources. All things the Grineer lost in this conflict.


Sometimes I wonder if some people ever played a single RTS.


The Corpus are the ones with the strangle hold on resources.  They take down the Corpus, they're free to take whatever resources they want, and are able to increase clone production.  Think of it as fighting in an RTS with complete dominance over resource nodes.



Grineer spreading isn't as big a deal as people are making it out to be. Think about what one tenno is capable of doing to an entire ship of grineer. Saving just one tenno increases our military strength drastically, this effect if further multiplied for every additional tenno we recover.


Lol, if you look at it literally.. ONE Tenno can kill an entire ship of Grineer.. but umm when I pop out of that mission, that ship is refilled.  That's game mechanics.  We're talking about the lore.  The lore is that the Grineer are dominating and enslaving the universe (so far I have yet to meet these colonists..but I guess they're there?), while the Corpus are dominating the markets. 




1. They said that the gas cities contained the Indoctrination Temples.

3. Indoctrination Temples on Neptune

4. The Zenuka Project is clearly the brainwashing and controlling of the Berserker Warframe to use against the Tenno. That is why the concept art shows her in Corpus-styled restraints.


AND ALSO.. this is a 2 for one people!  Watch the efficiency!  (Lol, jk not that the next case I make is very good at all but, you know.. efficiency!)


Watch a livestream about the Berserker. 


Read the transcripts again about the resistance cells. 


Again: lrn. 


Definitely missed the indoctrination temple stuff, thanks for that!  I'll see what else I can dig up!


Re-watched the livestream, the only facts that can be pulled is that she ties in to the Alad V storyline, and that she's "seen things", honestly there's a lot that can be inferred, but until the story is released we have no facts.


The only things confirmed for her wrists are that those are whips.  So those "shackles" may just be some sort of energy whip production thing.. (yes, I am so eloquent.. Lol), but again not confirmed.


I won't deny that her being a product of the Zanuka Project is a big possibility, but I do prefer to have confirmation of things before I start laying out arguments as if they were actual facts.


However, I can't seem to find the resistance cell transcripts.  I'd love a link! =D


What I did find was this though..


HA! You should be surprised I can do anything but LAUGH at your weakness. Grineer dominance will thrive, all will be subject to the rule of force, pain, and bow to the Grineer! No amount of Credits in the world can save you from a Grineer Soldier!


Yep he said ALL will be subject to the rule of force, pain, and bow to the Grineer!


Again:  Inr!  Have fun with all that! <3


Either way, its been way too much work to argue over something that won't change anything.  So, enjoy bowing to your Grineer! =D

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