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At The Risk Of Sounding Noobie ... But I Need To Ask



what are all these abreviations? Im over 40 and enjoy playing PC Games, have been doing so for 20 years, but I get lost in the gargon sometimes. Can someone explain what this all means ,,






ect ect ... there are loads more but I dont even remember the letter lol


Is there a list of these somewhere. Im sorry for being a dummy, but someone once said to me, there are no stupid question, only stupid answers. Im hoping that will fall true here too :)



Edited by Veemaxt
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19 answers to this question

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Lore is the information and stories that explain the game universe

AOE is short for 'area of effect' and tells you that the weapon/ability works over an area. A grenade would be an explosive aoe.

RNG is short for 'random number generator' and does pretty much what the name implies.

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Lore is backstory, it explains the world the game is set in.


AOE is area of effect, basically stuff that hits lots of enemies at once.


RNG is random number generation, basically an abbreviation to explain the randomness of generated loot.


Proc is a programmed random occurance and deals with effects that have a chance to activate 


Standard notation for weapons is C for catalyst (potato) and a - with a number indicating forma. So if your Soma had been Forma'd twice you'd say you had a C-2 Soma


AP is for Armour Piercing


MPrime is either the node on Mercury, Nova's 4th ability or an abbreviation of Mag Prime


IIRC is if I remember Correctly


Tl;Dr is too long didn't read



If there is anything else I'm happy to add more.

Edited by Sixty5
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Dang, its that simple ... should i be ashamed of myself and dispair myself untill it hurts ?? ;)


No, honestly, thanks guys. Sometimes it realyl is difficult to follow the forums when you dont know what the heck is being talked about.


Appreciate the input.

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Dang, its that simple ... should i be ashamed of myself and dispair myself untill it hurts ?? ;)


No, honestly, thanks guys. Sometimes it realyl is difficult to follow the forums when you dont know what the heck is being talked about.


Appreciate the input.


As you said there is no stupid question.  Lore in reference to games is a new one.  Its more than the story played out by the game but back story and includes cultural details to characters.  Lore is like the mythology of the game.  It really hit it's stride with games based on lord of the rings,


You can google "gaming abbreviations" and get large lists,  but when you see it used I would not be afraid to ask for the meaning.

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Some other terms:


Magpie = Mag Prime

Rusemaster = Loki

Edgelord = Ash and Nekros with Stalker weapons in black/red or all black, or variants of such setups, ideally with death, black, dark, 666 or xXx in the account name.

Cold/Hot 'Tater = Blue/Golden Supercharge, aka Catalyst/Reactor

(Heli)copter = Dual Zorens melee-air-slide as transportation

Switch = Loki's switch-teleport ability, context: "Switch through the door".

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Dang, its that simple ... should i be ashamed of myself and dispair myself untill it hurts ?? ;)


No, honestly, thanks guys. Sometimes it realyl is difficult to follow the forums when you dont know what the heck is being talked about.


Appreciate the input.

I know the feeling mate, 39 yo here, gaming for a loooonngg time, and not a native English speaker to boot =) The acronyms are somewhat easier to get but some of the memes and pop culture references fly right over my head.

Edited by Dogoframe
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40 and haven't heard of Lore? Is it something that just exists in games?

Sorry for the "stupid answer"?

Possibly. I consider myself to be well educated, have travelled the world, served with the forces for 12 years, gained my diploma in aeronautical engineering, lived in many foreign countries, been married (and divorced), had children, planted a tree, ride a motorbike too fast on the German autobahn and ususally manage to get to the 64000€ question on "Who wants to be a millionair?" without using all my jokers, BUT, never heard of the word Lore :)

However, we are not stupid and can reserch, but even good old Wikipedia doesn't help much, telling me that a Lore is the following:

Lore may refer to:

So, yes, I do apologise for being 40 and never heard of Lore in the sense that is meant in the world of gameplay. I presume it is derived from Folklore, whicht has the closest meaning as far as I can see and interpretate :)

Ps. I'm old enough to remember that Clannad Album too oO (actually liked it too!)

PPs. I meant this posting to be light hearted, even though the content is all true :)

PPPs. I lied, I'm actually 41, but what is a year amongst freinds :)

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So, yes, I do apologise for being 40 and never heard of Lore in the sense that is meant in the world of gameplay. I presume it is derived from Folklore, whicht has the closest meaning as far as I can see and interpretate :)


Yes derived from Folklore and really has taken off with fan fiction and general roll playing in a genre.  It is a little funny that I read a previous comment about it becoming more common after Lord of the Rings as, since the movies, but really the fervent nature of fans and holding true to the lore has been really for a long time.  Most common in long running comic books, Dungeons and Dragons relating to Lord of the Rings for as long as that has been a thing ('70s) and the Star Wars Universe and Star Trek Sagas.

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ah, this could be the reason why I am not familiar with this term. I was never a comic person and Gernres where things like LOTR or DaD are in, dont really interest me too much. I have to admit, I may be one of few people who has not seen the LOTR Films either :)


Thanks for the explaination.

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