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Cant see other players when trying to trade in dojo/hub [Investigating]


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Still having this issue. Tried VPN, regional settings, restarting, re-installing, tried the different ports options, nothing is fixing this problem. Seeing as how I've been seeing threads on this subject as far back as 2018 it appears the developers aren't concerned with this problem.


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9 hours ago, Guttzo said:

Still having this issue. Tried VPN, regional settings, restarting, re-installing, tried the different ports options, nothing is fixing this problem. Seeing as how I've been seeing threads on this subject as far back as 2018 it appears the developers aren't concerned with this problem.

This issue is generally caused by a specific config or connection on the user or their ISP's end; something isn't letting you connect properly to Warframe's hubs. In the case of the initial post, it was an Egypt ISP having routing issues.

You can check your logs (generated from launcher settings, namely the EE log is what you'd use to track a game session) for any connectivity issues and troubleshoot from there, or reach out to support (https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) with them to see if it's a widespread issue with an ISP / network provider, or have them help diagnose the problem if it's local.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Came here to add (I'm not reading 6+ pages of comments) that I'm constantly being kicked from parties in dojos, I try sending a trade request and it doesn't show up for the recipient, they try trading me and it equally doesn't work. That's when they spawn correctly at the spawn point I set up in my dojo instead of the Railjack or somewhere else entirely.

Dojos are completely broken, not just the trading post, but the entire dojo. Even at Maroo, a buyer wouldn't be able to trade me when I set up shop, but luckily I could trade them.

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Started having this problem today.. cant see anyone at relays and cant trade... which is a huge part of the game and makes it unplayable for me... also match making doesnt appear to work, my teamates just disappear or disconnect from instance constantly.... its an angering bug.

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38 minutes ago, Megazawr said:

Still happens, and it's still "Investigating" after 2.5 years?

This specific thread was regarding an Egypt ISP, and that issue has been resolved (they just never marked it as such). 

For any other issues people are having, I'd recommend troubleshooting them separately, as this is entirely unrelated:

On 2023-07-24 at 1:13 PM, Naroxas44 said:

You can check your logs (generated from launcher settings, namely the EE log is what you'd use to track a game session) for any connectivity issues and troubleshoot from there, or reach out to support (https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) with them to see if it's a widespread issue with an ISP / network provider, or have them help diagnose the problem if it's local.

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2 hours ago, Naroxas44 said:

This specific thread was regarding an Egypt ISP, and that issue has been resolved (they just never marked it as such). 

For any other issues people are having, I'd recommend troubleshooting them separately, as this is entirely unrelated:

We start another thread, then? Because the symptoms seem to be the same, even if the issue is completely different.

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I'm having the Issue I can't see anyone when I join to dojo or any hub and I can't see any trading requests because of it

before anyone tells me check your firewall or do your router settings I've already done that with all ports forwarded and i did "Network analyze" option under system tab in settings showing "All systems nominal" but still I cant see anyone

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  • 3 weeks later...

Та же проблема - пустые додзе, реле и общие локации (Цетус, Фортуна, Деймос), невозможность в торговлю. 

Как и пост выше, проводил изменения и проверки. Игра показала "все в норме", но торг невозможен. Думал на провайдера, но с его стороны тоже все в норме. Впн проблему так же не решает.


Нашел решение (наверно).


В лаунчере поигрался с настройками языка и выставил порт 3074&3080. Что из этого помогло не знаю.

Edited by NoName0452840
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Не могу торговать уже 3 дня. Играть в общем то уже не буду, без торговли игра мертва для меня потому что платину не купить. Испробовал все что можно, походу ДЕ просто для развлечения шадоу банят игроков из России.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is what fixed the problem for me. i changed "NETWORK PORT [UDP]" , to change "NETWORK PORT [UDP]" , you need to go in "setting in Warframe" and then "system" and under "Network"  you see "NETWORK PORT [UDP]" there is different options to choose from, there is ("3074 and 3080") ("4950 and 4955") ("4960 and 4965") ("4970 and 4975") ("4980 and 4985") ("4990 and 4995")

try to have the same "value" as you friend and make sure both can see people on strata, this should fix "unreachable host" or "offline mode"

"let me know if it worked for you. 🙂


Edited by CowBow12
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