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Need help to learn to love Zephyr


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7 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

You know AC-130? Specially on the bigger maps where you can stay far above the action so enemies dont even look at you (thus not needing Turbulence)?

Also, the Hold/Tap (depending on your settings) can make an area denial that the old Zenistar Blast Build would be proud of.

Air Burst is like Nidus Larva, Not exactly needed but good for quick CC that doesnt use much energy.

...Y'know... you just gave me a twisted idea that I'm going to have to try out later. Thanks. :3

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Zephyr needs a slightly niche build and an equally niche playstyle to be effective.

There are 3 mods that you need to be aware of 

Aerodynamic (aura) provides DR when airborne and increases aimglide duration, Aviator (exilus) provides DR when airborne , Aero vantage reduces gravity when aimgliding and puts enemies to sleep when landing(exilus) there are other mods that can be put on pets and KITGUN arcanes that work similarly.

Using a combination of these mods can keep you up in the air without needing abilities.

Her 1 is pure mobility , and should primarily be used to keep you floating to take advantage of her bonus to crit passive (a whooping 150%cc) , it will also keep you away from melee enemies if you stay high enough. The slam can do decent damage but it's not very reliable cause of the angling.

Her 2 is a weaker larva / ragdoll blast , but is effective to clear a small region and is good enough to clear one interception node of enemies with just enough range (8 to 10m) 

Her 3 stops any and all projectiles and hitscan weapons from reaching you , making you immune to all targeted damage , and if you stay off the ground and away from walls (using 1) AoE should not reach you either (suggested to keep range above 8m).

Her 4 is a CC damage spread trap , shooting the tornadoes spreads that damage with a 2x crit multiplier added to it, even if you use something like a semi auto slow fire rate single target weapon - you can take out a whole group in a single shot , not to mention it has the element of highest damage it receives so it can do viral  or other effective element damage. There is also the roaming type and the stationary type you can create depending on need.

There used to be a bug where enemies could do damage even though her shield ,bit that's been fixed.

I have been using it very frequently now and it's rather fun , but it is relatively slow and is most effective where you don't have to move too fast. MD , Defense , Survival , Excavation is great with Zephyr.

Capture , exterminate , disruption isn't bad , but you won't treally observe too much of an advantage for her.

This rework is right there with the Nezha in terms of making a frame relevant.

You want maximum duration on her.

Efficiency to taste and range enough to cover you against explosion weapons.

Strength is not really all that essential , but can be good if you use her speed augment.

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