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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods. Those that supported The Corpus have slowed Grineer aggression. Though the Grineer ultimately emerged victorious, they did so at great cost.


So win win for Tenno?


By reading that only the Tenno profitted from this parnership :)

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Time to make things right DE.  You destroyed this event, absolutely destroyed it.  Now before You all cast me aside as another sore loser or forum troll, let me explain why I feel this way.


1.  Battlepay was horribly one sided for the first 3 missions.  (Solution:  The battlepay rewards should have all been the same.  This would have stopped newbie players from simply going for whatever side gave the best reward.)


2.  For the first half of the event it was almost impossible to stay in a group without the host dropping us to main menu.  (Solution:  Network issues have been a huge part of this game since I started playing in the closed beta and I am sure before that.  Spend more time and money on making the game work properly, rather than giving us new content.)


3.  Numerous bugs encountered.  From non-destroyable enemies to falling out of the world.  (Not sure about Grineer side but I encoutered multiple missions I could not complete because of enemy rollers bugging out.  How is it fair that I should spend twice the time running missions because you guys haven't figured out all the bugs.)


4.  Someone manually changed the results of 4 missions?  You would think that you guys might start spending more on security, competent programmers and looking for bugs than whipping out as many items as you can as fast as you can.


What do we deserve?  Well thats up to you DE but I think everyone who ran 25 runs or more should get the pistol.  You need to make this right though, do not pretend this event went according to plan.  


Hey everyone if you see something I didn't add then post it on here.  This is two events in a row that have been royally screwed because it would seem DE simply didn't take the time it should have.  If you feel the same please vote this post up.


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Who The HELL FORCED YOU to play ? They gave you one WEEK, ONE WEEK, just because you didn't find the time or couldn't made the time to play is NO ONE's fault. So please sit down and don't go raging on people because you had no time... What did you expect DE calling you and saying

"So (lets call you Dave) Dave you free this week? Yeah the whole week , cuz we're doing this event and we really want you to play it, its like only for you."


The only one raging here is you my friend. I just think that some people seem to take completing 100 missions in this time as a given, which is not true. Sure, you might have the time, others might but there are also those who dont. And if you then add bugs taht could have easily been prevented hindering you on acutally doing the missions in time for one side its just frustrating.

Its a shame for people who were playing for the 100 reward and didnt make it if its a event or money only weapon which I assume it will be. Not saying that I know it, I just assume it.

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when i could i would downvote you for this


As Would I for blaming the Even was rigged or 100 missions is too much I had school, work ect.

No one came with a belt in hand saying so boy today you do 100 missions or I will whoop your a*s, you hear me boy ?!

No DE gave you one week for 100 missions

P.S. There was a guy who said he works 2 jobs, still got 100, don't go bs-ing me about not having time.

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Hopefully the Board will think twice before funding another of Alad V's mad schemes.

It pains me to see the Grineer grow stronger from my actions, but I take some solace in knowing that my brave Tenno brothers and sisters ensured that they would pay dearly for each inch.

I eagerly await the induction of these new Tenno into the fold. I only hope that Alad V's Zanuka project has not damaged them too much...

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