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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Are you smoking something? This is what you understood? That I said it was not there at all? Stop trying to reply out of the habbit of just arguing and bloody read what the other person is saying for once. And again, you knowing, or everyone that knew about it, falls under the "location everyone agreed it should be on" phrase. Learn to read, PLEASE! If you cannot understand the point to what I am saying dont bother replying at all. Simple. You obviously didn't get what I am saying and I explained it in 3 different ways at least. Learn to comprehend already! You are missing the fkng point!


"Ok I see we have problems communicating.... That little link you are talking about, NEVER SHOWED UP in my in game menu. it did for all other people Similar links, like a letter from the Corpus telling me to fight for them and forum threads, DID show up (as if those were the important ones!). So clearly, I didn't get the link, and clearly, it wasn't handled right.


Now, you just said it yourself..... Front Page! Front page of what may I ask? The site right? warframe.com Did I not just mention that I am not in a mood to be flying around on sites? warframe.com really too much for you? I popped into the news update section and obviously it is not the link that you sent me. I clicked on whichever links were posted in the game menu to the left and none were the one you sent me which is obviously much clearer than ANY link I came across. I even popped into the wiki because whenever I have a question on the game hey, its a great place to find answers. This proves I also looked into it more than I should have."


this is what you were saying. and what i was answering for. if the in game news link was bugged for you. well nothing anyone anyone can help you with. it was not the fault of the DE but it would be a client side bug.

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wasnt in game and i stay away from forums typically. i was aware of the time zone differences. doesnt mean that the game couldnt be better if it just had a timer in there after all this game is currently being internationally played its best to have nuetral time settings like time in hours until completed. imagine if all your alert missions that normally say 1h 23m  actually said 6:23Pm EDT. its not that i couldnt convert it. its that there are better way to program it.

It would be nice, and it is no hard work. But having noticed everything about the rewards, wasn't anyone able to notice a tiny detail at the beginning of the post on the website?


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I'm leaving the Tenno and joining ranks with the Corpus.


Sorry Lotus, The Corpus are the key to defeating the Grineer and restoring our order to it's former glory. Once i'm inside, i will rise their ranks and take control of their bases.



I'm doing what's best for business.

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Fixed that for you.


Look, really - I'm sure you're a nice guy, misogyny aside. But this ain't the place or time to be flexing your malehood in an attempt to get recognition. Everybody knows you're full of it, so drop it off and start acting like an adult. Maybe then you won't get people with actual intellect showing you to your chair and telling you to stay put like a good boy.


School's out, consider your lesson learned.



This thread is just as interesting as the event itself. :p

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Pls stop being 12. Programmers don't call the shots on UI design. 

im aware ui design is a big part of it and that programmers dont call the shots. im more curious why DE the company itself failed to meet simple gaming convention when the code is so simple. 

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And don't get me started on them offering Mutagens.  "We want you to fight for us, so we went to the Orokin Derelicts, broke through the key wall, and brought back Mutagen Samples, which we carefully crafted into Masses so you don't have to, so you can claim the only new weapons available in your dojo."



I ran into some grineers in a derelict mission. That story isnt quite off.

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It would be nice, and it is no hard work. But having noticed everything about the rewards, wasn't anyone able to notice a tiny detail at the beginning of the post on the website?


yes i should have read it. is that what your looking for? yes it is possible i could have noticed a tiny detail on the website. but why not have something as important as the deadline in the actual game. this had much more priority over alert missions as far as a deadline goes and didnt recieve the same degree of care from DE.

Edited by deagin
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Renan.Ruivo, on 30 Oct 2013 - 6:27 PM, said:

I'm leaving the Tenno and joining ranks with the Corpus.

Sorry Lotus, The Corpus are the key to defeating the Grineer and restoring our order to it's former glory. Once i'm inside, i will rise their ranks and take control of their bases.

I'm doing what's best for business.

You sound like a corpus already, Renan. :p
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maybe you cant read what you quoted me on... IT SHOULD BE IN GAME NOT F*** FORUMS.

I admire your ignorance as much as you admire your own intellect.

How did you get informed about this event? This screenshot is from their website. Not forum.

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You sound like a corpus already, Renan. :p


The Corpus are the ones who sound like us. We have lost our identity together with the lost of memory from cryosleep.


The Corpus helped me regain some of what has been forgotten. They truly have grand plans for us.

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I found it oddly satisfying working with the enemy. Hiding behind the Grineer heavies and sniping kept me amused

>be me

>working alongside grineer

>everything going well

>battle is rough

>going in front of all the grineer taking massive damage

>almost dead, manage to kill all corpus


>some female grineer calls me: "Tenno scum"



I imagine the Grineer would be like:


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The battle was trying at times, but grineer were the best option for our continued existence. Let the retard baby Grineer have their gain in power. I don't want more Tenno being dissected, especially by Corpus. On a side note, the grineer want us as slaves, the corpus just want us dissected aka dead. Glory the Tenno at this time, dispense the drinks and rejoice, until the infestation comes through the walls- I mean um, nothing heh heh~... >.>





The Tenno Cult: Nanoctye Metamorphseon supports providing more corpses for the evolution of the infested advance.

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The Corpus are the ones who sound like us. We have lost our identity together with the lost of memory from cryosleep.


The Corpus helped me regain some of what has been forgotten. They truly have grand plans for us.


They want to dissect you bud, that means you die. I am all for continued existence until I get infested and become better...

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