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Confession Thread


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-I got Disciple rank, and after Founder's program closed, I've regretted not upgrading to Hunter ever since.


-I have twelve frames, all potatoed, none of them rhino. Trying to get Rhino Prime, but I have not made the proper sacraments to RNGesus.


-I main frost, but have under 1k shields, instead slotting on max Rush and Maglev, and tricking out all my powers.


-However, I formad out Avalanche because AOE damage is done to death.


-I love melee, but only inside my giant snow globe where I can dodge anything.


-If you die in survival, I'll revive you. If you die far away from us, I'll try to revive you. If you do that three times, I will let you die, because if you don't contribute to the team, you don't get the perks of a team. If you wanted to run alone you should have played solo.


-Lanka is my favorite primary. Dual cestras are my favorite secondary. Yes I have Soma, Penta, Vectis, Despair and Brakk, but when the game's that easy it's boring.


-Anyone who complains about ammo economy on full-auto pistols needs to A) slot on rank 2 pistol mutation, B) fire in bursts.


-As a frost user, whenever someone uses snow globe on infested defense, I die a little.

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My favorite frame is Ash. I take him to Void all the time. 


My favorite weapons is Supra (wot m8, who still uses that), Cestra and Dakra Prime. 


I think Scoliac is a good weapon. 


I hate using Rhino and Nova (despite me having used them like a billion times)


I never used Soma after I ranked it past 5. 


I hate people who use Dual Zorens for its sole purpose. 


I made and sold Dera 3 times. 


I have a picture of sexy Lotus as my wallpaper :3

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- First Weapon bought with platin: Bo


- I used to rank up weapons, potato and Forma them - just to sell and rebuild them

- Never played with Rhino - never will


- Sold Nova, Soma, and Paris Prime


- never used any Prime Frame


- Potatoed and Formad Grinlock - and do not regret (!)


- I prefer Bo, Whips and fist-weapons over swords/knives


- When DE announced Rhino Prime instead of Loki, I trolled a player for 15min - nonstop switch teleport. OFC it was a Rhino.

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-I don't like Soma


-Don't care for Detron/Brakk


-Report Exploit bugs when I see them but abuse them for the whole day while they are still around.


-I give away free maxed mods sometimes


-Still vouching for a chubby female warframe.

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- I'm a closed beta player who used Rhino as his main warframe as soon as we had access to Jackal and got the BP's.

- I often put on starting items without mods to try and re-live the old closed beta days.

- I never used Switch Teleport to troll people. However, used it many times back in closed beta when you had the ability to kill bosses with it.

- I don't think Banshee can be mastered. There is nothing in her to be mastered.

- I dislike Excal. because he is a one trick pony but I play him regardless of that and often use weapons only.

- I think most Rhino players are uninteresting. They opt for the most efficient build instead of an interesting/fun one.

- I dislike Nova because she steals kills. A practice I hate wherever I see it. 

- I dislike Ash because he was nerfed. He was awesome back in CB. Same with Volt.

- I wish the void was a public map instead of invite-only.

- I strongly think that some warframes are not viable on certain missions/levels. E.g. Ash on high-level defense missions.

- I have 2 other accounts because I like to live different lives (Solo-er 1-man clan and a PvP only account).

- I miss the old Pull that Mag had. I used it very efficiently to take down targets and revive teammates or get them to safety.

- I hate someone on the forums if I ever see them disagreeing with an idea without explaining why.

- I wish that a lot of the fan made warframes were introduced into the game. Some were much more refined than what we have right now.

- I think some weapons need to be retired and some to be updated. Same thing for the mods.

- Deep down I dislike DE, mainly because they almost always opt for easy routes instead and forego potential. Same with Zombie studios if you know them.


That's it for now.

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- I sold Galatine.

- I sold Soma.


-Ranked Soma for mastery

-Ranked Galatine for mastery


I did the same.


 - Sometimes I like to do a solo exterminate mission, finish the objective, but not go to extraction right away. Instead, I spend a lot of the time just freely running around the map stress-free, exploring the tile sets, trying to find alternate routes, and seeing what kinds of structures I can climb on. I usually end up spending 30+ minutes just by free running the map.


I have a lot of fun doing this and I really appreciate the level designers who made these awesome tile sets for us to play on.


I do this too.


- I had to create another account because my first account has the BR suffix and I was afraid to be kicked from missions because of the bad reputation of Brazilian players.


- When I see [De]Megan in prime time I remember this:


"...a hue like the blush of a rose, pink and pale, and she must be coaxed to open her petals with a warmth like the sun." (Don Juan DeMarco, 1995 - I really like this movie :) )

Edited by Khallisto
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- I find Rebecca to be very cute with some of the things she does occasionally in Dev Streams (and 70k subscribers video)

- I hate the Soma with a flaming passion, but still uses it to "farm" gear/resources.

- When I'm paired with door/hallway heroes, I purposely abandon the defense target in hopes of it getting destroyed.

- When I'm playing low level missions for the hell of it with new players, I remove all of my damage mods from my favorite weapons as well as power strength mods from warframe abilities.

- I tend to find a lot of random happenings during missions humorous (ragdolling, Grineer's stubborn behaviors occasionally, etc.), but never express this feeling to anyone in-game.

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- I have had two Retributions and fused them both because Retribution is useless.
- I have had two Thunderbolts and fused them both back when Thunderbolt reduced your DPS.

- Steam says I've played 613 hours. I only built my Ogris yesterday.
- I always go back for downed teammates, even if they're on the other side of the map (even if they bleed out and revive, they may go down again before they can reach extraction).

- I have put a Forma into the Lato Vandal, and she'll be getting five more because she's my little baby.
- I spent cash money on the Lecta. ._.
- I bought a Dragon Mod Pack once and got a Continuity.

- I have 1 point in Gradivus Dilemma because I got bored of Invasion after getting my first battlepay.

Edited by UnearthedArcana
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I play Rhino and now Rhino Prime.

My favourite melee weapon is dual Kamas.

I hate noobs for participating in the current event even though they know that they don't stand a snowballs chance in hell.

I'd really like to play a as Grineer elite trooper.

I have never played past wave 50 in a defense mission.

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I confess to


waiting untill the countdown on Def has hit 1 for next wave then jumping out


In Region Chat saying "Hosting T1 Surv" and actually hosting a T3 Ext


When hosting a game and I see lvl 1 players i jump back out to ditch the mission


hovering near Nova 4 Spammers with a new weapon to nab free XP




sticking 8 formas on a Boltor for no reason other that for doing it. 

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-I have all primes and 315 orokin cells

-My entire clan farms rare mods/prime parts expressly to give them to noobs

-Frequently, said noobs believe we are in some way trying to rip them off

-I consider a weapon finished when they have 5 polarity slots, I have about 20

-Nekros is my most used frame, I don't really like Nekros

-I regularly play with a trio of sugar gliders in my hoodie, they are cute but scared of rhino's roars

Edited by NevanChambers
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I never use rhino.


If I play survival and I see mastery ranks of 0-3 I leave.


I gave a noob in region chat everything he needed to build frost prime.


I'm rank 11 and my lato is still at rank 14.


I potato'd the skana last week for the lols.


Did I mention i really hate rhino, only reason why I farmed for rhino prime was for completion sake.

Edited by Dead_Rabbits
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In region chat I continually state im new to MMO games and ask what the abbreviation for wanting to sell something is, and then get happy when I see people respond and get kick-botted


When I use a stug its only for sticking goo all over another play not for combat


I once valkyr pulled someone into a mess of shield mobs then went on my way, didn't revive (he got smart with me in chat over when to use LS)


Sometimes when im in lobby for a public match that's counting down and I see someone with an obviously foreign name and an Excalibur/mk1/lato/skana I back out last second


I yell at people in survival when they die 5min into it and don't use a revive, but when I die I usually wont use a revive unless the team is tearing it up and were late in the run.


I once kicked a puppy.

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