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- I can kill Grustag 3 without ever having ever to see them [Thank you Tornado]

- Main Zephyr

- I just spam Tornado on Defense and Mobile Defense not to properly CC but just to watch bodies fly and have my team actually try and lead their weapons for a kill

- I believe master race is Zephyr [We shall attack from the heavens!!]

- I'll continue to not be ashamed of Zephyr related items

- Potatoes are the food of our warframes and so they are our gods

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I love Miter and after Forma-ing it 4 times it became my standard weapon for invasions and nightmare missions. I also love scaring people by suddenly shooting a volley of blades where they expect eviscerators (mine fires faster than eviscerator's and blades are colorful, but it's not immediately noticeable).

Also, sometimes when my Miter is modded for radiation it somehow procs myself. And yes, I abused it for friendly fire and suicide.

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- I main the Soma as my primary.
- I previously used Rhino as my main Warframe in the past, and even today I still use him from time to time.
- I potatoed my regular Orthos because I believed I would never get the prime variant (or any primes at all, for that matter).
- Aside from my VERY first mission, I have never played an online match with strangers. Bad past experiences make interactions with most people distasteful to me.
- I Forma'd my Soma with a tactical (bar) polarity, not realizing that my future build would not use it.
- I always died to the Stalker in the past. Only recently have I been able to take him on solo.
- Ever since getting my Wraith Twin Vipers, I have not put them down as my main secondary weapon.
- I'm the noob who uses a Carrier.
- Bleed damage is my bane.
- Virtually every NMM I've completed is an exterminate.
- At most, I've only ever duo-ed with a friend on a regular basis.
- I die to Hyenas.
- I have one of every Warframe, except Zephyr and a few prime variants.
- I never complained about Warframe's grinding aspect because I've had much worse in my gaming past.
- I hardly ever use Warframe abilities because I'm pretty conservative about my energy.
- Cicero Crisis (the defense part) was actually tough for me, because I was only in a duo back then. Our weapons were pretty crap too.
- I've never bought any platinum with money. The platinum I used for my slots were part of a Warframe pack on Steam I received as an x'mas gift.
- I sold fusion cores when I was a noob because I didn't know how to use them, and I thought they were useless on account of their abundance.
- I dislike Nova. MPrime is effective, but boring.
- I find Nyx's form pleasing.

Don't be ashamed of the mistakes you make. It's because of them that you're able to learn and improve yourself. Unless you never learn, of course.

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- I leveled my Braton MK-1 to 22, then sold it, then later releveled it to 30, the pain... (I didn't even grasp the mastery system at that time.)

- I sold my 6 forma'd Flux Rifle and Acrid because they are next to useless now

- I sold my Frost Prime, Mag Prime and Ember Prime after leveling them to 30.

- I bought one helm with plat (Valkyr Bastet) and didn't regret it.

- I am not going to sell my Rhino Prime (still need to farm two parts xD)

- Valkyr is my favorite

- I joined a random nightmare mission and after seeing everyone downed other than me I aborted

- I don't have Rip Line equipped on my Valkyr

- I just acquired Banshee and I am rank 11 lol.

- I hate when something is not rank 30 in my profile so I tend to max stuff

- I only played 2 conclaves just to test a few things

- I still have the original Snipetron and use it as a dust collector

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I polarized every slot on my Soma and am currently working to do the same with Akbolto

Ember was my second warframe after Excalibur and haven't touched it since, because honestly, I hate when a warframe can't take a hit.

I hate people who spam Ogris, Penta, and other explosives.

I have reloaditis like real bad lol.

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I polarized every slot on my Soma and am currently working to do the same with Akbolto

Ember was my second warframe after Excalibur and haven't touched it since, because honestly, I hate when a warframe can't take a hit.

I hate people who spam Ogris, Penta, and other explosives.

I have reloaditis like real bad lol.

I have OCD and it really bothers me to not have a full clip. I Know How you feel.

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- i hate rushers and MP


- i´ve spent starting plat on rushing latron


- after 6 months i realized i can change the animation set for free (thought it has to be bought)


- im maxing mods just to sell them


- i have 900+ fusion cores (170ish rare5)


- often abort when i see there is a nova in the party


- i failed mastery rank 11 test


- even though i have 400 + orokin cells, i still go farm them with lover level clanmates or friends


- nekros legs are awfully skinny, but i love to desecrate


- i don't even have equipped shadows on my nekros


- i hate most of the feets on warframes, ie. nekros feets are too big he looks like a hobbit, mag feets - no comment, rhino wtf are those? nails? 


- lets just say 3 formad loki and 4 formad supra - will go further with that <3


- i enjoy playing frost even after the globe is nerfed

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-I hate farming

-I also die to hyenas

-I hate using rifles because I don't have serration maxed

-Stalker makes me panic though I have no trouble taking him out

-I like the Boar Prime

-I hate formaing, but I still do it (Too long to build too long/tough to re-level in some cases)

-I hate conclaves

-I hate League Of Legends (Off Topic But I hate it so much >:C)

-I'm usually a one common/easy to get part away from getting a prime, though I don't farm for them

-I missed out on the Cicero Crisis event because I didn't understand how it worked, and the first run through there was a stalker

-Starting out playing, even after 3 stalker seeings, I didn't understand how stalker worked back then (Thought he was always there and that you just had to watch your back)

-I kinda like Boar Prime's pew pew pew sound

-I use carrier

-When I see Braton/Mk I Braton/Lato/Skana I see noob. Even if they are running like Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, Orthos Prime and crap like that, I think in the back of my mind wtf is with the lato noob or something XD

-I hate the Soma

-I used my starter plat rushing Cronus (I didn't understand how it worked lol)

-After the idiot Cronus rush move, I used my starter plat to get potatoes

-I've never gone trollban (Really should try it)

-Bought Vauban with plat #noregrets

Thats about it. Lol

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-I like to use Loki to switch-teleport AFKers on fire hazards on invasions because it's fun


-I've never put a forma on a weapon/frame because I'm too lazy to reach level 30 again


-sometimes I think strange and maybe impossible things (ex: buying a lot of platinum to buy in-game a primed chamber and then sell it for some credits, just to make it even rarer than now. everyone would kill me. seriously, how the f**k did I think this?)


-I hate multishot on bows


-my favourite bow is the Cernos


-the main things I do while playing are jumping everywhere and climb walls until I reach the highest place of the tileset


-I think farming is stupid because it removes the fun of playing a game


-I think about unique combinations that I usually can't do (longest equipment name: excalibur prime, snipetron vandal, wraith twin vipers, dual heat swords)

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- I like playing nova But I hate novas that spam 4.


-I leave players to do when they don't listen


-I hate the Hek shot gun


-if I love a weapon I forma it 7+ times if I hate the weapon it gets the trash.


-I spam Vauban's bounce everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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-I hate Nova with a passion
-I refuse to play with a Nova and will ask them to change before leaving.
-I hate the Soma Cap gun. Boring
-I really don't like the look and sound of the (ak)boltos
-I don't like the Boltor but love the Boltor Prime
-I've joined clans based purely on aesthetics of the emblem without thinking about everything else.
-I love using the single Ether Sword
-Volt is my one true main, I proudly purchased his Immortal skin.
-I think the Penta is lame, but the Ogris is awesome.
-I've made 400 plat off of prime trading and I hate it entirely.
-I would take the Akmagnus and Marelok over the Stug any day.
-I think Rhino is lame and unbalanced, and not overpowered.
-I think the Galatine is training wheels used by wimpy kids and that the Dakra Prime is better in damage. Along with the Gravity hammer

And I am proud.

Edited by -Vash-
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Mmkay, let's see...


- I prefer Ash to Loki

- I HATE using Trinity and Valkyr. I've had them for one hell of a long time now, and they are only level 12.

- I don't really like anything at all about Nova.

- I keep every single Warframe I build, unless a Prime version of a particular frame comes out, at which point I swap the regular version for the Prime version.

- Even though I have all but two frames, I usually only use Ash, Ember, and Rhino.

- I hate playing missions in Online mode because it seems that the game is overrun with idiots.

- I hate the majority of weapons in the game.

- I will try to purposely fail a mission if my teammates annoy me.

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I hope more PvP options and PvP balance comes in the future
I enjoy PvP to a certain extent
I don't like DE all that much 
I support Plat trading that isn't an ungodly amount, aka paying 50+ plat for Prime stuff.
I've been playing since Update 6/7

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