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Confession Thread


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- I don't use M Prime that often when playing as Nova

- As Frost, I use Ice wave and Avalanche more than Snow Globe, even on most defense missions

- I suck as Loki :(

- Glaive is my main melee weapon

- The Infested is my favorite faction to fight.

- I have every bow in the game, including Ballistic :X

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I sold my hek, had potato on it.


Sold Loki for Rhino.


Sometimes I go as a Pink Vauban with a Pink load out and pink shade, sometimes trolling. Although sometimes acting very polite and helpful too!


I want an Exalibur.


I like Nova's sexy neck.


Sometimes I get something to eat to bring back during a defence, spamming ubers to help as I am gone around 5 min.


I am not fond of Stalker weapons, and have them, x3.


Sold despair and dread.


I went to look for Frost Primes helmet for sevral months, yet got it a few weeks after they rised the drop rate.


I am worried about the new ps4 community joining us.


I am a brony.


Sometimes I sing about my pure emotions as a muscian alone, as to cope with some problems in life.


Sometimes I write pages of insanity, just ramblings of all I feel and more.


I like some of the new shows on, despite some. 


Sometimes I sleep, thinking about me eing in anohter world with whom I love most at the moment, not always human.





Edited by 123Olympian
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- I sold Mag before she was 30

-Vauban is nothing without Steel Fiber installed

-I used to prefer Sobek over Hek

-I prefer Hek over Strun Wraith

-I don't like Despair that much















-I have a tiny crush on DEMegan 

Edited by Wafflessyrup
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I love the Dual Vastos so much I've been using them exclusively so I can get them listed as my favorite weapon in my stats.


I've only spudded 2 Warframes despite having enough Reactors for all of them.


I never sprint during Rescue missions so I can protect the civilian, no matter how long it takes, or how mad my team mates get. (Unless he/she gets bugged.)


Almost half my time in Warframe is playing Trinity, which amounts to over 300 hours.


I supported the Corpus during the last event.


I reget selling my Skana but I wont build another because it will never be the one I had.


I don't like the Orthos and happily use the Scindo instead.

Edited by Haldos
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im not a fan of the lanka

not a big fan of supra

hate the synapse

i liked skana (prime)

i hate the latos (even prime)

i like MK1-Braton more then the rest

Stalker and me are buddies

i use credit and xp booster and buy plat when i get a 50 or 75% off from daily login

bought my frames (cause i was a idiot) when i bought founders and didnt want to grind

Ash is my fav frame

Loki is weak sauce

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-Almost everyone here are consumer sheep (massive amounts of blinding ignorance) and I hate a new human everyday due to Warframe.  Thus fuels my trolling ability.

-This thread help me realize people don't know the difference between confession and boasting.

-Noone wants to admit it but most people who are Ranked 10 and above can't play this game for #@$@. 

-This game really isn't even an official game yet.  It hasn't shelled out of it's press 1-4WASD/Mouse Click/Farm.   Majority of games contain those main attributes.  But it's the developers/creators job to help us forget we are "1-4WASD/Mouse Click/Farm" for 5 hours straight.  I just hope they find that magic.  


Look at Mario in terms of simpleness and lore.


And yet you also failed to make a single confession.

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I confess... i'm just a freeloader.

I confess... I play warframe from my dad office.

I confess... I only have 2 frame slot,and 10weapon slot (2 from IAH & machette)

I confess... There's only Braton, Latron, Sturn, Vectis, Boltor, Afuris, Aklato, Machette, and Orthos on my arsenal.

I confess... I've been playing for 6 month, and still at mastery 5.

edit: Now i'm sad thinking about my acount future...

Edited by Xenores
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Forgot to add, I potato every weapon I make.

So far I made the mistake of potatoing the



Kogake (which I now never use)

Vasto (made it into Dual Vasto so a waste there)

Dual Heat Swords



Hikou (which I promptly sold)

Gorgon (which I sold)

Paris (sold once I made.... and potatoed, Paris Prime and Dread)


Vauban (because I sold him at Rank 30, then made him again and potatoed again)

Loki (who I sold for Ash. Who I potatoed.... and sold)

Orthos (which I sold when I made the Primed version)

Reaper Prime and Hate. Both of which I never use anymore

Glaive (Glaive Prime is coming and I just know I will get it, Potato it, and shelf it for my trusty Berzerker'd Dual Ichors.)


I have a really bad habit.....

No idea, but using a weapon that isn't charged just annoys me. It feels like everything started moving in slow motion and the very thought of having a gimped weapon &!$$es me off...


Also I would totally go g4y for Volt.

Edited by Solaurus
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I am a brony.

.................................I am a brony.

.................................................................................I am a brony.

..........................................................................................................................I am a brony.



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-I have a Potato in everything I own. Even if I plan on selling it later because I've extracted all the Mastery from it.


-I sold Frost at Rank 19 before getting my Frost Prime Blue Print, then had to wait three days. Coincidentally, during those three days, EVERYONE on my friends list wanted to take me on Void defense runs...


-I like Volt.


-I do not like Acrid or Soma.


-I'm iffy on the Galatine...


-I do not troll people as Vauban.


-I do not rush, as my play-style precludes any form of sprinting in favour of MOAR INVULNERABILITY!


-I once stole a phone-booth.  I play better when I'm drunk.

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-Volts my fav frame. It's just the speed....i wish his 1 & 4 werent so weak though.


-I sometimes use the Heavy Impact wallwalk glitch and think that when they fix it the mod will be totally useless any other way.


-I kill games whenever a Loki tries to come in and leech. Had enough of LokiLeechers.


-I still use Vaubon Teslas, even though theyre completely and totally useless mid-game and beyond.

Edited by -CM-SnakeWildlife
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