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So I Took Some Time To Think. I Realized What Was Bothering Me. Lack Of Allies.


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Gawd help you, Arlayn.  I'm with you on this, but I can already see this thread going off the rails like the last one.  I wish people could see the potential for the extraordinary lore and story this game could have.  People just seem to want the press 4 or left-click more.  It's why I tried to recruit you to my thread in your other thread, about asking questions that need to be asked to help further the story.


I would love to see this game develop more depth - I thought maybe nobody cared because my post count isn't over 1000.  Yours is much higher and people still rather gloss over the topic in question or take offense with specific wording.  I'd love to see more positive contribution on this front, alas...

Thank you, and sorry I never saw your attempt before. Seems lately every time I try to post something constructive here it gets flooded with nonsense, but I do agree the game needs to see more development, and depth. The idea of Other Tenno with personalities as NPCs would be interesting take on the game, and let us explore the storyline. Friendly colonist, or various other characters would give us insight on how these people really are. Telling us a story using the lore section is so limited. Giving us a character with a background, and story to talk to gives us real heart, real characters.


I am really hoping DE gives us a friendly character for the Tenno to interact with. Someone who can really bring us down to the Sol system and help us understand whats going on instead of Lotus telling us, do this, do that, murder this, blow up this ship, steal everything, kidnap this, rescue that... We need another ally to actually talk to us, and make sense of the world. I have seen games where the main character never talks and others do to give you insight into the world. Heck Zelda did it just perfectly. Link never spoke a word, but everyone else did and they gave you insight on what was going on...

Edited by Arlayn
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You have too much time.......

This is my spare time between college classes actually. However during that time I really though about what was bothering me in this game. Everyone has something that bothers them in a game. For me its the lack of friendly characters that tell us what is going.

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I don't know that DE will ever try and give us a rich experience as the Tenno themselves.  Hell, I'd be curious to know if they have actually decided whether or not the Tenno are people inside the suits, the suits themselves, AI, etc.  I'd like to think they have.  That said, we will likely never get a, oh I don't know, Bioware like character-driven story.  But little snippets of how and why could be great.  Messages from neutral parties could be really interesting.  I mean Lotus has to have an entire network of spies to go with whatever electronic surveillance she uses - nothing beats boots on the ground in the spy world, so it would seem from popular fiction (and likely there is truth in that).


I've used the example over and over, but with this last event we had absolutely zero stake in the colonies that would be overrun.  There was no moral dilemma, because for a lot of players this was the first we'd heard about anyone other than Grineer/Corpus "living" in the solar system.  I mean, sure it made complete sense once we heard it from the Devs themselves in the last livestream.  But until then, for me at least, it was pure conjecture.  Why was not Darvo, an established "neutral" party, not maybe giving us the heads up about these worried colonists?  Imagine: a friendly NPC of some kind, just a plain old human, contacts us saying that the non-affiliated colonies are starting a resistant movement and want to help the Tenno.  But their Corpus suppliers, who until then had been arming them to fight off Grineer raids, had cut them off upon finding out about Tenno affiliations.  Now we have a reason for moral dilemma.  Our brothers and sisters in arms becoming lab rats, or innocents who will be conquered because they chose to help us.  At least it would have been something.  And a perfect example of how an NPC, like a Darvo, could have been used to further story.  And I know that a decent chunk of the player base would love expanded story, simply based on all the role playing that was happening on the forums around the time of the event.


And if you want Arlayn (or anyone else), this was the link - might not be your cup of tea, but I'll take any help I can get in raising awareness on this issue:



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I don't know that DE will ever try and give us a rich experience as the Tenno themselves.  Hell, I'd be curious to know if they have actually decided whether or not the Tenno are people inside the suits, the suits themselves, AI, etc.  I'd like to think they have.  That said, we will likely never get a, oh I don't know, Bioware like character-driven story.  But little snippets of how and why could be great.  Messages from neutral parties could be really interesting.  I mean Lotus has to have an entire network of spies to go with whatever electronic surveillance she uses - nothing beats boots on the ground in the spy world, so it would seem from popular fiction (and likely there is truth in that).


I've used the example over and over, but with this last event we had absolutely zero stake in the colonies that would be overrun.  There was no moral dilemma, because for a lot of players this was the first we'd heard about anyone other than Grineer/Corpus "living" in the solar system.  I mean, sure it made complete sense once we heard it from the Devs themselves in the last livestream.  But until then, for me at least, it was pure conjecture.  Why was not Darvo, an established "neutral" party, not maybe giving us the heads up about these worried colonists?  Imagine: a friendly NPC of some kind, just a plain old human, contacts us saying that the non-affiliated colonies are starting a resistant movement and want to help the Tenno.  But their Corpus suppliers, who until then had been arming them to fight off Grineer raids, had cut them off upon finding out about Tenno affiliations.  Now we have a reason for moral dilemma.  Our brothers and sisters in arms becoming lab rats, or innocents who will be conquered because they chose to help us.  At least it would have been something.  And a perfect example of how an NPC, like a Darvo, could have been used to further story.  And I know that a decent chunk of the player base would love expanded story, simply based on all the role playing that was happening on the forums around the time of the event.


And if you want Arlayn (or anyone else), this was the link - might not be your cup of tea, but I'll take any help I can get in raising awareness on this issue:



not sure if its my cup of tea or not. Had to really look at it, and its stirring in a direction I can't really keep up with. I don't really build on story lines often. I come up with theories, and ideas that could improve it. Like often I go back and pull up Dark Sector and bring them together trying to tie knots between the two. I have even been thinking of a really cool fan-fic of tales between the two but never got time to type it up. I also worked on the Lotus Project conspiracy, but lately DE has released absolutely nothing for me to work on to make a part 3. It always seems like maybe, maybe, maybe? not... type area. Its like I thought lephantis would answer some questions. All it did was raise more questions. All I can do is wait on lore that answers question.


I don't think Darvo would help us sadly. Its all money or no help with him. However I am hopeful in that DE meant what they said when they said they wanted to put story missions into the game. When they said they wanted to make stories that branch out based on choices. Discovering yourself, and your past. The livestream said a lot and made me quite hopeful. Something I can only wait for, and see if it happens.

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Your all off topic. This topic is different. Its something entirely else. Its about characters who are allies to the Tenno. allies who will give us stuff, help us, give us hints, tell us what is going on. Create a world we can care about enough to make choices that we know will affect something.

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Your all off topic. This topic is different. Its something entirely else. Its about characters who are allies to the Tenno. allies who will give us stuff, help us, give us hints, tell us what is going on. Create a world we can care about enough to make choices that we know will affect something.

Ehh... I doubt NPC's could be added without an overworld. Maybe you could add some to the Dojo's but it would force players to join clans. So I guess the only solution would be to accept Kela's love.

Edited by Anunymau5
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My Loki has three or so buddies he runs around with in missions. Their names are Mr.Vectis, Captain Brakk, and Ms. and Mrs. Obex. Ms and Mrs Obex have a multiple personality disorder.

If he needs more he can ask a fellow Tenno to tag along.


Honestly, the lack of friendlies doesn't upset me. I'm currently playing through Etiran Odyssey 4 and there are maybe two or three people that aren't party members that I can say "This person will probably help me." If anything it makes me feel like more of a badass.

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Ehh... I doubt NPC's could be added without an overworld. Maybe you could add some to the Dojo's but it would force players to join clans. So I guess the only solution would be to accept Kela's love.

They wouldn't be something you meet in an overworld. Go read the Fan concept idea. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/130056-tenno-in-the-background-and-possibly-a-jerk-or-grand-master-in-the-making/


More like that idea. It could also happen when you select a mission, or alert, or after a mission, or when rescuing a hostage. When you steal data maybe you will look over the data and notice something like a side mission to steal something valuable if you wanted to because according to the info its on the ship, but it also has a RNG chance to be a trap, or a legit treasure.


Maybe while wandering a mission a non-hostile NPC asking for mercy can either be killed, or listened to and you will gain a friend who sends you messages via inbox, or gives you unique alerts. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/100347-mystery-event-also-stalkers-little-sister/?hl=%2Bstalkers+%2Blittle+%2Bsister

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I would also like more character on our side. Lotus is nice and all, But she isn't exactly likeable.

Lotus is likable, but she is flat... She has never shown emotion to us, any form of true care... I mean if she really cared she would wake us up earlier instead of waiting till she has to rush it and give us amnesia.

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I get what your trying to say but I feel like adding more RnG to the game probably won't be a good thing. I mean we already have enough complaints as it is. We don't need to start getting ones like "Oh how come Lun K never shows up for me? This game is broken!"

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I get what your trying to say but I feel like adding more RnG to the game probably won't be a good thing. I mean we already have enough complaints as it is. We don't need to start getting ones like "Oh how come Lun K never shows up for me? This game is broken!"

Well... lets break out science. You ready? The solar system from the point of Pluto to the other side where Pluto would also be is 7.43646458 × 109 miles (not even counting how far away Sedna, and Eris is)


Think about HOW BIG THAT IS... You know how big a planet is? Well earth is a Radius of 3,959 miles. Now think about it. A space ship orbiting ANY PLANET in the solar system, or planets along the way... Think about it... The chances of coming across this Lun K. are EXTREMELY TINY... You may never meet him and it would be legit.


RNG makes sense in a solar system our size...

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Well... lets break out science. You ready? The solar system from the point of Pluto to the other side where Pluto would also be is 7.43646458 × 109 miles (not even counting how far away Sedna, and Eris is)


Think about HOW BIG THAT IS... You know how big a planet is? Well earth is a Radius of 3,959 miles. Now think about it. A space ship orbiting ANY PLANET in the solar system, or planets along the way... Think about it... The chances of coming across this Lun K. are EXTREMELY TINY... You may never meet him and it would be legit.


RNG makes sense in a solar system our size...

Except he would spawn in a map. So now it's time for me to do some math! Ready? Boy I sure hope you are: There are 239 available missions in the game. That means there's 239 chances for him to spawn. Now let's remove the 29 Endless Defence Missions and 24 Survival Missions. This leaves us with 186 missions in which he has a chance to spawn. With RnG added (coupled with the map generation and let's say he has his own tile) this leaves little to no chance of him appearing seeing as how the maps are randomly generated on a massive series of levels. Which is the opposite of a good thing. We would want the NpC's to spawn regularly in maps but RnG would simply ruin it. The best system would be to give him a 100% chance to appear in certain maps. Or even as a new mission type.


...Also we have NPC's in the game have you ever seen a Tenno Captive? 

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Except he would spawn in a map. So now it's time for me to do some math! Ready? Boy I sure hope you are: There are 239 available missions in the game. That means there's 239 chances for him to spawn. Now let's remove the 29 Endless Defence Missions and 24 Survival Missions. This leaves us with 186 missions in which he has a chance to spawn. With RnG added (coupled with the map generation and let's say he has his own tile) this leaves little to no chance of him appearing seeing as how the maps are randomly generated on a massive series of levels. Which is the opposite of a good thing. We would want the NpC's to spawn regularly in maps but RnG would simply ruin it. The best system would be to give him a 100% chance to appear in certain maps. Or even as a new mission type.


...Also we have NPC's in the game have you ever seen a Tenno Captive? 

Lore vs. your idea of showing up gives RNG proper use. Why does he always have to be in a mission? Maybe he is at a bar joint on Sedna, checking out strippers on Jupiter, and taking care of his son on Sunday on Venus. I am sure this Lun K. has things to do just like Stalker has plotting to do off screen. He shouldn't have a 100% show up rate, an he doesn't always have to be showing up. Maybe on some missions yes as part of the lore...


For example what if Warframe took that scene from Metal Gear Solid 1 where snake drops down into the prison cell to talk to the prisoner. This could be one of the Rescue hostage missions on a Grineer map. As in you crawl through the vents, bust in the fan above the cell and drop in. The hostage tells you there is no time to rescue him and that the ship will drop chemical weapons on an innocent colony. So you climb back out the shaft and run off to sabotage the ship... (better then Lotus telling "Things just got interesting")

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I thought Steve was one of the people in charge of lore? Maybe you could PM him?

I guess he is, but it seems this mysterious person behind the scenes they keep hinting at is the real master mind of the lore, and how it goes together. Sadly we don't hear much about this mysterious lore person.


However I think it would take more then convincing Steve. You need to sell it to the entire DE team since everything they do goes through several approvals before being added to the game.

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You know what. We need something like this. I need faces of people that I'm fighting for. I want a character that I can look at and say 

"You know I'm glad to be on his team." Lotus is too confusing and mysterious, and every other character is a villain and an enemy.


I need a father, a brother, a daughter, somebody to fight for. Somebody so that when I see a pile of dead bodies or a blown up asteroid, I can see that I'm keeping that person safe. That's what this game needs.

Something to fight for

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What if the Tenno hostage we rescued had a voice, and talked with us along the way?

If they would just use the bloody gun that they were imprisoned with, I'd be happy...


It would be nice to actually get some NPC interaction that provides lore and purpose for our actions though. Really, you're describing an RPG/MMO way of doing things, but I'd more than happy to see some of that make its way into Warframe.


Things are especially lonely and unclear as a solo player, all I have is a big empty dojo and my Sentinel.

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