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Coming Soon: Livestream #18


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Q: Will we ever stop treating warframes as characters and start treating them as armors like they are?

Q: and with that question out there, would we be able to customize our Tenno's face and have them lounge around the dojo without the helmet in a similar fashion as Hayden on the 2004 trailer (http://i.imgur.com/W5QTqkc.png) ?



(Pan the faun, so there's no confusion about my name that is just slurred together)

Edited by panthefaun
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Hello DE,


My Questions are:

Most important one: Does Digital Extremes have or will have a expert story writer for the Lore?? Because this game has lots of potential and It will continue to grow. But this game can be made interesting by improving the lore and adding a story-mode to each planet. For example,  adda cinematic trailer or just a story mode told  by lotus about how Cpt. Vor has taken control of Mercury and he is making evil plans and manufacturing more Grineer clones, thus his atrocities must be put to an end asap. Then the player can begin their runs through the planet mercury.


1) Will you be adding a training simulation room in the Dojo that allows us to choose the faction (corpus, grinner or infested) we would like to fight against and will it give use the option to choose the enemy levels?


2)Well I am now familiar with the dojo but will you be adding Mini Icons on the dojo minimap so that new players n beginners can see where the research labs are or where the duel room is?


3)Would you guys make a Tenno Beast (pet) that resides in the dojo?? So that when we enter the dojo and wherever it is roaming around in the dojo we can ride it by pressing X and control/move around just like we would with a warframe. ofcourse, we gotta research it like any clan research. Start with lowest clan lvl getting 1 beast, next clan lvl gets 2 beasts and so with moon clan getting 5 beasts total.


4)Will warframes have voice and give taunts back to the enemy boss as a reply to their taunt?


5) Would you guys consider building a new corpus tileset in an open ocean, where we can see the ocean and fight under open sky?


6)Are there any new Tilesets coming in U11?


7)Would you consider adding a new method of fighting for exclusive warframes like Rhino and Ash, which is hand to hand combat without weapons, like seen in the new trailer with Rhino.


8) Maybe not now but in near future is it possible to sinc the 2 systems PS4 and PC together so that we are able to go back and forth btw PC and PS4?


9)Is armor 2.0 included in U11?


10)Will you add a new grand room in dojo where we can play with teammates in a team kill streak( there can be 2 teams 4 vs. 4 and then each team needs to get the most kills against enemies that spawn in a time limit set by us maybe 5mins, 10mins or more. Time limit can be decided before match starts) or a teamdeath match btw clan members( could be 4 vs. 4). This would get rid off conclaves as well as we would be able to use our abilities in this new room only not in dojo.


11) Would please allow defense abilities to be used anywhere in dojo, for example, allow Volt's speed ability in dojo bcs dojo is huge n it takes time to find the right room so speed would help a bit.


12)What are the chances of a new enemy faction entering in the solar system??


13)Will Warframe spread out of the current solar system as I am almost near the end of the map and so are a lot of other players that I know but we might only be a minority group that has completed the whole map as of now.


14) Will there be a clan ambush/ Attack by Grineer, infested or Corpus? Send in 100 corpus or grineer or infested to attack and give us 24hrs to wipe them out and clean our clan. The timer can be shown in the clan chat tab.


15)Will there be a clan vault where we can store or weapons or frames??


16) Does the RNG affect Stalker drops?? Bcs he keeps dropping Excalibur mod or dread bp


17) Will Defense missions be expanding as in protecting 2 pods instead of 1(This can be implemented in the higher lvl planets). Kinda makes it more challenging and fun at the same time. Please consider this


18)Will you give the infested intelligence??? By that i mean, will there be a infested queen that is capable of controlling all infested, similar to the 2 sisters/queens of Grineer. Thus you would be able to create events similar to Gravidus War.


19) Will we finally see the 2 sisters of Grineer in U11 or what they look like???


20) What and Who is Lotus? Do you have a back-story on Lotus? Event a hint will do, so please tell us. 


21)Will you please give us a more accurate info on how warframes (frames) came to being?


**Lastly thank you for all the Hotfixes and cool updates you guys give us every week. Warframe is one the best games I have ever played and would love for it to evolve further :)

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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1. Will there be a city tile set for the grinner (i.e. Consular hek who resides in an asteroid) or any other city tile set for the other factions.

2. When do we get the napalmers' weapon in the dojo?

3.Will there be night maps in more open areas and what about sea/ under water tile sets?

4.What is the best recipe for making homemade cinnamon rolls?

5.Will we get to interact with npcs?

6. to go off of 5 if no then will you ever do it?

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If future helmets will not have special effects, will the existing effects be untied and made interchangeable like sentinel weapons?


With an increasing number of items being added to the void drop tables, will missions have reward tiers like in survival/defense? (Capturing more than one person, defending more than one node, etc)


Will direction of movement be considered when flying past something? For example: Running and jumping past a crate, but the movement system decides that being half a foot away from it means you should climb the crate and then fall off of it.


Are failures to initiate wallruns when not host being looked at? (Examples: Running straight at a wall for a vertical wallrun results in falling against it a foot and landing in the "stick it and count to 20" animation; Going for a horizontal wallrun on a crate doesn't always work when a client [you climb it instead], but always works when the host [possibly lag issue]).


Are enemies attempting to scale walls and getting stuck (ex: t3 def) part of wallrun pathfinding experiments or are they just anticipating a flood?


Will there ever be a better way to obtain specific T3 keys? A month of never finding T3 cap is frustrating.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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Q: Recently, a number of iconic (the Gorgon) and less-than-iconic (the stock Boar) Grineer weapons were removed from the marketplace. Does this mean that a new line of Grineer clantech is in the works (or done)? if so, should we be expecting any of these in U11?

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1. Previously, net code optimization was said to be a high priority item. Any updates on that?

2. Given that the PS4 is running on AMD silicon, could/will we be seeing PhysX-like particle effects on the PC for those using AMD graphics cards?

3. Any possibility on expanding the Rescue mission type to something similar to what we saw in "The Profit"?

Edited by Chibers
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What are you doing with stealth gameplay? Are you going to expand on it or throw it out entirely?


MIssion Depth. Come on people.


What are your thoughts on Lore-based, scripted, solo missions?


At this point, what is more important to you? Gameplay over content, or content over gameplay? (Hint, the best answer is gameplay over content, but that's not what I'm seeing now.)


Will Raid be added back into the game? If so, will it be mechanically different from Capture?


Thoughts on letting players carry all four dragon keys into the Orokin Derelict?


Enemies need a reaction time and imperfect aim when shooting at players. Agility is useless otherwise.

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Will we be able to store greedy milk as a fountain in our clan base? :P


Are there any more Clan related updates coming out anytime soon?


Will the New Frame's parts be found in the system or in the gas system for Alad V ( or in anyplace other than the system)?


How come Grineer managed to get cloning but not manage to make a well guarded system and do Grineer also clone their weapons/armours with the Soldiers and besides why doesnt Lotus try to get the Cloning Devices/Robots from the Grineer and Corpus ... she does apparently manage to steal their weapons?


Will we ever be able to Question Lotus' Motives?


What Do Tennos Eat/Drink to survive? (Hopefully the Greedy Milk :p)


Where do the Tenno ships come from? ... Ships do mean that there must be a place where tennos are assembled together... Maybe Lotus' Headquarters? (considering that the tennos arent from the same clan)

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Alright so my REAL question is, are there any new updates you can give us regarding the next tilesets we're going to be receiving, I'm hoping in the near future? You guys answered my last question about more animals, and I was stoked to see you guys answer with what the community is seeming to call the Zanuka project, aka Alad V's dog, aka Mad Alad's Vapid Dag (a name I coined myself), but the point is, I'm really excited to see the next tileset, which I am assuming is a Jungle area? Are we hoping to see a new faction come from this tileset, or more preferably to me, more animals? (I like alien species :B)

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Do we get armor 2.0 in U11 so people can have something else to complain about on the forums?


Any new on Trinity prime so others can see why i love mine so much?


Are there going to be any useful Trinity helms?


Are the forums going to be fixed so that the English language is not corrupted more by the auto-correct being wrong for the majority of the English speaking world (America is the ONLY country that officially uses American-English)

Edited by supersaupe
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Is it Friday yet?! We've got Livestream #18 coming up this Friday, and you're not going to want to miss it!

What: We’ll be covering all that is Update 11 PLUS, how could we miss talking about the PS4 launch?! In celebration of the PS4 launch and the upcoming Update 11, we’ll also be giving away 4 Prizes of 1100 Platinum!

When: November 15th, @ 2pm EST (7pm GMT)! Find your timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/warframe

Who: Steve, Scott, Geoff, and Sheldon will join Rebecca on the couch to spill the beans on Update 11 and discuss the launch of PS4! We will be having a shorter Q&A session given how much we need to cover!

This thread will close at 10am on November 15th, so get your questions in. But please remember, the team won’t be able to answer as many questions as usual! 

Hi, what about new sentinels, or an Option built Aura mods into it? What about a hacker warframe or an rocketeer Frame. How can use a Jet pack. Great game. Love it

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