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No Thrax Attackers spawning at end of Void Flood


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When playing solo you immediately go into razorfly and no enemies spawn allowing you to collect orbs without conflict.. I don't know If its repeatable or just a one off bug but its pretty funny not gonna lie...



Edit: It is repeatable (I don't know if I can post links but anyways) here's a clip of me zip zopping around with nothing I explored the entire tileset to find all the hidden secrets so when im able to complete it i know how and where :)    https://xboxclips.co/tem353/0e5049f6-f5bc-4074-aeeb-c52914516e57


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At the end of a solo Void Flood mission, the fissures were closed without an issue, but at the end, no Thrax Attackers were ever spawned, leading me to inevitably lose the mission. I searched just about the whole map and they never showed up, and after 10 minutes, I lost both the mission and all of my loot.


Edit: Just to clarify, no enemies at all spawned throughout the mission, also making the credits requirement borderline impossible to reach.



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Thanks for your reports, a few threads with the same issue have been merged with Xialian's. If it occurs again and you're willing and able, we'd much appreciate it if you send us a log file with the bug ID WAR-3371955 to help us figure out the cause of the problem. It happens during the 'Defeat all Thrax attackers" stage and doesn't appear related to Titania.

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