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Mission rework ideas and suggestions


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This is a long list of mission reworks and ideas I have had for a while especially since our warframes only seem to be getting more powerful.

Ground Mission reworks

Survival missions - all survival missions need the ability to convert the life support system into a resource gather for rare items.

Defense missions - so far my favorite defense map is the Uranus defense map where the defense objective moves every round. It allows for minor change in scenery and keeps the mission fast paced. I feel all defense maps should be reworked in this fashion.

Exterminate - so here I feel the objective should be changed to kill the commanders, like the Plain of eidolon or Orb vallis Bounties. Players need to draw out the commander by killing X enemies or stealing X credits in a certain time limit to spawn X amount of commanders. Players then kill these commanders then leave the mission.

Capture mission - personally this mission type should be retired, restricted to tier 1 (mercury,  venus, eart maps) or at the very least be moved to bounties only. This mission is so quick it really needs to be accompanied with another objective.

Defection mission - this mission type has potential but the map that it is playable on is what hurts it. The AI always seems to get stuck in places. If DE were to build a map with defection in mind this mission type would feel less frustrating to play.

Infested salvage - this mission needs a complete rework or be retired. This mission type is terrible verison of survival and i was so happy once i got nidus to not have to play this mission. I do like the Corrosive environment effect and feel it should be included in most, if not all, the infested missions on eris. 

Interception and mobile defense - these mission type players should be hacking into the consoles. Does this add difficulty?  Yes and no. This would some difficulty for new players that dont have hack ciphers, if you are unsuccessful after 3 attempts then the console explodes possibly triggering a mission failure. In regular missions players can use the ciphers to simply bypass the hacking mini-game and encourage players to create more ciphers; whereas tougher missions, like sorties or nightmare missions, ciphers would be disabled.

Excavation - one of the most annoying thing about this mission is waiting for an enemy with a power canister to spawn. As I was playing on Pluto I had thought that would raise this mission types difficulty but also help with those power droughts. What if the Excavatiors used nearby warframe shields when they run out power to continue drilling and once power is restored it will stop draining the warframe shields. Makes sense since we are already have to leave the extractor defenseless to hunt down power cells.

Assault- the few times I have played this mission I keep asking myself "why isn't this just part of the sabatoge mission type?" The premise of this mission to hack various consoles to destory a super weapon, which is exactly what is done in sabotage mission. This mission should be integrated in the sabotage mission type and add more variety if expanded to other maps too.

Missions that simply need more puzzle or map variations i.e. more map tiles:

Arena: rathuum & the index

Mission suggestions 

Railjack missions - first and foremost, I don't understand why we have endless ground missions i.e. survival, defense and orphix types, within missions that should focus on the railjack. Ground missions like exterminate and sabotage make more sense as once your done the mission you return to your railjack. If anything DE should create at least one or two endless mission types that focus on using your railjack such as an endless skirmish - it's one part defense (protect/ repair railjack), one part survival (endless enemy ships) and one part sabotage (boarding enemy ships). 

Archwing missions - these mission types should intergrated into railjack with original archwing missions retired. Honestly archwing mission could be intergrated in regular starchart missions too similar to the sealabs tileset with some of the maps could allow players to deploy our archwings; corpus outpost, kuva fortress, earth, etc.

Arching rush/sabotage- Just like ground mission boarding cut scene, player can archwing into the corpus or grinner maintenance shift to destroy the ships core or transport. 

Archwing pursuit - The mission could be revamp to have the railjack pursue the escaping ship.

Archwing defense and Interception - an archwing must be deployed in order to start the mission with the railjack offering more artillery backup. I feel this possible with inclusion of AI crew mates. Players must then fight off archwing and railjack enemies.

Orphix missions - as mentioned before I don't see why this endless mission type is in railjack and should be brought to the regular starchart but as a high-level mission node, like Pluto or become a high-level mission alert that can spawn on any node like kuva flood missions. This mission type will remain locked until players complete a sentient anomaly mission.

Necromechs missions - ok, caveat:  why do we have endless ground mission types in railjack? My guess it's to allow players to use necromechs in regular missions, however necromechs should have thier own mission nodes available to them in the starchart, be it empryean or the normal starchart, and not have necromechs soley attached to railjack missions. With the new Namer faction a few mission nodes can created to allow necromech play. Lore wise: The Namer faction could have created devices that block warframes from be usable - forcing the player to use necromechs to (1) destory the interference devices and (2) complete the objective.

Assassination missions:

The assassination mission themselves are fine; my issue with them is that they are not linked to a story.  Like why am I fighting this guy again? Captian Vor is perhaps the only boss that gives a player a reason to destroy.  I feel other bosses like Lt. Kril, Sargas Ruk and even the Sergent need some short quest line to help immerse players into the Warframe Universe. These quests can be simple and short. Something that helps explain why these bosses need to stopped. Nef and Councilor Hek are lucky built up through the events of Fortuna and Cetus, respectively,  but the other bosses barely interact with the WU in game. Then there are also villians like Alad V, Kela De Thaym and Tyl Regor who have had a significant impact on the WU but its locked behind past events that if you missed are lost to time. Alot Alad V's story are from events that happened in 2014. The Lotus' quick in-mission exposition isn't enough with amount of lore behind some of these bosses. Now I'd say once a player beats the boss quest the assassination node is open for future runs as normal.

Finally unrelated to missions, I really wish DE would take out those scannable soundtrack fragments, lore fragments and frame fighter fragments, because it always seems the same ones are constantly spawning to a point that i just completely ignore them. It would not be so bad if fragments i already scanned didnt pop on the map but truthfully I would prefer these items to be purchasable from Cephalon Simaris.

Anyways long list let me know your thoughts.



I forgot to add this in my original post but I realize I didnt mention a couple mission because these are actually secondary objective within missions. Missions like Kuva flood, Kuva siphon and granum void. These missions are fun however they should be buried as secondary mission but made into primary ones with their own mission nodes.


The kuva siphon/flood missions which seem like the same thing to me, have the potential to be an endless mission type. Similar to the oprhix, players destory one then must destory the next. As players destory more siphon more start to spawn.


As far as the granum void, I feel this mission type should be its own mission node and in order to start the mission, players must select a granum coin to start it. Kinda like the old void key system even though DE has moved away from that. Luckily unlike the old void system granum keys dont need to be made and drop fairly frequently. If granum void had its own mission type it could easily be an endless mission.

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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Railjack missions - first and foremost, I don't understand why we have endless ground missions i.e. survival, defense and orphix types, within missions that should focus on the railjack. Ground missions like exterminate and sabotage make more sense as once your done the mission you return to your railjack. If anything DE should create at least one or two endless mission types that focus on using your railjack such as an endless skirmish - it's one part defense (protect/ repair railjack), one part survival (endless enemy ships) and one part sabotage (boarding enemy ships). 

This.... Its a great idea! That part with RJ endless missions is very interesting, you can like warp between waves, like jumping into enemy outposts in space and then do things you do in regular skirmish.

Other ideas are great too, but this one is simple yet can be implemented in like a week of work, if DE even considers it.


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18 minutes ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Exterminate - so here I feel the objective should be changed to kill the commanders, like the Plain of eidolon or Orb vallis Bounties. Players need to draw out the commander by killing X enemies or stealing X credits in a certain time limit to spawn X amount of commanders. Players then kill these commanders then leave the mission.

Capture mission - personally this mission type should be retired, restricted to tier 1 (mercury,  venus, eart maps) or at the very least be moved to bounties only. This mission is so quick it really needs to be accompanied with another objective.

As for these two, I think exterminate is good as it its, you kill x amount of enemies, and youre good, simple.

But for capture, I can see how fast it can be sometimes. So, why not after you capture a target, that target gives you info about the commander which you need to kill (your idea from exterminate placed in capture)?

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Survival missions - all survival missions need the ability to convert the life support system into a resource gather for rare items.

Survival missions already drop a lot of resources, especially if you have a Nekros in the team or some other looter frame.

My main issue with Survival missions is players scatter and often there is one or two players which are alone in the other side of the map monopolizing kills which leaves the rest waving their arms and later having to run over to grab the loot that dropped.

I would love it if DE made it so players had to stay within a certain distance of the Life support capsules in order to survive. Instead of the small packs instantly restoring 4% of the Life Support, players would have an energy gauge which fills as they grab the packs, staying near the Large capsule would slowly drain from that gauge to keep a breathable atmosphere within a certain range. After 5 minutes that capsule would self destruct, players would get their rewards and a new capsule would spawn elsewhere forcing players to move to the new area.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Defense missions - so far my favorite defense map is the Uranus defense map where the defense objective moves every round. It allows for minor change in scenery and keeps the mission fast paced. I feel all defense maps should be reworked in this fashion.

I really really hate that map, it doesnt actually MOVE the defense target, it just changes which target to defend. I prefer the style of Ceres Defense missions where the Cryopod is on a rail that actually moves around. I wish that style had more maps tho there would be 4 different areas the capsule could move in between one to the other and these would be random each time so we could get different combinations each time we entered these missions.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Exterminate - so here I feel the objective should be changed to kill the commanders, like the Plain of eidolon or Orb vallis Bounties. Players need to draw out the commander by killing X enemies or stealing X credits in a certain time limit to spawn X amount of commanders. Players then kill these commanders then leave the mission.

Would be cool having priority targets in extermination missions, perhaps some alternative objectives along the way to make the maps less linear and gave something special for the extra effort like rare resources or some built Detonite/Fieldron?

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Capture mission - personally this mission type should be retired, restricted to tier 1 (mercury,  venus, eart maps) or at the very least be moved to bounties only. This mission is so quick it really needs to be accompanied with another objective.

Before Survival missions were implemented into the Game, there was a "Raid" mission that consisted of the player going through the map to a specific room, stealing an artifact then extracting. It was far faster/easier than Capture missions.

Currently capture Targets actually attempt to run from you and have something to protect them from instant kills like Nullifier Bubbles.

Perhaps DE could make it so Capture targets are in Saferooms/bunkers that require some console hacking/sabotage to gain access to and have some very heavy units protecting it?

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Defection mission - this mission type has potential but the map that it is playable on is what hurts it. The AI always seems to get stuck in places. If DE were to build a map with defection in mind this mission type would feel less frustrating to play.

I think Defection missions should have a dedicated tileset with places where the Kavors cant get stuck in. I find it very unrealistic seeing them just taxying around with a Grineer Galleon where they could easily be tracked, boarded and killed or in some Infested Ship from Eris where conditions are even worst and theres no actual reason for them being there.

Also, the Kavor`s own AIs should be made better, there usually are some Ramparts near the healing pylons which they could be using wile waiting for the Tenno.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Infested salvage - this mission needs a complete rework or be retired. This mission type is terrible verison of survival and i was so happy once i got nidus to not have to play this mission. I do like the Corrosive environment effect and feel it should be included in most, if not all, the infested missions on eris.

For me, Infested Salvage missions is nothing more than an Interception with Batteries... I really hate that map with 3 terminals at different hights, not because they are in different positions but because there is way too many places to get stuck and/or fall.

Since the only use of this mission is to farm for Nidus Parts, i dont see any reason for it to be revamped.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Interception and mobile defense - these mission type players should be hacking into the consoles. Does this add difficulty?  Yes and no. This would some difficulty for new players that dont have hack ciphers, if you are unsuccessful after 3 attempts then the console explodes possibly triggering a mission failure. In regular missions players can use the ciphers to simply bypass the hacking mini-game and encourage players to create more ciphers; whereas tougher missions, like sorties or nightmare missions, ciphers would be disabled.

Interception missions havent changed since they were implemented with the exception of some tileset changes. Interception missions are Ok but glitchy at times as some times enemies instantly hack a console when they reach it or manage to hack even after killed.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Excavation - one of the most annoying thing about this mission is waiting for an enemy with a power canister to spawn. As I was playing on Pluto I had thought that would raise this mission types difficulty but also help with those power droughts. What if the Excavatiors used nearby warframe shields when they run out power to continue drilling and once power is restored it will stop draining the warframe shields. Makes sense since we are already have to leave the extractor defenseless to hunt down power cells.

I found the underlined part funny, not just because its true but because it used to be far worst.

When first Implemented into the game, the first thigh that would get Highlighted on the mission was a Scanner tower which players had to put those Energy Cells into in order for the Excavation sites to show up.



Took months for DE to remove the requirement of the Scanner before Excavation became viable.

I personally dont find Excavation a bad mission, i just wish the Excavators had more survivability, perhaps have its Shield be a Dome/Bubble around it to force mobs closer to directly hit it. Once its shield got depleted than the bubble would vanish until shields completely recharged again.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Assault- the few times I have played this mission I keep asking myself "why isn't this just part of the sabotage mission type?" The premise of this mission to hack various consoles to destroy a super weapon, which is exactly what is done in sabotage mission. This mission should be integrated in the sabotage mission type and add more variety if expanded to other maps too.

Same thoughts. I think sabotage missions should have more steps and greater consequences for taking the easy way/wrong way to complete it.

Years ago i complained here in the Forums that Sabotage missions were too easy, had no hazards or consequences for taking the easy route with the exception of an occasional Core compromised leading to a countdown. DE later added the FIRE effect in case players chose to just blow up the core which was nice and some times gave them reasons to do the coolant method.
For who knows what reasons, DE later removed this...

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

Missions that simply need more puzzle or map variations i.e. more map tiles:

Arena: rathuum & the index

Completely agree.

Should add more later, gotta go out for now. :3

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4 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

I prefer the style of Ceres Defense missions where the Cryopod is on a rail that actually moves around. I wish that style had more maps tho there would be 4 different areas the capsule could move in between one to the other and these would be random each time so we could get different combinations each time we entered these missions

A Ceres defense style of map could work too. Anything that encourages me to move from around the map. This why I enjoy sealabs.

4 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

there was a "Raid" mission that consisted of the player going through the map to a specific room, stealing an artifact then extracting. It was far faster/easier than Capture missions.

I think i remeber this mission type i thought it was called "espionage" though.

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20 minutes ago, (XBOX)Nightseid said:

I think i remeber this mission type i thought it was called "espionage" though.

Wasnt Espionage the one we had to hack 4 consoles and grab 4 datamasses? At that time the Datamass had 4 lights that lit as we gathered them.

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Edit- add to main post.

I forgot to add this in my original post but I realize I didnt mention a couple mission because these are actually secondary objective within missions. Missions like Kuva flood, Kuva siphon and granum void. These missions are fun however they should be buried as secondary mission but made into primary ones with their own mission nodes.

The kuva siphon/flood missions which seem like the same thing to me, have the potential to be an endless mission type. Similar to the oprhix,  players destory one then must destory the next. As players destory more siphon more start to spawn.

As far as the granum void, I feel this mission type should be its own mission node and in order to start the mission, players must select a granum coin to start it. Kinda like the old void key system even though DE has moved away from that. Luckily unlike the old void system granum keys dont need to be made and drop fairly frequently. If granum void had its own mission type it could easily be an endless mission.

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