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Cephalon Simaris scan target gets killed by Khora's Venari



I think this is a bug. Even though it wasted some of my time on a by making the mission useless, it looked hilarious!

Venari kept attacking the scan target, preventing me from scanning it since the Shield Lancer was quickly bouncing around the screen. Throwing down a trap didn't stop the wild movement. In less than a minute it was dead.

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I don't think this is a bug, as abilities does affect the target. So Venari (that is more or less in the same bucket as abilities) will attack the target if there is nothing else around for it to attack. Or if Venari has already targeted the Cephalon target it will attack the target regardless of other enemies around you.

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I use Ivara for those, sub her for Loki if you prefer - as the target can't see them Stealthed so easy tag and bag :p My girl Venari is designed for combat aid, any Companion would do it too and the Beast pets are much harder to control as they run off towards any enemy target within their detection range. Even when I got put on SP accidentally by Oxomoco for a Relic Fissure; Nari and Morghanna my Panzer, both refused to come right to me for better positioning and to allow the Radiation to make the Corrupted kill Angst for me xD

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In this regard, I would like to see a corresponding "Quality of Life revision".

The problem with the scan targets is that they are unfortunately not "immortal". If they were, it would be easier to scan them.

So it often happens that other players do so much damage to the target that it gets killed anyway. And this is especially annoying for the players who wanted to scan the target.

As exaple in Extinction Missions.

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