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So De Said They Didn't Want The Trading System To Be The Real Money Auction House.


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Thank you DE, I can finally sell all my mods and retire on a small island :)


But seriously, I'm kind of curious why they did this. The only ones they're hurting are their own market sales since their market prices obviously can't compete with the infinite farming of players.


It just feels so weird, the game is truly free to play now.


I'd be happier about it if I didn't just buy a buttload of plat a few days ago :p

Edited by yggdrazzle
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This is totally changing the game's dynamic, and a huge cause for concern.  Honestly, I don't like the idea of trading in general; It takes away from the core of the game, and creates a sub-game of "sit in the chat and market some mods".  In Warframe's current state "collectibles" are a major player in the longevity of the game, and the notion that they can all be bought devalues them tremendously.  



"Bragging rights" as childish and trivial as it sounds, is a big part of the game; This is the reason people are enticed by exclusive items and cosmetics, and is part of the reason I became a founder.  An Auction house takes away from this, and is a detriment to the game.  Therefore I believe trading should be removed entirely, or at least toned down to a barter system with no currency involved.

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Wow, I don't feel good about this at all.  I mean if it's your cup of tea then fine, but this ruins a lot of the appeal for me.  The minute real-life money (or the effective version of it) starts trading hands between players for in game items then I worry.  There will be ways to exploit it, even if temporary, and only a lot of anger can come from that.  I have no problem with people paying money to DE - that's what they are here to do.  But players basically paying players money?  Sigh...

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 You able to check in-game? Take a look at trade chat. It is an endless flood of 'Trading X! Plat only!'


  Majority of people aren't interesting in trading. Just turning their mods into cosmetics.

Well not sure it's THAT bad, I was able to finally get my seeker+hammershot+blaze today ^_^  *To clarify, I traded mods for these which is my point.



I think the plat thing is being blown out of proportion a wee bit though - out of game RMT isn't likely going to be a prob since you sort of have to buy the plat first.  Secondly, there is no way sustainable way to convert plat into cash so it's not attractive to goldfarmers ect.  Thirdly, it's an option to allow F2P players access to cosmetics and P2P players the ability to be lazy/have something to spend plat on.  Lastly, this isn't unprecedented a similar system was seen in Tera Online for game time when it was P2P and it wasn't really problematic - Eve has a sort of similar thing except that you can actually convert it to cash iirc. 

Edited by Relkin
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This is totally changing the game's dynamic, and a huge cause for concern.  Honestly, I don't like the idea of trading in general; It takes away from the core of the game, and creates a sub-game of "sit in the chat and market some mods".  In Warframe's current state "collectibles" are a major player in the longevity of the game, and the notion that they can all be bought devalues them tremendously.  



"Bragging rights" as childish and trivial as it sounds, is a big part of the game; This is the reason people are enticed by exclusive items and cosmetics, and is part of the reason I became a founder.  An Auction house takes away from this, and is a detriment to the game.  Therefore I believe trading should be removed entirely, or at least toned down to a barter system with no currency involved.

in that respect the only thing you have to complain about are the Prime packs, as Prime items were the only thing exempt from plat until now. 


Also there nothing wrong with people who prefer to sit in chat and trade all day, that is a vital aspect of Eve's own economy. It keeps business flowing, and is simply a differnt playstyle. Trade kiosks are what brougth me back to warframe after a long break, a break I didnt plan to return from. It provides something new to do besides grind in-engine for items.I have accumulated quite a bit of resources and credits and am excited to see what i can do with them.


as to trading plat itself: I think it might actually have the potential to balance itself out. We'll see.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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Wow, I don't feel good about this at all.  I mean if it's your cup of tea then fine, but this ruins a lot of the appeal for me.  The minute real-life money (or the effective version of it) starts trading hands between players for in game items then I worry.  There will be ways to exploit it, even if temporary, and only a lot of anger can come from that.  I have no problem with people paying money to DE - that's what they are here to do.  But players basically paying players money?  Sigh...


That's not exactly what's going on here.


Players are trading game currency for game items. Though said currency was bought with real money, it cannot transform back into money. Again, this is -not- D3's marketplace. Plat is bought and traded, but CANNOT be truly sold for real cash money.


From what i've seen, you can only trade 3 items at once, and have a daily trade limit of 4 times. Good luck making a business with that limitation. Not to mention the trade tax.


THIS. Everyone who's worried about this system really needs to read -THIS-.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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That's not exactly what's going on here.


Players are trading game currency for game items. Though said currency was bought with real money, it cannot transform back into money. Again, this is -not- D3's marketplace. Plat is bought and traded, but CANNOT be truly sold for real cash money.



THIS. Everyone who's worried about this system really needs to read -THIS-.


One of many articles that YOU should read. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-04-10/meet-the-bitcoin-millionaires


4 giant sales a day (read: 12 maxxed out mods, which many people have who farm a lot) could be quite lucrative.

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One of many articles that YOU should read. http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-04-10/meet-the-bitcoin-millionaires


4 giant sales a day (read: 12 maxxed out mods, which many people have who farm a lot) could be quite lucrative.


For plat they can then spend on what they want from the store. It's been said in the thread already that you can't re-trade the plat you get from trading. I don't see much of a problem even if you could. This is Plat we are dealing with, not real money.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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For plat they can then spend on what they want from the store. It's been said in the thread already that you can't re-trade the plat you get from trading. I don't see much of a problem even if you could. This is Plat we are dealing with, not real money.

Unless DE themselves state this is the case, it cant be presumed it is no matter the assumptions of intent others make on the current statements DE has made.

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Ok let me make something clear, before you go on a WTF is this BS spree in future.


Do your freaking research...


There something in place called Trade Tax. Meaning that if you want to make a successful trade you need to pay the taxes via credits. I just looked at the tax of 1 plat, it was 500 credits.


1 plat = 500 credits

10 plat = 5,000 credits

1,000 plat = 500,000 credits.


If you dont have what it takes to pay the fee to receive this item it wont happen at all.

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Ok let me make something clear, before you go on a WTF is this BS spree in future.


Do your freaking research...


There something in place called Trade Tax. Meaning that if you want to make a successful trade you need to pay the taxes via credits. I just looked at the tax of 1 plat, it was 500 credits.


1 plat = 500 credits

10 plat = 5,000 credits

1,000 plat = 500,000 credits.


If you dont have what it takes to pay the fee to receive this item it wont happen at all.

^ This

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if you want to give a completly new account some platinum it may not be able to give back, feel free.

Or we can just ask someone who sold a mod for plat. Or someone here can give a little to a friend to test if they are feeling nice. lol

Edited by SolidSp33d
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