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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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(ps4, xbox one, 3ds)


On this, get the 3DS first, it's more solid of a system right now. Wait for the kinks to be rolled out of the new systems from Sony and Microsoft (though I would suggest a PS4 over an Xbox 180, but that's just a personal preference.)



Furthermore, on this issue again, I wouldn't mind seeing the Misa on all tiers. I wouldn't mind seeing a "No platinum, no Farmable Primes" pack, and I wouldn't mind seeing these things shoved into a Founders or "Premier Access" store area for people who have put a sufficient amount of money into the game. 

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tfw founders was jsut a silly gimmick and you could have supported the game regardless by giving money.


tfw prime gear is also a gimmick and serves no real purpose except to look pimped out.


tfw nothing looks good on prime except stock.


tfw the design council doesn't matter unless you want to look at stuff early.


If they was gonna pull this stunt they should have just kept founders going and roll in with a different prime on it while opening excal prime, lato prime and skana prime to the void. There is nothing really exclusive about excalibur prime or the weapons.


1/ Prime Gear looks better and has better stats, that does matter to a lot of people


2/ "tfw nothing looks good on prime except stock." <= That's totally subjective


3/ The Design Council gives you more voice and recognition from the DE, that's a big thing.


4/ That's a business stratergy, cutting off the founder packs is kinda a good move.


PS: Buying founder packs is a more efficient decision than just "purchase some platinum"

Edited by The_Markie
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Of course my opinion doesn't help. It's not meant to help. It's suppose to be the exact opposite of help - I'm trying to deter you scarf-fanatics from obsessing over a single cosmetic item like it's some sort of Holy Grail.


Look, when I said it doesn't change the gameplay at all, I meant it doesn't change your gameplay at all - how you move, how you shoot, the damage you do, etc. You'll be playing the game exactly the same as before.


Everything you said above boils down to: "It's pretty and we want it but it's too expensive."


Let's look at it from another perspective: What do you think people who already paid massive amount of money for this exclusive cosmetic item will feel?


How would you feel if you paid a big wad of cash for something you really really wanted because it looked pretty and it's very exclusive, and all of the sudden, DE cut the price down to less than a quarter of its original worth because people whined about it on the forums? 


ITT: Egotistical maniacs


De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum. *you* don't care about some cosmetic item, that's your prerogative, judging from the amount of threads on this subject there are a *lot* of people that *do care* and frankly whatever the people who don't care about cosmetics think is pretty much irrelevant in this thread as it is explicitly about cosmetics.


The problem, as has been stated before is not necessarily that it's too expensive, it's that most of us DO NOT WANT TO BUY THE PRIME GEAR. This fact is apparently pretty hard to get into your and other peoples' skulls.


If they'd make a pack with only cosmetics and slap a decent price on it we'd buy it (if we like it anyway), but now they're forcing us to buy content we explicitly do not want to buy to get at stuff we do want.


This is before of course considering that the price is outrageous if all you want is the Syandana, but price is a separate subject entirely and the prices of many things DE sells could use a long hard look.

Edited by marelooke
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Thanks RuneGrey its why I am trying to be nice and have mentioned to now use the words entitles or deserve also to not argue because its true if we agree and are not separated/arguing the Dev would be more inclined to listen and understand us to consider our proposal. Just wish more people would agree on the two large topics and that is have a 4th tier or put the Syandana in every tier.


I'm not saying we deserve or are entitled to anything, but I do stick to being disappointed as I consider the way this has been set up now to be a low business practice and I would not support any company that resorts to it. I do hope DE has just fibbed up (again) and is willing to fix the problems with Prime Access (which, despite much of random banter in the various thread, should be pretty obvious by now)


On the subject of how I would like to see it handled (in case that was not clear by now): I vote for the cosmetics to be moved to a separate tier, for everyone, moving it to all tiers still doesn't fix the problem for me, which is that I have no use for any of the Prime gear (aka I want to "earn" it). There is no reason Founders should be treated specially here.

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It's a scarf. A cosmetic. They need to do SOMETHING to entice people to pay money. With plat trading, if they made the scarf available via plat, people would just sell mods for plat and then buy the scarf.


Take a step back, realize the quality of the object you're pointlessly fighting for, and settle down.


As for the primes, they can be obtained ingame (assuming DE fixes some of the drop rates like they did during the initial release of the void items). As mentioned earlier, plat can be obtained via trading.



Ok, but where are all the plats coming from? Isn't majority of the plats bought using cash given to DE? They could price the Scarf at the marketplace at sky high price like 200 plats. That would meant that an in game currency, which is generated from actual money is actually being used to buy premium items. That sounds perfectly logical to me.


And, please... Mods are not worth that much. Assuming the price of 200 plats, one will still have to go through alot of graft to get the mods to trade for plats for one cosmetic item, which he/she could have gotten potatoes or slots. 200 is too low? Make it 250 or 300 then. At least the big storage of plats would see some use. And that would actually deplete our stock and make us buy more plats on the long run; even more money.


You apparently are missing the point of this prime access thing.

Money doesn't grow on trees, mate. Updates take quite a lot of time and money to create and release.


The average retail game cost approx $50-60. Aren't those games the same? Take Guild Wars 2 for example. $50 for the main game or $70 for a few extras and that's about it. It's been more than a year now with frequent updates and events and there is not even a single DLC to make you pay for extra/exclusive contents.


But enough of the comparison. Please read at least the last few pages of this thread and you will realize that it's not that we do not want to pay for content. But the initial purchase, the current price and the fact that it will happen every 2 months is just too much.

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IMO, Founders should be able to buy the Titan Prime crap and Misa Syandana separately if they wanted to while non-founders/new people will have to buy the entire pack. Not to try and sound like an entitled prick, but we shelled out a good amount of cash to support a game that we love. Having more freedom in situations like this would be a nice perk for our... dedication. 


Just be fair to everyone and put BPs for the Titan Prime and Syandana in the void. This will further clutter the drop tables, but it's one solution. Basically, remove the exclusivity of them with the option to outright purchase them instead of farming for BPs. 

Edited by Ennokk
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I would opt for something like this.


Keep the tiers as they are but using an opt in model.

Every tier cost is determined by the platinum. + a little bonus itemand determing on the tier you choose you can decide to opt in goodies. for example


Flare (allows bonus opt for Sicarus + Glaive prime)

1050 Platinum + Sicarus prime          (35$)

Glaive prime    (Optional for 10$)

Price : 30$ - 45$



Blaze(Enables additional bonus opts of titan, ember prime, avatars

2100 Platinum + titan Extractor         (50$)

Sicarus + Glaive prime   (Optional for 10$)

Ember Prime                  (Optional for 10$)

Avatars                           (Optional for 10$)

Price 50$ - 80$




4300+Mysasindana         (80$)

Sicarus + Glaive prime   (Optional for 5$)

Ember Prime                  (Optional for  5$)

Avatars                           (Optional for 10$)

Titan Extractor                (Optional for  10$)

Exclusive boosters         (Optional for  10$)

Price 80$ - 120$


I am more then willing to pay to get my goodies, but for the love Please dont make me ruin the update for myself becouse i just want the pretties.

For me the update is awesome for farming new content. I WANT the goodies and would pay for it but i DON'T WANT the Ember prime just handed over to me.

Edited by Malacheska
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reset meaning misa syndana will be gone?


No, that will be robbery. It means Misa Prime and whatever you see in the the current Prime Access packages will be no longer be available while a new package will take over with different stuff.

Edited by Krysis_V
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more than 10k of views WOW!!



I think the problem is the resource we allready get, platinum, by only paying with "real money", and the "real money" that "we should" spend to get the "new cool things". in other games we use that resource to get the "new cool things" or "premium things".

But now we are forced to spend more "real money" to get the new cool stuff, and we keep storing the platinum. And we ask "why the F*** we should buy platinum if they make us spend real money to get the new cool stuff? why is the point of getting platinum?"


That makes question more things, like "the platinum" is devaluated?. the "new cool things" in the future will make us spend "more real money"?? why i cant buy them with the platinum i got by spending "real money"??


The platinum give us the illusion that we could "administrate" our economy, by saving them for "this new cool things" and other things and that is cool, but now that illusion is gone.


The founders pack was a "exception" to the rule.

Edited by Quimey
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wow an interesting thread all round.

I do agree with the OP. It sucks that the only way to obtain the scarf is with another large payment and the only extras are a frame and weapons I'd rather farm and some fancy other things that don't really matter.

But, it does make sense to bundle exclusive items with top tier, It really is the only way to get people to pay for it. Plus it gives players, unable to obtain the founder pack, some bling of their own to flaunt. I know I like to run around with the GM badge, and skana/lato prime just to show off.

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Welcome to f2p. You get to play a glorified demo whilst they drain every cent they can from you, using sleazy techniques like this. Its the same in pretty much every f2p game. You get a product of less overall quality, but are expected to pay 3 or 4 times the price of a AAA game to get the whole package. Warframe isn't so bad, because they only do it with cosmetics, but its still kind of predatory setting up the prices like this. With the founders you could at least get Excal Prime with one of the cheaper packs, but here you have to get the highest tier in order to get something unique that can't just be farmed for. But yeah its not going to change because people have already gotten the 3rd tier for the scarf, they aren't going to spit in their faces and make it available to everyone.

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The prime access makes me bitter because I only want the darn scarf... Being forced to pay the biggest amount upsets me. I say forced because its exclusive.


As much as I support their decision on a new program that involves purchasing "levels", I can't help but feel like that poor people are being slapped in the face here. I can't afford 140 dollars on warframe, especially not after I spent so much money on founder.. And thats just ME. What about all the other people? It makes me a little angry that they keep making more and more exclusive items. It's almost as if they decided to make the previous scarves "less" good, so they could save the good stuff for later, and use it to lure out the rich players.


I do not think this is okay, although I doubt it matters what i think. People already bought the damn prime access, so like hell they'll change it now.


Just to point out.. I bought founder because I thought I was going to keep playing this and "evolve" with the game. But seeing as they'll release awesome stuff that I can't affort, kinda makes me wonder if my money was well spent on founder.. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that they've done such a great job so far, so a part of me hopes that they'll consider this and make the things avaiable for the rest of us, instead of only people with a ton of money.


Rant over -takes deep breath-

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I'm in favor of DE putting out purchase only exclusive content, but like some other forum users who have posted, I vastly prefer grinding the frames because it makes me appreciate the having of them so much more.  Therefore, my play preference actually prevents me from experiencing value from the prime access pack the way that it is currently set up.  I'd feel like I'm paying to take away my game play.


I wouldn't mind another option to both support DE and get a cool swag scarf, but it would have to be separated from the prime gear for me to consider it.


That suggestions for 50 bucks was actually something I double-taked on.  I'd definitely buy the scarf and some plat for 50 dollars.

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The Founders Packs and Prime Access packs are there for a simple reason;


People who can afford them but do not have a lot of time, can buy them to get cool things, support the game and get a nice gift out of it for giving money to a game that can be played for free.


There has to be an incentive for the upper-tier packs. Something that makes them more than just desirable, but exclusive.


Not everyone can afford them, that is unfortunate, but then again not everyone can afford an iPad. Just because you bought an iPod before does that entitle you to a discount on an iPad? Of course not. That is how trade and consumerism works.


This is a good option for those who could not be a founder and it supports the game. If you want the exclusives enough, then you'll pay for it. If you don't, then you will have to live without them.

Actually, you can trade in your iPod to get a discount...


But that isn't what I was asking.  I'm not asking a discount for the whole $140 package.  I want something that gives us more options especially for those who already invested a certain amount of money.  Willingness to pay starts to decrease after you spent a certain amount of money on something. And this shouldn't be just for Founders.  This should be for people who bought a certain amount of plat or spent a certain amount of money.  I bet people would have rather bought Prime Access instead of all the separate plat we bought.


Once again, not asking it for free, just asking for more options

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The problem with these suggestions is that $50 is still too much just for a scarf and titan extractor. If they were offered in game like other items they wouldn't exceed 50 plat each. And I'm all for founders having access to a new package with just the extractor and scarf for a MAXIMUM of $15-20. Any more than that would be kind of ridiculous and even that $15-20 is being generous.

EDIT: It also adds insult to injury that this exclusive syndana makes the ones offered in game look like a steaming pile of dead seagulls.

Edited by JessicaAlba
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