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Comments on my Railjack stats?



Just started RJ missions and got my plexus forma'd twice. Just curious whether I should try a void flood mission? A rando came into one of my missions while I was alone (and doing ok) and all he did was rag on my S#&$ty railjack and weapons. I have level 3 weapons, plating, reactor, etc. Not really sure what I can do to make my RJ better. Any tips on a good combo of mods would be cool. Should have screen capped my mod page. Oops.


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25 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I looked for how to do this, didn't see anything. 

Whenever you have item selected (eg. from Armaments Menu), there are two icons in bottom right corner. One of them should be Valence Fusion the other Scrap. Fusion lets you consume same item (school/type) to increase the stats of 1st (They do not need to be repaired/built; you just fuse the wreckage). It also lets you choose best suited trait as when fusing you get to choose the final one. MKIII items give 10% boost, MKII items 5% and MK1 2% assuming you are fusing into MkIII item.

Valence Fusion | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom

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On 2022-11-07 at 9:16 PM, R4bbit0le said:

And Seeker Volley will change your life. Your RJ gameplay will shift to you placing energy pads and pressing 3 until all fighters disappear from your screen...

If I play solo that usually happens duee to my Gunners Aimboting everything.

3 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Is there a way to do this? I have a pilot as crew but since I added this crewmember, it doesn't seem to ever pilot the RJ lol.

You can assign the roles in command menu pre game or on the fly with L? menu. 

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So while I'm in the main objective, sometimes when I return to the RJ the RJ was boarded. So it's safe to assume that before entering the main objective one should clear all the fighters and crew ships. The reason I ask is crew ships continue to spawn in the higher missions it seems and I wouldn't want to be aboard the big ship doing the main objective as my RJ gets destroyed a d I lose the mission and all the time invested.

It's actually really important to clear all fighters and crewships before doing the away objectives, mainly because the spawns are shared between ships and ground units and there's a cap. You can break figher spawns making the mission impossible to complete if do other objectives first.

If you don't want boarders from the away objectives leave your RJ further than 4000m away so they can't send ramsleds, get in with the slingshot and assign an AI to pilot once you are close to the inside consoles. Shipkiller platform has a range over 5000m IIRC and will wreak a RJ quickly, even targeting it under voidcloak but you can park underneath it.


5 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

1. Pilots are useless. Speed is hardly useful if ship is directed by DE AI. Assigning pilot makes it impossible to aim your Front Artillery, he will jump in and start flying away.

If you are playing solo an AI can pilot to destroy radiators quite decently, mostly it's faster than doing it yourself. Though it's AI and tileset dependant I'd say it works out faster more often than not.

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3 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

RJ can be boarded yes, but cannot be destroyed when you are in a mission (main mission, not some salvage). Notice its HP is greyed out.

Ok good tips on crew. I thought an engineer would also battle boarders. A pilot would only pilot if I wasn't in the front so I assigned dual roles. For your comment, please note once when I returned from a survival, the RJ was not destroyed but it was destroyed like 2 seconds after I reboarded. I don't remember the particulars, just that the mission failed. I think the reactor was the issue. That was also early RJ days for me.

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

One is pilot and damage control, one is combat and defense and the last is gunner and engineering.

You got some wierd choices of professions here.

1. Pilots are useless. Speed is hardly useful if ship is directed by DE AI. Assigning pilot makes it impossible to aim your Front Artillery, he will jump in and start flying away.

2. Engineer should be free to roam around the ship, shouldnt be a Gunner. Gunners are in Turrets 24/7.

3. I find that two gunners are enough to prevent any Boarding, because everything dies too fast. So the Defensor is not needed at all.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

So while I'm in the main objective, sometimes when I return to the RJ the RJ was boarded. So it's safe to assume that before entering the main objective one should clear all the fighters and crew ships. The reason I ask is crew ships continue to spawn in the higher missions it seems and I wouldn't want to be aboard the big ship doing the main objective as my RJ gets destroyed a d I lose the mission and all the time invested.

RJ can be boarded yes, but cannot be destroyed when you are in a mission (main mission, not some salvage). Notice its HP is greyed out.

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On 2022-11-10 at 3:17 PM, LemonOfTheVoid said:

Again, it's not much, but I'm a mere fly in the fleet battle

Appreciate the screen caps and info! 



I think I'm good at this point. All my weapons, engine, shield, reactor are level three and I have three crew. One is pilot and damage control, one is combat and defense and the last is gunner and engineering. With two crew I did well with some Saturn and pluto missions solo. Will try some void missions soon. 

So while I'm in the main objective, sometimes when I return to the RJ the RJ was boarded. So it's safe to assume that before entering the main objective one should clear all the fighters and crew ships. The reason I ask is crew ships continue to spawn in the higher missions it seems and I wouldn't want to be aboard the big ship doing the main objective as my RJ gets destroyed a d I lose the mission and all the time invested.

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On 2022-11-06 at 10:32 PM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Just started RJ missions and got my plexus forma'd twice. Just curious whether I should try a void flood mission? A rando came into one of my missions while I was alone (and doing ok) and all he did was rag on my S#&$ty railjack and weapons. I have level 3 weapons, plating, reactor, etc. Not really sure what I can do to make my RJ better. Any tips on a good combo of mods would be cool. Should have screen capped my mod page. Oops.


Since the not-asked-for changes to RJ, House bonuses don't matter much. Still, I have my speedy RJ - LAVAN HOUSE PARTY !


Honestly, The MK111 weapons and pieces are just fine. The Houses will increase your stats, but to no point that matters.




Photor (anti-shield corpus) for nose, Pulsar (hit scan)for the main guns, and the Tycho Seeker , are the basic armaments for player or NPC crew. 


My setup goes with my Lavan-Mauarder scheme. Battle and Tactical are going to depend if you're running your ship or not. I don't so I base my choices on quick support.





Just a sample of House bonuses. My pilot ( engine speed boost ) and gunner ( Lavan gun damage ) add more buffs. Again, it's not much, but I'm a mere fly in the fleet battle.

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To (XBOX)Player244024418,

To upgrade a Lavan MKIII you need Lavan MKIII only (same House and same tier for valence fusion !!!)...

For Battle mods, I personnaly recommand :

  • One for Mining/AoE : Shatter Burst, Particule ram or any wide area
  • One for Fighters/CC : Tether, Seeker Volley, Void Hole
  • One For CrewShips/DPS : BlackOut pulse, Munitions Vortex

As You usually have At least 3 minings spots per mission : You can gather ressources, deal with fighters and Crewship in the same mission. SOLO or not....

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13 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

You can Valence Fuse them with Mark 3  parts to upgrade their stat to max budget. Once you are max budget with parts you are interested in you can safely sell all extra parts.

I looked for how to do this, didn't see anything.  I'll keep looking around. I noticed the plexus controls in the orbiter are not as complete as drydock. Weird

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Also, all the mark I and mark II gear can I sell or do I need to keep that for some reason? 

You can Valence Fuse them with Mark 3  parts to upgrade their stat to max budget. Once you are max budget with parts you are interested in you can safely sell all extra parts.

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10 hours ago, L3512 said:

Components are Zetki shield array (fastest recharge delay), Lavan engines (fastest), Vidar plating but Lavan is better and a Zetki reactor.

I have Vidar 3 shield, Laval engines 3, Vidar Plating 3, Vidar reactor 3. I have a zekti reactor iii in process of repair.


I noticed my battle and tactical mods change to the unrated ones often, not sure if that's a bug. 


Also, all the mark I and mark II gear can I sell or do I need to keep that for some reason? 

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For Railjack I'm using, onslaught matrix as aura.

hyperstrike, conic nozzle, crimson fugue (not sure if this does much.), sectional density, predator, cruising speed, ion burn and forward artillery (relative flex slot.)

Battle are, blackout pulse (RIP MV), particle ram because I've never changed it and seeker volley.

Tactical are, Intruder statis, battle stations and void cloak but these are rarely used because DE destroyed RJ.


Components are Zetki shield array (fastest recharge delay), Lavan engines (fastest), Vidar plating but Lavan is better and a Zetki reactor.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I was on a Void? mission (top left area) on someone's RJ and was killing fighters and then some big black hole opened up and it literally sucked all the fighters into it. What was that??? I need that! LOL

That's void hole, it was old meta but doesn't see much use now, I'd go for seeker volley myself but it's up to you.


2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

kinda feel like for solo on the higher levels I need to mod for repair and defense and have maybe two gunner crew members and one repair guys (3 total)?

I use two gunners and one repair, elite crew can double up on roles if you wait for the right one to appear.


2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I am at rank 28 on my plexus with six of the eight mod slots forma'd. Do you guys think at this point I could attempt to go for a higher level mission (not earth or Venus) on my own?

Looks Like you have used enough forma, I don't think I'm on 6/8 even, leaving slots unforma'd allows for flexibility. I would certainly try Saturn solo.

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2 hours ago, R4bbit0le said:

For your integrated mod setup you can literally slot whatever. Artillery Cheap Shot is very nice to save Dome charges.

Not sure what you mean by integrated mod but I'll figure it out LOL.

I was on a Void? mission (top left area) on someone's RJ and was killing fighters and then some big black hole opened up and it literally sucked all the fighters into it. What was that??? I need that! LOL

I think I have that zekti reactor iii. It might even be equipped. I'm level three on everything and even went to each turret before moving forward on a mission to check out the guns and see what randos would be using if they boarded my RJ. I like all the guns. Just not sure how much damage they do.

I kinda feel like for solo on the higher levels I need to mod for repair and defense and have maybe two gunner crew members and one repair guys (3 total)?

I am at rank 28 on my plexus with six of the eight mod slots forma'd. Do you guys think at this point I could attempt to go for a higher level mission (not earth or Venus) on my own?

The missions are long and I'd hate to lose.

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15 hours ago, L3512 said:

so safe to say if someone was complaining about yours than they are either poorly equipped themselves or a bad player.

So true.

7 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Let me know your thoughts on mine if you don't mind.

For your integrated mod setup you can literally slot whatever. Artillery Cheap Shot is very nice to save Dome charges.
I feel like the rest is up to you: more damage on turrets, more speed, more faction damage, more efficiency on revolite...
The most well rounded defensive aura i do feel like it's Ironclad Matrix though.

For Battle Mods the three I suggested are very good for solo gameplay:
Blackout Pulse keeps that crewships nice and still while you charge Dome shots on their engines.
Shatter Burst, you explode it close to shield coated crewships and it destroys all the shield nodes on both grineer and corpus so you don't need to destroy each node.
And Seeker Volley will change your life. Your RJ gameplay will shift to you placing energy pads and pressing 3 until all fighters disappear from your screen...

There is a Zekti Reactor MkIII that increases your battle mods range and strength.
So, your guns are also up to you, your ship, your rules captain. Try them and slot whatever brings you joy...
But you know that annoying Corpus crewships that have a huge shield in front of them? That always faces the direction damage is incoming? Ye, Photor guns go through this shield and kill the drone in the middle, is such a quality of life feature for me.



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8 hours ago, R4bbit0le said:

Pieces like plating, reactors and guns who have the same name can be fused to bump up their stats to a certain limit.

LOL I just sold a bunch of extras, sigh... didn't know that. I'll check out the plexus to find out how to do it. Thanks. I have ironclad matrix maxxed. 

I have two crew. One setup for repair and one for gunning. 

Here's my current setup. Keep in mind I just added another forma (six of eight slots total):

8 hours ago, L3512 said:

I can grab details of my RJ loadout if you want.

Sure. Let me know your thoughts on mine if you don't mind.



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40 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Just started RJ missions and got my plexus forma'd twice. Just curious whether I should try a void flood mission? A rando came into one of my missions while I was alone (and doing ok) and all he did was rag on my S#&$ty railjack and weapons. I have level 3 weapons, plating, reactor, etc. Not really sure what I can do to make my RJ better. Any tips on a good combo of mods would be cool. Should have screen capped my mod page. Oops.

Railjacks aren't even a core part of RJ anymore so safe to say if someone was complaining about yours than they are either poorly equipped themselves or a bad player.

Get a crew member for repairs and killing boarders, two AI crew members on guns will outpace most human players and don't leech, you can set to solo but there is a good chance no one will ever join anyway.

I can grab details of my RJ loadout if you want.

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Not really sure what I can do to make my RJ better. Any tips on a good combo of mods would be cool.

Have you bought crew members from ticker at fortuna? Besides fixing your ship and shooting at invaders, they copy your integrated railjack mods and use any weapon you choose from your arsenal.
The most important mod is the aura Ironclad Matrix, focus on spending your endo in maxing out this one first.
Pieces like plating, reactors and guns who have the same name can be fused to bump up their stats to a certain limit.
You can slot 3 battle mods and those decide what railjack abilities you get to use, I recommend Shatter Burst, Blackout Pulse and Seeker Volley.

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