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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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He is far from broken and let me remind you: Warframe is a coop game with 4 players. Why does it surprise you that you can't solo him? (Which you actually still can) I like being challenged and the Stalker is one of the few challenging things in this game.  

Stop using that argument.

DE wants the game to be soloable. They specifically stated that.



sometimes when you cant defeat an enemy face to face, there is something called strategy, is great!


also, yes, stalker is supposed to be almost unbeatable (is not the case but for some looks like it), dont know where did you get the idea that you should be able to defeat him with any gear like someone else stated before me.


carry at least a good leveled / potatoed / formaed weapon always with you in case the monster appears, and learn how to defeat him.

I wasn't aware luck could be called a "strategy".


And you are saying the solution is never equipping anything that can become a liability against the Stalker, even if those items are viable against everything else? That's great advice: I'll never again use Iron Skin, a sniper rifle, a bow, Null Star or Shade among other things.

Edited by The_Doc
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I've had him appear at level 60 to me when I was solo before.  It was ridiculous.  His scaling is all sorts of broken for what level he can appear at.

Hmm, once blocking and reversals means something could actually be tactic of killing in, though I think his level should be capped at 35 while 'solo', though other mods could scale highly, up to 60. I always wanted to try the reflection melee mod but I can't even get it to work in PvP, not sure it would work on him.

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Sure-sure... Getting 1 shot killed through over 1k shields is my frame being bad modded. Not a single boss in this game can deal such damage in 1 hit.



Yeah, you "farmed" him long-long time ago. Just like I did. How long has he come to you? Try to face him now, when you are death marked. Your memoirs and forum-theory are nothing against what Stalker has become.

I like how you quoted something that showed you didn't read what the other person wrote...


Considering how they said they fought him just yesterday in the part you quoted.



I don't really get the problem with the stalker.  As I said, on the PS4, completely soloable.  I said, I soloed him 4 times since the 11.5.8 patch and one time I ended up fighting him where one other player got a shot off on him before leaving him to me.   This was within like 5 hours of the patch going live.


As I also said, I wouldn't doubt that the stalker is stronger on the PC than the PS4.  The real question is how much stronger is he and that is something I won't know until later.  But for future reference (so that I know when I can fight him again and compare to what the PC players are experiencing, exactly what version are you guys having trouble with the stalker at?  (like 11.6+ or 11.6~13.0 or...?)

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Recommendation: To fight the Stalker use Radiation damage on him


Along with that, his Despairs are very effective against him :P


In all seriousness though he does need a rework just like any other boss that needs a rework, and a good one too, not just slapping random abilities on.

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I like how you quoted something that showed you didn't read what the other person wrote...

Forgot to reply to this. That could be low-lvl stalker or he wasn't his target. As Excalibur I soloed low-level Stalker, it's not hard: Slash Dashed him to death. Valkyr's ult should do the trick too.

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I like how you quoted something that showed you didn't read what the other person wrote...


Considering how they said they fought him just yesterday in the part you quoted.



I don't really get the problem with the stalker.  As I said, on the PS4, completely soloable.  I said, I soloed him 4 times since the 11.5.8 patch and one time I ended up fighting him where one other player got a shot off on him before leaving him to me.   This was within like 5 hours of the patch going live.


As I also said, I wouldn't doubt that the stalker is stronger on the PC than the PS4.  The real question is how much stronger is he and that is something I won't know until later.  But for future reference (so that I know when I can fight him again and compare to what the PC players are experiencing, exactly what version are you guys having trouble with the stalker at?  (like 11.6+ or 11.6~13.0 or...?)

The stalker attacked my t3 defense group yesterday and did almost no damage to my teammate that was the target. All of us were at least conclave 1400+ and he was doing damage comparable to the level 30 ancients that were attacking. Teammate had only about 500-600 max shield and never even went into their health. There is something ridiculously inconsistent with how he scales to his targets that needs to be fixed. My 1k+ shield Mag should not be getting one-shotted at 1500 conclave if a 600 shield Oberon at 1400 conclave never even gets his shield broken from the same attacks.

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The stalker attacked my t3 defense group yesterday and did almost no damage to my teammate that was the target. All of us were at least conclave 1400+ and he was doing damage comparable to the level 30 ancients that were attacking. Teammate had only about 500-600 max shield and never even went into their health. There is something ridiculously inconsistent with how he scales to his targets that needs to be fixed. My 1k+ shield Mag should not be getting one-shotted at 1500 conclave if a 600 shield Oberon at 1400 conclave never even gets his shield broken from the same attacks.

Quick question: Do you have Guardian maxed?  And did the Oberon have Guardian maxed?  Just to be sure since I've noticed something odd with Guardian.


Also, I've noticed that all enemies do a lot more damage now as their levels get higher and higher so it could just be the result of increasing damage growth (which doesn't mean it is a good thing but it would at least explain some things).

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Quick question: Do you have Guardian maxed?  And did the Oberon have Guardian maxed?  Just to be sure since I've noticed something odd with Guardian.


Also, I've noticed that all enemies do a lot more damage now as their levels get higher and higher so it could just be the result of increasing damage growth (which doesn't mean it is a good thing but it would at least explain some things).

I have Guardian maxed out and equipped at all times. There have been occasions when the stalker blew through 1k shields+all my health in one hit without even allowing Guardian to activate, and times when hits from Dread (which normally do huge amounts of damage) have only hit me for about 200 shield damage with a similar conclave level. I don't know if the Oberon had Guardian, but because I always have my party health window up, I was able to watch his shields/health.


Guardian activates when you take a hit that drops your shields to 0, but the damage from a single packet can do more than just your remaining shield and go to your health. Oberon's health never took a hit, though I did see his shields take moderate damage. Oberon also did not cast Renewal, and the only health orbs were very far away, as the mission was still in the first few waves and enemies were not getting close enough to the pod for Reckoning to spawn orbs near it, which is where we waited for the stalker when the lights started flashing.

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I have Guardian maxed out and equipped at all times. There have been occasions when the stalker blew through 1k shields+all my health in one hit without even allowing Guardian to activate, and times when hits from Dread (which normally do huge amounts of damage) have only hit me for about 200 shield damage with a similar conclave level. I don't know if the Oberon had Guardian, but because I always have my party health window up, I was able to watch his shields/health.


Guardian activates when you take a hit that drops your shields to 0, but the damage from a single packet can do more than just your remaining shield and go to your health. Oberon's health never took a hit, though I did see his shields take moderate damage. Oberon also did not cast Renewal, and the only health orbs were very far away, as the mission was still in the first few waves and enemies were not getting close enough to the pod for Reckoning to spawn orbs near it, which is where we waited for the stalker when the lights started flashing.

Well, his dread and despair and normal attacks don't do much damage.  What will kill you in one hit is his Slash dash (over 1k damage) and his Absorb.  So if neither were used, then that would be why the Oberon lived.

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Well, his dread and despair and normal attacks don't do much damage.  What will kill you in one hit is his Slash dash (over 1k damage) and his Absorb.  So if neither were used, then that would be why the Oberon lived.

I've had dread shots take out almost my entire shield in one hit. Also, his teleport melee strike will do very large amounts of damage. I don't understand how my conclave can change so little but the stalker can scale so erratically.

Edited by Leuca
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There's a great example of very challenging boss that was considered unbeatable - if you played on PS3, you may remember the 3-eyed demon boss from Demon's Souls intro. For a while it was thought that you were supposed to die in this fight, but you actually can win and then be presented with a cutscene where Dragon God flattens you anyway. So, the thing is, 3-eyed demon is very hard to kill for a lvl 1 freshly created character. One mistake can spell your death. But it is proven that if you master the game you can reliably beat him. Regardless of what he does - and he does a bunch of things. If you properly respond to his every move you win.

Most people never win that fight though. It doesn't allow for any mistakes or poor timing.

See, with Stalker you can't win just by skill. And you can't win reliably. He needs to go.

People who defend him amuse and disgust me. Here's another challenge for you: host migration resulting in defense mission fail while you're on the loading screen. So challenging you can't even DO anything.

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I will always return to this topic with the same thing, sometimes it isn't the enemy that's difficult. Sometimes it's how you play against them that's the problem. I normally play as a Loki and I almost never die from him.


I shift-roll & parkour a lot which allows me to usually evade his slash dashes and arrows.


(No i don't put any powers on my Loki)


Granted, I'm usually in a group when he targets me, but still :L

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I've had dread shots take out almost my entire shield in one hit. Also, his teleport melee strike will do very large amounts of damage. I don't understand how my conclave can change so little but the stalker can scale so erratically.


Possible exponential power growth maybe.   As I said though, I'm thinking that the stalker was buffed since 11.5.8 (PS4 version) and I'm again wondering when this occurred (I haven't seen anyone answer my question yet about when he got this buff).


Now, to be fair, I haven't been HIT by the Stalker since 11.?.? and I honestly have no intention of getting hit by him ever.  I make it a point to not get hit by him (partially since usually he attacks me when I'm on a warframe with about 450 or less combined health and shield).


There's a great example of very challenging boss that was considered unbeatable - if you played on PS3, you may remember the 3-eyed demon boss from Demon's Souls intro. For a while it was thought that you were supposed to die in this fight, but you actually can win and then be presented with a cutscene where Dragon God flattens you anyway. So, the thing is, 3-eyed demon is very hard to kill for a lvl 1 freshly created character. One mistake can spell your death. But it is proven that if you master the game you can reliably beat him. Regardless of what he does - and he does a bunch of things. If you properly respond to his every move you win.

Most people never win that fight though. It doesn't allow for any mistakes or poor timing.

See, with Stalker you can't win just by skill. And you can't win reliably. He needs to go.

People who defend him amuse and disgust me. Here's another challenge for you: host migration resulting in defense mission fail while you're on the loading screen. So challenging you can't even DO anything.


I've beaten the Stalker 5 times in a row since 11.5.8 came out on the PS4 (most recent patch) and fairly reliably.  And I've had actual long engaged fights (10+ minutes) with him in 11.?.?


As I said before though, based on what people are saying, the Stalker got a buff at some point since 11.5.8 and the question is when.


Now, bugs, glitches, and exploits are something completely different.  I consider the host migration thing a glitch-something that wasn't supposed to happen but does anyways.


Wait a second...  You are a PS4 player.  You have no reason to complain since you are on the same version as me.


For a bit of explanation, I am, by nature, a soloist.  In RaiderZ, I soloed all but one boss using newbie gear on a PURE healer (which gave even maxed out players trouble). In RaiderZ, gear not only affects damage and defense but also health meaning bosses would one shot me.  The PURE healer class was stated on the RaiderZ forums to be impossible to solo with and the most party reliant class build.  The one boss I never could solo because second it spawned, you had 2-5 parties of maxed out players attacking it (despite it only being possible for one party to get the rewards).  And there was no way I was waiting like 10 hours in one spot to get my turn for one boss (assuming that the other parties would let me fight it).


I should also mention that at no time did I think I was supposed to lose that first boss fight in DS.  Unlike some people though, I did not have a video recorder (I did get one later) and I considered it something you were supposed to do.  (Yay for the years of playing Fire Emblem conditioning me to do the "Dang it, I died, restart the game then.").  To say the least, I've played enough RPGs to know that some enemies that are INSANELY hard to beat can drop some great rewards (Lufia series (Estpolis Denki) as an example.  Lufia being the game that really got me into RPGs (there was another one that I watched being played but never knew the name to))  It usually takes me quite a few tries before I do the "Fine, I'll let you beat me just this once."  Generally though, I get to the point of: "Fine, I'll use all my farmable/buyable items to beat you" first.

Edited by (PS4)ariaandkia
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Recommendation: To fight the Stalker use Radiation damage on him


Along with that, his Despairs are very effective against him :P


In all seriousness though he does need a rework just like any other boss that needs a rework, and a good one too, not just slapping random abilities on.

Radiation requires RNG to smile on you for mod drops and to use a weapon with good status chances. Also, the Despair? That requires you killing him and hoping he drops the blue-print. Any advice pertaining to using the Dread, Despair, or Hate on him is useless. Also, since he can fire off fully-charged Dread shots without actually charging up, be aware that if he hits you in the head with it, you'll take 7k damage. That or just some amount that translates to: One-hit kill.

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There's a great example of very challenging boss that was considered unbeatable - if you played on PS3, you may remember the 3-eyed demon boss from Demon's Souls intro. For a while it was thought that you were supposed to die in this fight, but you actually can win and then be presented with a cutscene where Dragon God flattens you anyway. So, the thing is, 3-eyed demon is very hard to kill for a lvl 1 freshly created character. One mistake can spell your death. But it is proven that if you master the game you can reliably beat him. Regardless of what he does - and he does a bunch of things. If you properly respond to his every move you win.

Most people never win that fight though. It doesn't allow for any mistakes or poor timing.

See, with Stalker you can't win just by skill. And you can't win reliably. He needs to go.

People who defend him amuse and disgust me. Here's another challenge for you: host migration resulting in defense mission fail while you're on the loading screen. So challenging you can't even DO anything.

Let's be honest, Demon's Souls/Dark Souls and Warframe are entirely different games. Every area is set in stone in DeS/DkS with static enemy placement with patterns you learn and then how to counter. Warframe is all tilesets with randomly spawning enemies. The Stalker is as of right now, similar to the SL99 Bandit build using Giant's Armor + Daddy Mask and a Chaoshander with the Grass Crest Shield on the back while using the Ring of FaP and the Ninjaflip ring. In short, he's just a super cheap min-maxer, which normally I would applaud in seeing in another player, but not some randomly spawning enemy who can invalidate builds.


Also, the boss is called the Vanguard, and it is possible for him to nick you but not count as actually hurting you, allowing you to continue fighting him. I've managed it on a Knight and Thief character before.

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Let's be honest, Demon's Souls/Dark Souls and Warframe are entirely different games. Every area is set in stone in DeS/DkS with static enemy placement with patterns you learn and then how to counter. Warframe is all tilesets with randomly spawning enemies. The Stalker is as of right now, similar to the SL99 Bandit build using Giant's Armor + Daddy Mask and a Chaoshander with the Grass Crest Shield on the back while using the Ring of FaP and the Ninjaflip ring. In short, he's just a super cheap min-maxer, which normally I would applaud in seeing in another player, but not some randomly spawning enemy who can invalidate builds.


Also, the boss is called the Vanguard, and it is possible for him to nick you but not count as actually hurting you, allowing you to continue fighting him. I've managed it on a Knight and Thief character before.

Heh, I kinda forgot that boss name already. Only remember that you get to unload on him again before facing Adjustator and those katana-wielding skeletons. But that is a good point. Regardless, Stalker is cheap and badly designed.

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The stalker is unpredictable and inconsistent.



> He 2-shotted my forma'ed Rhino (with 3k effective health) in a blink of an eye, without using Slash and Dash. I believe he was lvl 60 or higher (?).


> He 1-shotted my Nova while leveling her up. His GFX effects started, I ran to my team mates then *poof* I died. I did not even get a chance to see him at all.


> I've met him 3 times since, while in a party doing invasions, and killed him every time. In fact he looked easy and died fast. He was about lvl 26 or 28 I think. He spawned on someone else.



The problem is this inconsistency and unpredictability of both his spawn level and the use of his skills. I think most people that keep saying he is easy have been lucky so far with either a low spawn level and/or him not using his OP skills/weapons to 1-shot or 2-shot them.



Worst of all is that despite his really low chance of spawning in the first place, he often does not drop anything except a lousy Slash and Dash mod.



So many layers of RNG to overcome ...


You have a point, but stalker level only change the damage he does to you and you to him, he still behiaves the same way and make the same attacks, being level 30 or 65.

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You have a point, but stalker level only change the damage he does to you and you to him, he still behiaves the same way and make the same attacks, being level 30 or 65.


Stalker level scaling makes a big difference. The damage portion is also significant. And lastly, he may have all his skills at every level, but how/what he uses is different and can determine the outcome of the fight, depending on RNG.  He may decide to directly use Absorb, which happened yesterday, making the fight a lot easier, giving people time to reposition, etc.  He may Slash & Dash before the spawning animation happens, without you knowing what just hit you. His weapons can do little damage, or 1-2 shot you. etc etc...


The point is, there is a lot of inconsistency, resulting in the wide variety of accounts, ranging from "i keeeled him fiev times in a row wid my 'bear' hands .. he is easy .. l2p nOobs"   to  "I am getting 2-shotted without a chance to react .. I got insta-gibbed before I could see him spawn!".

Edited by Hadronox
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Heh, I kinda forgot that boss name already. Only remember that you get to unload on him again before facing Adjustator and those katana-wielding skeletons. But that is a good point. Regardless, Stalker is cheap and badly designed.

The Boss of world 4-1 is the Adjudicator, the super=fat lizard who's soul is used for creating one of the most OP weapons in the game: The Cleaver. Most players go to world 4-1 after defeating Phalanx, the boss of world 1-1 because of the sword that also does a great deal of magical damage, making it great against the boss of world 2-2, the Flamelurker. The sword is a Crescent Falchion(sp?) to be specific.

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