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Let's List All The Weapons Damage 2.0 Has "killed"


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Acrid: Does front end damage now but DoT sucks.

Ogris: Great damage but completely loses out at higher levels. With the self damage it's a really hard buy for endgame content. It also seems like the effective blast radius is smaller then before.

Soma: Critical rate has been nerfed. (Only reaches 60%)

I haven't had all that much time to play with the other weapons yet so there are probably a lot more. Anyone have other weapons to add to the list?

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I Think that armor/damage 2.0 isn't finished yet.


This ^


Give it time - perhaps it is all working as intended, in which case not one of the three weapons you mentioned could be considered balanced as far as I'm concerned; or perhaps there is something bugged and DE will patch it.

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With any update as large and as game changing as this, there ARE ALWAYS going to be gaps, holes, loops, imbalances and problems with them, and it will take months probably to get everything ironed it. It would be unrealistic to assume it will quickly become completely balanced.

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I haven't used Boltor in a long time but I tried messing around with it. Seems worse than Braton in every way.

This is of course without specifically modding either to be better in a specific trait.


Boltor's nearly 2x puncture doesn't seem as useful as Braton being half that all around. But this isn't extensive testing so perhaps I'm wrong.

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Am I magic for absolutely obliterating everything in my path with these weapons then?

Nope, I'm doing the same.

In fact: I'm doing it with every single weapon I've tried so far, even on Pluto.

You just have to adjust your builds and pay attention to all those new weapon stats and elemental combines.

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 Yeah, some weapons got hit incredibly hard by this patch.


 Keep in mind, however, what DE has taken a moment to repeat in the lead up to this patch - We're in for a rough period. It is a new ball game. Weapon balance has to operate under different conditions. New conditions.


 Some weapons may be acting better or worse then expected. DE will very likely address these issues as interesting/good solutions present themselves going forwards.

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GottFaust, it is time for you and Psyche to awaken to your TRUE destiny! You are the Queens of the Fairie kingdom! Take your crowns and matching purse and lead your people to freedom!

But... but...


Onward my sisters! By the power of my matching crown and purse we will win our freedom!

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I Think that armor/damage 2.0 isn't finished yet.

Yep - which is why we should be making threads in the weapon feedback section :)


Flux Rifle sucks against anything high level that's not infested now. 

Sounds like that is working as intended.  The whole concept of one gun to rule them all is supposed to be getting brutally murdered (thankfully) by this system.

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Kogake does not ragdoll on charge anymore.  But, for the Acrid, it's pretty nice. Auto Toxin damage can lead into nice combos of elements.



that was... the whole point of kogake and obex... (cries)

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If you ask me, it was too much change, too quickly brought about. It has left my head spinning. I had so many plans on what I was building next and all those plans have been rendered trashed. Got what I thought was a great brakk from the last event and now its not doing half the damage it was. Also bought a Vectis when it came out andit was working out great and was loads of fun sniping; now its sighting is so obstructed that I dont want to use it. well, I guess we just have to hope that some of these things get corrected--I see no point in having unfocused obstructed views on something that is supposed to be crisp and clean to snipe with. ;(

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If you ask me, it was too much change, too quickly brought about. It has left my head spinning. I had so many plans on what I was building next and all those plans have been rendered trashed. Got what I thought was a great brakk from the last event and now its not doing half the damage it was. Also bought a Vectis when it came out andit was working out great and was loads of fun sniping; now its sighting is so obstructed that I dont want to use it. well, I guess we just have to hope that some of these things get corrected--I see no point in having unfocused obstructed views on something that is supposed to be crisp and clean to snipe with. ;(


Keep Calm




Try Out Different Mod Combos

Edited by Archistopheles
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If you ask me, it was too much change, too quickly brought about. It has left my head spinning. I had so many plans on what I was building next and all those plans have been rendered trashed. Got what I thought was a great brakk from the last event and now its not doing half the damage it was. Also bought a Vectis when it came out andit was working out great and was loads of fun sniping; now its sighting is so obstructed that I dont want to use it. well, I guess we just have to hope that some of these things get corrected--I see no point in having unfocused obstructed views on something that is supposed to be crisp and clean to snipe with. ;(

It needed to happen, it had to be violent upheaval, the revolution cannot be stopped!

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