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Warframe Powers And Mechanics Post U14


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I know you said Hysteria wont consider the element mod damage attached to the melee weapon with the same element but does that include the normal weapons with Impact, Puncture, and Slash mods? (Heavy Trauma, Sundering Strike, and Jagged Edge.)

Also, I know Hysteria works with the critical damage of melee weapons but does it work with critical chance as well or just use the 50% for both damage crits?

Edited by Cruzanator
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PsycloneM deserves a community award


+1 OP

Seriously. I've shared the link to this thread with several people who want to know more specifically and more exactly how all the abilities work.

PsycloneM, would that I could give this thread more Upvotes, since you sincerely deserve them for all of this fine work.

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I know you said Hysteria wont consider the element mod damage attached to the melee weapon with the same element but does that include the normal weapons with Impact, Puncture, and Slash mods? (Heavy Trauma, Sundering Strike, and Jagged Edge.)

Also, I know Hysteria works with the critical damage of melee weapons but does it work with critical chance as well or just use the 50% for both damage crits?


That's right. Physical damage mods that increase IPS values have no effect on Hysteria. From what I've seen, only mods that increase normal melee damage (Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Steel Charge) improve Hysteria's damage according to the equation I shared earlier.


Hysteria also seems to incorporate your melee weapon's base critical chance. I still need to test to have a better understanding of how critical chance is used, and whether True Steel improves the odds. 



@CY13ERPUNK and rhoenix


Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad I can help.


Zephyr's parts are under construction, so it won't be until the end of next week before I can properly test her powers. I'll have to do some editing this weekend as some of the information I've shared is a little outdated. I haven't even made a proper post for Oberon.

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Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad I can help.


Zephyr's parts are under construction, so it won't be until the end of next week before I can properly test her powers. I'll have to do some editing this weekend as some of the information I've shared is a little outdated. I haven't even made a proper post for Oberon.

No worries in the least - the info you release each time is well worth the wait. Take all the time you need.

On the bright side, Heavy Impact apparently now works with Zephyr's Divebomb. Now, if only you could aim Divebomb...

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Smite inflicts 500 damage equally divided between ujb2gKH.png impact damage and 7eaCpvM.png radiation damage. At max level, 6 particles are released from the initial target (affected by power strength). Each particle deals 150 7eaCpvM.png radiation damage, also affected by power strength. Enemies hit by any of these particles are staggered. With Focus equipped, here's what that looks like against a level 1 lancer:



195 x ( 1 - 0.25 ) = 146.

Hallowed Ground inflicts 100 7eaCpvM.png radiation damage every half second: the equivalent of 200 radiation damage per second. For some proof, here's what that looks like with Focus and the level 1 lancer once again:



130 x ( 1 - 0.25 ) = 97.
One thing to note is that the damage stacks with repeated casts.
With U12, Renewal no longer instantly revives allies should they be downed while receiving its health regeneration. The speed of the healing particle has been increased.
Reckoning inflicts 1250 damage equally divided between ujb2gKH.png impact damage and 7eaCpvM.png radiation damage. As this power ragdolls enemies, those that survive the damage must recover from the ground (similar to what Mag's Crush used to do). At max level, each killed enemy has a 50% chance of spawning a health orb.
Oberon was long overdue. I've gone through most of the older posts; I've removed outdated information, and redundant commentary. There are still a few more powers I want to retest, so I'll update those posts (if necessary) when I have the time.
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aahah I noticed an awesome bug with Nyx's Absorb.


If you throw your self of a ledge and cast it, when you are teleported back on the ground you can move freely with the absorb bubble still functioning, however you can't melee. But here comes the best part: if you shoot all the damage is automatically absorbed and I think it's used in the explosion! 

Edited by CubedOobleck
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I've added most of the missing damage information for Zephyr's abilities in the wiki


Tail Wind has two sources of damage. When used on the ground, Tail Wind inflicts 250 ujb2gKH.png impact damage in an AoE centered on Zephyr's point of launch. Enemies in the AoE are knocked down, and take less damage the farther they are from the launch point. Power strength affects the damage, power duration affects Zephyr's maximum height, and power range affects the size of the launch AoE.


Tail Wind also inflicts 250 RzQowR3.png slash damage in a small AoE around Zephyr when the power is used in the air. Power strength increases the damage, power duration affects the distance traveled, and power range affects the striking radius around Zephyr. Similar to other slash damage powers, Tail Wind's dash component has a low status chance.


The mechanics of the dash component seem to be very similar to that of Slash Dash and Rhino Charge, more so the latter. Power duration appears to affect the distance traveled in two instances: Zephyr's speed, and the duration of flight. So just like Rhino Charge, Tail Wind scales non-linearly with power duration.


I do not agree with the 25-meter dash distance that's listed in the wiki. From what I've observed, the distance is much closer to 14-15 m. However with Continuity, I do observe a ~ 25-meter distance.


( 15 m ) x 1.3 x 1.3 = 25 m 


I'm not sure what the state of datamining is at this time, but it would be great if we could confirm if Zephyr's dash component has a base speed and duration that are both affected by power duration mods. This seems to be what's happening here, but I cannot verify if that's really the case.


Dive Bomb inflicts a minimum of 250 ujb2gKH.png impact damage in an AoE. The actual damage dealt by this power seems to depend on the height at which the power is used. Damage is affected by power strength, and power range affects the AoE. If Tail Wind's base launch height is accurate in the wiki, then it appears the damage calculation uses the following expression:


minimum damage + 30 x height = final damage


The height multiplier is subject to change as I don't know the specifics of Tail Wind's range and height, but let's assume Tail Wind really does propel Zephyr to a height of 14 m at max level. I've observed the Tail Wind (from standstill) + Dive Bomb combo inflicting 878 damage with Focus only (this excludes Tail Wind's AoE damage).


1.3 x ( 250 + 30 x 14 ) = 871.


I've also observed 1040 damage when Continuity was equipped:


1.3 x ( 250 + 30 x 14 x 1.3 ) = 1034.


It's not spot on, especially since the damage depends on my timing, so the "30" could be completely wrong (same goes for the entire format of the expression). If datamining is possible, it would be great if this could be looked into.


I have nothing to add to the wiki for Turbulence at this time.


Tornado spawns 1-4 tornadoes depending on the number of enemies in the area. Should there be no enemies in the summon AoE, a minimum of 1 tornado is released. Each tornado inflicts roughly 32 VKBkKaB.png magnetic damage per tick. Ticks occur at a rate of roughly 4 per second. 


The damage mechanics of Tornado appear to be very similar to Vortex. The initial damage tick inflicts 2x damage, followed by continuous damage that lasts for the duration of the power. However, unlike Vortex, both the initial damage multiplier and continuous damage are affected by power strength. I've observed initial damage ticks around 108 with Focus equipped:


( 32 x 1.3 ) x ( 2 x 1.3 ) = 108.


Similar to Vortex, each damage tick of Tornado has a moderate status chance. What I find the most interesting about this power is the potential to change its damage type, coupled with its good status chance. The default magnetic damage will be overridden by the primary elemental damage that is dealt by a weapon or power, including damage from enemies. Unfortunately, this does not appear to work so well when playing as a client.


That's really all I have for now. I still would like to see how Heavy Impact affects Dive Bomb's damage output. I also need to look into Turbulence and see if power strength has any effect.

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Since the tornados can be charged with elemental damage - could anyone make a list what colour is what damage type?

Their standard blue is magnetic, that one's obvious. Fire damage is orange. Then I've noticed red and green so far, but don't know their damage types. I don't have Zephyr (yet), so I can't do this myself.

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That's really all I have for now. I still would like to see how Heavy Impact affects Dive Bomb's damage output. I also need to look into Turbulence and see if power strength has any effect.

Those two are pretty much the last things left that I want to know. Thank you for your diligence and specificity, Psyclone.

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Since the tornados can be charged with elemental damage - could anyone make a list what colour is what damage type?

Their standard blue is magnetic, that one's obvious. Fire damage is orange. Then I've noticed red and green so far, but don't know their damage types. I don't have Zephyr (yet), so I can't do this myself.




















Magnetic (default):









It seems you cannot make corrosive damage tornadoes. If you could, I'd assume they'd be vivid green.



Those two are pretty much the last things left that I want to know. Thank you for your diligence and specificity, Psyclone.


Hey, no problem. I'll look into it when I have the time.



Psyclone, do you know if the range of the explosion from Dive Bomb is affected by the height at which you cast it, a la Heavy Impact?


I don't think I've seen it penetrate Punch Through-worthy surfaces either...


Height does not seem to have an effect on the blast radius. I made several observations, and the minimum-damage blast radius was very similar to the radius when activating Dive Bomb after using Tail Wind. I used Dive Bomb immediately after jumping against a clustered group of Infested while cloaked, and there were several chargers that took no damage outside of the blast. Using Tail Wind while all other enemies were stunned, I activated Dive Bomb near maximum height, and the same group of chargers were unaffected. Someone should check me on this to make sure our observations are in agreement.


You are right about the damage not being able to pass through obstacles.

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I wanted to determine how the critical chance of your weapon affects Hysteria.


I tested three different weapons: Dual Zoren, Plasma Sword, and Jat Kittag; each with a 40%, 24%, and 8% critical chance with True Steel. For each weapon, I recorded 300 Hysteria strikes. I observed 212 crits for Dual Zoren, 153 crits for Plasma Sword, and 105 crits for Jat Kittag. That's roughly a 71%, 51%, and 35% critical chance for Hysteria with each respective weapon.


What seems to be happening is that your weapon's critical chance is being added to a base 30%. For Dual Zoren, Plasma Sword, and Jat Kittag that's 70%, 54%, and 38% respectively with True Steel equipped. So it is not the case that Hysteria's original 50% crit rate is being replaced by that of your weapon. I'll look into this further when I have the time.


As for Paralysis, I'm sure you are all aware of the stealth attacks you can perform on stunned enemies. Just in case some of you were unfamiliar, the stun also places enemies in a state of unawareness for a short period of time. So just like Radial Blind, Bastille, Invisibility, and Smoke Screen, Paralysis allows you to inflict 4x melee damage to stunned enemies, including damage from Hysteria:




With Jat Kittag, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Organ Shatter, Focus, and Steel Charge, Hysteria's regular attacks will inflict:


[ 300 + 1.3 x 1.75 x 80 x ( 1 + 0.6 + 2.2 ) ] x ( 3.25 / 3 ) = 1073 damage to Infested chargers ( 3059 and 6119 critical damage ). The attack captured above was a 6119-damage crit with the 4x damage multiplier from Paralysis: 6119.425 x 4 = 24478 total damage. 




With the same set up, Hysteria's regular attacks will inflict:


[ 300 + 1.3 x 1.75 x 80 x ( 1 + 0.6 + 2.2 ) ] x ( 3.15 / 3 ) = 1040 damage to ancient disrupters ( 2965 and 5931 critical damage ). The attack captured above was a 5931-damage crit that scored a head shot (the splatter sound effect was played). For critical damage, the head shot multiplier is 4x: 5931.135 x 4 = 23724.54. On top of this, we have the 4x damage multiplier from Paralysis: 23724.54 x 4 = 94898 total damage.

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As for Paralysis, I'm sure you are all aware of the stealth attacks you can perform on stunned enemies. Just in case some of you were unfamiliar, the stun also places enemies in a state of unawareness for a short period of time. So just like Radial Blind, Bastille, Invisibility, and Smoke Screen, Paralysis allows you to inflict 4x melee damage to stunned enemies, including damage from Hysteria


I learn something new every day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, guys. I'm glad this topic has been useful.


Let's talk about Rhino Charge and warframe sprint speed for a moment. When Rhino Charge is activated, Rhino moves at a speed of 48 over a 0.35 s duration according to CitizenV's datamining. I recently set out to perform some tests in hopes of being able to answer a few questions:


  • Are the values of 48 and 0.35 accurate, and how does power duration affect them?
  • What units does the speed value have?
  • What is sprint speed? Does it have units of m/s, or is it a constant?


To test all of this, I recorded individual trials in FRAPS, uncompressed the files to be opened in QuickTime, and used the movie inspector to examine the current time of each frame (accurate to the nearest hundredth of a second). In each trial I centered the warframe over a navigation mark, and sprinted (or charged) in a straight line over several tens of meters. I did this for Rhino, Loki, and Volt.


For Rhino, I recorded the difference of time between the beginning of his charge to the end when all momentum is lost. For each warframe, I also recorded the time it took for each to travel 10 m while at top speed. From this, I was able to measure each warframe's 10-m dash time, and estimate each warframe's top speed in m/s. Here are the results:





No power duration mods:



+30% power duration:











No power strength mods:



+40% power strength:




So, are CitizenV's datamined values accurate? I would argue that they are. The measured 0.37 second duration is well within uncertainties caused by error. For one, each video has a limited number of frames per second (with my hardware, that's generally 40-60 fps with FRAPS). As the measured duration decreases, so does the accuracy of the measurement as there are simply not enough frames to capture all of the information. Second of all, the in-game navigation marker rounds its values down, similar to how damage is rounded.


I used the measured duration to estimate Rhino's speed in m/s (due to the error described before, the error introduced here will be larger). The estimated value of 44 m/s leads me to believe that the value of 48 from datamining uses similar units. To prove this and the accuracy of the original datamined values, I took snap shots of Rhino's final position after charging relative to the navigation marker:


No power duration mods:



+30% power duration:



The displayed "16 m" in the first image indicates that Rhino is anywhere between 16 m and 17 m away from the marker. If Rhino is traveling 48 m/s over 0.35 s, Rhino would have covered 16.8 m.


From the data I posted earlier, you can also see that additional power duration increases the amount of time that Rhino charges, and his speed. In the second image with +30% power duration, the displayed "28 m" indicates that Rhino is anywhere between 28 m and 29 m away from the marker. If Rhino is traveling 48 x 1.3 = 62.4 m/s over 0.35 x 1.3 = 0.455 s, Rhino would have covered 28.392 m.


Now what about sprint speed? From the data, Loki travels at an estimated 8.73 m/s, yet has a sprint speed of 1.25. Volt travels at an estimated 10.44 m/s with Speed activated, yet has a sprint speed of 1 x ( 1 + 0.5 ) = 1.5. What seems to be happening is that sprint speed really is a constant, and that a warframe with 1 sprint speed travels ~ 7 m/s. 


Loki has a sprint speed of 1.25. So that's 7 x 1.25 = 8.75 m/s, which agrees very well with what I've observed. Volt has a sprint speed of 1.5 with Speed: 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 m/s, which is also very close to what I've observed.


Now with +40% power strength, Volt travels at an estimated 11.87 m/s. His sprint speed is now 1 x ( 1 + 0.5 x 1.4 ) = 1.7. So, this leaves us with a speed of 7 x 1.7 = 11.9 m/s.


I'll test this further some other time to make sure this is really what's going on. I would also like to see if I can measure a more accurate Slash Dash distance with Excalibur, and see how all of this affects Zephyr's Tail Wind. To summarize:


  • The speed value of 48, and the duration of 0.35 s are accurate, and both are affected by power duration.
  • This speed value has units of m/s.
  • Warframe sprint speeds do not seem to be actual speeds; rather, they are constants that are multiplied to a base speed of 7 m/s. While this conclusion fits well with observations, it needs to be tested further with other warframes to make sure there really is a trend.
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Just played as Mag Prime in Void Exterminate 3.

Pull: Since when Mag's pull only knocks down enemies and not pulling them towards you in ragdoll (pulling, not launching into space :) )? And it seems like you need line of sight for this ability now (as was mentioned in this thread). I think there's something wrong =(

Crush: As was mentioned - no recovery after crushing. It's back in U8-U9 times, and it's totally wrong. =(


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So does this test include volts speed ability or just a basic dash. If its his basic dash then the test is flawed. Also Loki has a Teleport which should also be used in the test if you think that is either unfair or not the same then the test is flawed. I'm just trying to give Volt my personal main a fair shake. Volt speed is unmatched by any other frame in the game not question his speed buff is a percentage which is better over all then a number. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

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Just played as Mag Prime in Void Exterminate 3.

Pull: Since when Mag's pull only knocks down enemies and not pulling them towards you in ragdoll (pulling, not launching into space :) )? And it seems like you need line of sight for this ability now (as was mentioned in this thread). I think there's something wrong =(

Crush: As was mentioned - no recovery after crushing. It's back in U8-U9 times, and it's totally wrong. =(


Yeah, not to mention Vauban's Vortex does not pull in enemies consistently. I wonder if there's a relationship between these two issues.



So does this test include volts speed ability or just a basic dash. If its his basic dash then the test is flawed. Also Loki has a Teleport which should also be used in the test if you think that is either unfair or not the same then the test is flawed. I'm just trying to give Volt my personal main a fair shake. Volt speed is unmatched by any other frame in the game not question his speed buff is a percentage which is better over all then a number. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.


Volt is sprinting with Speed activated: four trials with no power strength, and four trials with +40% power strength. That information should be in the post. Even then, why would the test be flawed? Whether Volt is using Speed or not, I would still be able to measure his actual movement speed and determine the relationship between that value and his sprint speed.


I also fail to see how the test would be flawed if I don't include Loki teleporting. The test was about determining what sprint speed is, the accuracy of the original datamined values, and the significance of the 48 m/s speed. Making Loki use Switch Teleport while I'm trying to measure his speed would derail the trial.

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