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1) interaction with other players/items

Was running SP survival and squad mates and their pets were dying fairly regularly. Wanted to revive the WFs but I can't seem to hold X while on merulina to revive. So after fourth round I'd cast a couple 1's and dismount but by round C, these guys just revived themselves LOL. 

Also ran a sabotage and had to dismount to interact with the reactor. 

In excavation, and other settings, I can pick up batteries etc on Merulina. Just curious if I'm not lining myself up properly or that's by design, or a bug. 

2) Crouching down

Sometimes Yareli will "crouch down" on her own while I'm on merulina battling enemies. Not even sure how. But, when I want to crouch on purpose when I approach a pipe in Grineer or a rectangular vent in Corpus, she's too tall and I'll need to dismount or finagle her a bit to get her in there while on Merulina. How do you crouch on console and not dash forward?

3) Forward "dash" or bullet jump (left button console)

This is awesome. Really helps once you acclimate. I'm getting pretty good zooming through tilesets. However...

Would be nice if she bullet jumped where the cursor was pointing rather than her direction but I can live with it :)

4) Primary weapon

Is there a way to use the primary at all while on Merulina? I assume no.

5) Riptide

In said SP survival the eximus would sometimes be sucked in and sometimes not. The wiki mentions nullifier but not that they won't be sucked in...


Anyone else using yareli notice this?

6) Critical Flow

Probably my most important Q. On the SP survival it was Saturn or Jupiter with that square room that has a bunch of different levels where a square center platform has a bunch of electrical discharges constantly. Today's SP survival 5SPE mission. This room was where the squad was hanging out and was a challenge but good practice to get around on Merulina. However all the platforms were small so to engage Critical Flow i was basically alternating constantly between fwd and bkwd joystick movement to keep Merulina moving to proc Critical Flow. However much of the time I was only seeing yellow or blue damage #s. Next mission, Grineer, more open, i was seeing many more orange. 

Does fwd back movement like that cancel CF? Technically I'm moving, never stopping, per the wiki and not dashing or jumping. So i think i should have been seeing majority orange like many other missions. My secondary (modded) is well over +100% cc

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

5) Riptide

In said SP survival the eximus would sometimes be sucked in and sometimes not. The wiki mentions nullifier but not that they won't be sucked in...

If they have Overguard active, they shouldn't get CC'd by Riptide.  If they don't have it active anymore (it got damaged enough to go away), then they should be sucked in by Riptide.  There are some glitches and exceptions with Overguard, but it's a general CC immunity for the enemies that have it.

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26 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

1) interaction with other players/items

Complex, but simple.

Merulina is a K-Drive, these are actually a fully separate form of movement and physics in the game. Interactions with items and players require you to be in the regular mode of physics and movement. Therefore DE, in their efforts to allow mode Normal and mode K-drive, have made the 'dip down' signal animation. This only happens when the game detects that you are near to an interaction, so there is a little imprecision lag to that, and you need to position carefully and wait for it to finish.

Once you have reached The War Within (if you haven't yet) you will develop a means to overcome this in general, using Operator mode to revive allies and interact instead of using the Warframe (in general, not just Yareli).

37 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) Crouching down

No idea on this one.

38 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

3) Forward "dash" or bullet jump (left button console)

This one's because it's the Roll button instead of a Bullet Jump button. If you use any other Warframe you will roll in the direction the character is facing, not the direction the cursor is pointing, so the same concept applies.

39 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

4) Primary weapon

No, and anyone telling you there is has just found a bug to exploit.

39 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

5) Riptide

Riptide has its modded Range on cast, but after a few seconds it will shrink to only 5m (or a 10m circle). It also only works on Line Of Sight from the center of the casting point, so if an enemy is behind cover (and that can be tricky to define in Warframe) then they won't be sucked up.

Nullifiers with their shields up cannot be sucked in, and nothing they are touching can either. If you break the shield by shooting it directly, a Nullifier can be drawn in, but the shield can come back and nullify the effects of the ability on the enemies it contains, although I think the source of damage is the center of the water orb (which will be inside the bubble) so it may still do the damage to the enemies inside it. I would have to test more extensively. Otherwise if the Nullifier is outside the bubble when it bursts, the Nullifier's shield will take the hit instead.

43 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

6) Critical Flow

To activate the passive, you have to be moving for at least 1.5 seconds, and the activation is the amount of time you continue to move after it's active +1 second after you stop moving. It's likely that going forward and backward was not enough to consistently keep activating the passive.

A tip for small areas is to aim (which keeps your model pointing in the same direction) and make little circles with the movement so that you go around and around instead of going forward and then slowing down and switching to going backward.

Hope that helps ^^

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

1) interaction with other players/items

yeah its bugged right now to kick you off merulina when you try to do anything

you should be able to revive players when its fixed

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) Crouching down

when you approach something you would be able to interact with, like a console or an ayatan star, that happens

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

3) Forward "dash" or bullet jump (left button console)

yes but it should be set to bullet jump rather than roll

also would be kinda broken if you got an infinite amount of the bullet jumps in the air like you do with the dash

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

4) Primary weapon


1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

5) Riptide

they shouldn't be able to be sucked in

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

6) Critical Flow

any amount of movement sustains the buff, so if I was to press d every half second, that would sustain it. it only stops when you stop moving for about one second (dont know the exact amount of time but its around one second).

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

using Operator mode to revive allies and interact instead of using the Warframe (in general, not just Yareli).

Ugh, i did this in a previous mission and forgot. Once I saw the word operator it was palm on face moment haha.

1 hour ago, gamingchair1121 said:

any amount of movement sustains the buff

That's what I thought... doesn't seem to be the case. The circular moves while aiming might be the solution.

Also on crouching if I hit the dash button while in front of the tube or rectangular duct she seems to get in there.

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