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End of mission screen stating "expired" instead of Exp earned


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Basic Fortuna parts on mine and my partner's account. Both having same problem when I extract and see summary. No leveling progress after doing multiple races and tricks. Ventkids standing yes, just 0 K-drive points. I was starting to wonder if expired meant I'd have to build a replacement 

Don't remember if I checked out equipment progress before/after in our profiles though 🤔 

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Name the items affected before support finds your post and have to ask you themselves. They'd have to wait for your response and then you'll be at the back of the queue. It's the kind of thing that's normally relevant in troubleshooting (I've only seen it happen on K-drives, PSN)

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You misunderstand, it is the AFFINITY that says expired. As in, my level 30 weapons say EXPIRED instead of 31,000 affinity.  Have also had it happen on ones I am leveling. Since I am on a leveling binge, and have leveled countless weapons this week, NO idea which items. So no, won't be waiting to tell support. I have no idea. Affinity just not being given, or says EXPIRED.

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So I am trying to, you know, play the game with a level 25 Mesa (to get affinity as well as other resources in survival)

But every time I finish the level, my Mesa gets no affinity [EDIT: So it turns out that I still get the affinity, but it doesn't show this on the menu] and shows up with "expired" (seen in the low res picture)

Please help


Edited by (NSW)shawkstatus
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I'm getting this same issue, it's been going on for quite some time. I am not sure how it all adds up or works so I wasn't sure if it was part of the game or something, to be honest I thought it had something to do with my kuva lich because that's when I first started noticing it..  and as soon as I beat the first one I accidentally got another one so I've just blamed my lich.. but seems like many more people are experiencing this. I hope it's getting looked into.. I can just imagine how far back it's actually set me considering it's like ever other mission that it happens for. 

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After every mission (and I mean EVERY mission), my acquired affinity resets to EXPIRED I've read on these forums that the issue can be caused by changing weapon as you enter extraction, so I've been very careful not to do that. Same issue.


Now I'm finding the game unplayable because I cannot level up my weapons or Frames. 


I know you guys aren't doing anything in terms of patches or hotfixes until next week. But, I would appreciate it if I could get some kind of feedback from yourselves letting me know you are making an attempt to fix this. I love playing Warframe and think you've all done an amazing job at creating what other games companies can only dream of! (I bet all those publishers that turned you down because "Sci-Fi" are kicking themselves now lol)


Keep up the great work guys. Love you all!

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I'm getting this same issue, although it only seems to affect my archwing melee. I have been trying to finish leveling Knux, and it seems to just be stalled at 20. After every mission where I use it it comes up as "expired" in the end of mission screen.

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I get this same thing when I finish any mission it shows "Expired" by each weapon and warframe. But when I go to "Last Mission Results" it shows the bonus exp like normal. It feels like this has been going on since the Duviri launch.

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For those with this problem on equipment, a possible solution...

I'm on xbox, but reading around, I don't think platform matters that much for this one.

I had this (expired, with no affinity awarded) with my archwing. (Amesha in this case). I switched to Odanata, polarized a slot so it wasn't maxed, and ran an archwing mission. I received affinity for the archwing, something I hadn't been able to do for several games. To finish off the test, I switched back to Amesha, and ran the same mission. Was able to get affinity. Now on my way to maxing Amesha out.

So if you switch the weapon/warframe/whatever out, get some affinity, and switch back, it might fix it for you also. 

Best of Luck!

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I only get this bug on my Feverspine K Drive, but after further testing and manually checking in orbiter after missions it is still gaining affinity and leveling up. Seems to be just a visual bug at least in my case, but still annoying. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Visual bug only- I've seen this, but had the mind to close the screen and reopen it via Last Mission Rewards button. Displays affinity properly without displaying Expired.

Far as I can tell, nobody's losing affinity. It's just a visual bug of unknown origin.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2023-06-14 at 6:46 AM, 753rdVanguard said:

Visual bug only- I've seen this, but had the mind to close the screen and reopen it via Last Mission Rewards button. Displays affinity properly without displaying Expired.

Far as I can tell, nobody's losing affinity. It's just a visual bug of unknown origin.

I did lose experience due to this. Last mission rewards show no experience gained and the weapons did not rank up at all

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I encountered this bug for the first time today, no game update was involved. Could it be that certain WF data isn't getting through? Do we have to port-forward in some way?

EDIT: I discovered that the chat-box element no longer stays in the same position, it keeps resetting to a position and size I used yesterday when doing some trading. It's like WF has gone back in time, reverting to old settings and not displaying earned XP properly after missions. So, is this a config read/write issue? AKA client-side instead of server-side?

Edited by Decusatim
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