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Is Saryn Nerfed To Death ? [Rant ]


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Venom is now weak beyond belief.


I'm just out a T3 Def mission and I feel robbed, robbed of all the time I poured into maxing and forma'ing my Saryn as a caster.


Who wants an ability that deals 4(seconds)x5 (spores)x6hp of damage on lvl 10 ennemies and then 4x5x1hp (?!) on lvl40-50 ennemies that have even higher HPs ? Wtf?

Before u11 my saryn was able to deal 5x16HP by second over 4 seconds to enemies all lvl, it was enough to weaken a crowd of lvl 80 while working them further with miasma and soma (while propagating further the venom)... Now what?


This idea of scaling down damage while scaling up armor and HP WHILE making abilities elemental is ... abysmal.




What is the point of having an ability if it deals 5 hp of damage on ennemies with 2000hp who are quasi immune to toxins?!


What are we supposed to do? Change frame each time we fight a different faction?! That's really, REALLY stupid !


Or are we to stop using 4/5 of all abilities and rely almost excusively on weapons?


Yeah 4 volts (or novas/rhinos) rushing corpus missions! Weeee, 4 Embers (or novas/rhinos) rushing Infested missions ! Attack of the clones!




BUFF SARYN. It's been long overdue.


or am I seriously missing something here?


Please enlighten me, because I'm not happy right now.

Edited by 3xStanh
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you should have jumped ship the moment they "Fixed" venom. I know I did and i'm glad I did.

Yep, DE hates Saryn.  Took them a month to get back to me about the 9.6 changes, and their response was "Working as intended."


So yeah, they just want you to spend the 20 plat to forma that ability slot ;)

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Damage 2.0 just got implemented and DE repeatedly said that it's going to take a while to rebalance everything.

For now, we should bare with the changes and provide constructive feedback.



I think my feedback is constructive. Pissed, but constructive. Constructively pissed.

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You were in denial in U10 mate. Venom was already useless by that point. Good for "softening up" a crowd of update 10's lvl80's, IF you also worked them with soma and miasma? give me a break, even at 17 energy you're wasting your time at that point :p

I can't imagine how bad it must be now, if it got further nerfed in u11... :)

e: so yes, make venom worth using again, give contagion at the very least some usability improvements... hell, idk. saryn's crap now though that much is for sure.

Edited by FlanShark
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You were in denial in U10 mate. Venom was already useless by that point. Good for "softening up" a crowd of update 10's lvl80's, IF you also worked them with soma and miasma? give me a break, even at 17 energy you're wasting your time at that point :p

I can't imagine how bad it must be now, if it got further nerfed in u11... :)

e: so yes, make venom worth using again, give contagion at the very least some usability improvements... hell, idk. saryn's crap now though that much is for sure.


Well, she wasn't spectacular like a nova, sure, but she had her utility despite what many other players were wrongly thinking (can't play her, not enough "hufff" and fireworks . Many (most of the) times i ended being the major contributor of total damage delt during a def or surv ... don't say it doesn't matter, it does. Say you have 100 mobs in total during a mission, they make for let's say, 10000 hp total . Eating 56% of this total isn't nothing. While you're focusing on heavies and other priorities, the rest of the mob kept taking damage, your teammates kept on spreading/kindling the infection and so on. Venom has to be spammed, and spread, and spammed. This was work, but it had its rewards. 


Now it's truely pathetic.


Hope they'll fix this. Or they're planning to remove some frames from the game. Dunno.

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Saryn is a pretty sad story. She went from being unique and powerful when the old Venom was working (up to 9.6 or 9.7) to being worse than Volt was now after U11.

Hopefully she'll get buffed soon but she won't be seeing much usage until then.

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With damage numbers stacking now, they should also buff Venom while they're at it back to it's original state.

But yes, she needs a huge check because of how mediocre Toxin is roght now, not to mention the lack of change in her damage numbers in the first place doesn't help.

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The attention DE paid to Volt in the recent update proves that they don't flat-out forget about older frames. It is fully possible that a rebalance for Saryn could be forthcoming at some point, so there's no reason to get hopeless.


We should still make comments and topics about her of course, as that shows DE we are still interested in the subject.

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So is this becoming a thread on the changes needed to be made to Saryn?

There have been numerous Volt threads... and they just don't stop because people aren't even satisfied with him now, where he is quite awesome.


I had fun with Saryn as well. Didn't think she was weak before U11, but didn't play her much after the update.

Well, he was the saddest frame before, and since he's better now they've got momentum going for him. 
Might as well bring him up to par with the likes of Rhinova. 
I seem to find her miasma shreds grineer though(Took her to ceres, Miasma at -50% power strength due to high levelled overextended, trash grineer didn't stand a chance after only 2-3 ticks, not even the full count.). If Ember is the infested killer, Volt the corpus, then Saryn has definitely become a grineer mulcher. 
And apparently all Corpus are now considered robotic health types. So Saryn's poison attacks just don't do that much damage to them, this might be your problem Op.


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