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Multi abilities like wisp / vaubahn / ivara, hold to cast, tap to switch?


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57 minutes ago, bbrtki said:

Very counter intuitive.

"Tap to cast, hold to swap" would be SO MUCH BETTER, because it makes accidentally switching to something you don't plan to use much less likely.

While I agree with you on the intuitiveness, I also suspect I know why it defaults to the setting it does.

Imagine if you need to cast a sub-ability but it's offset two from the one you're on, so you need to cycle through two options to get there. With the default method, it's tap-tap-HOLD-release, while with the inverted one it's HOLD-release-HOLD-release-tap; the latter method takes considerably longer to do, and HOLD-release-HOLD-release is clunkier/jankier mechanically as a cycling method even if it is otherwise more intuitive.

What I would like even better than the existing option to toggle between hold-to-cast/tap-to-cast would be a third option, which would be "tap to cast, tap with modifier key to cycle" and then be able to set... I dunno, Left Alt or one of the side buttons on my gaming mouse as the modifier.

Then I could tap-to-cast as much as I wanted, and if I needed to cycle and cast it would be modifier-tap-tap-release-tap, which is still smoother/faster than HOLD-release-HOLD-release-tap.

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1 hour ago, Packetdancer said:

What I would like even better than the existing option to toggle between hold-to-cast/tap-to-cast would be a third option, which would be "tap to cast, tap with modifier key to cycle" and then be able to set... I dunno, Left Alt or one of the side buttons on my gaming mouse as the modifier.

the 'best' would still be if it 'covered' your Ability Buttons temporarily. 
so you'd like, press 1, and now 1-4 select the modes for that Ability. pick a mode to use and it goes back to normal immediately after, or cancel the action in some way and also immediately back to normal.

no Tap/Hold at all, instead your structure is 1,1 or 1,2 or 1,3 or 1,4

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6 hours ago, taiiat said:

the 'best' would still be if it 'covered' your Ability Buttons temporarily. 
so you'd like, press 1, and now 1-4 select the modes for that Ability. pick a mode to use and it goes back to normal immediately after, or cancel the action in some way and also immediately back to normal.

no Tap/Hold at all, instead your structure is 1,1 or 1,2 or 1,3 or 1,4

I admit personally I'd hate that one for any sub-ability I might need to cast back-to-back more than once; it'd be great for swapping but not so much for if you need, say, the third sub ability three times quickly. To me personally it feels like 1-3-1-3-1-3 is a little clunky to do quickly, whereas 1-1-1 is much cleaner (with tap-to-cast) or even 1-(HOLD, release) 1-(HOLD, releasee) 1-(HOLD, release) with hold-to-cast.

But I think this also illustrates why it is I believe in a flexible, configurable input layer in games where possible; people's tastes are gonna differ, and the more complicated a game's possible actions get, the less likely any one control scheme is to completely satisfy everyone.

(Plus, y'know... accessibility considerations.)

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