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changes for people with chronical issues or disabilities


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I play since Plains of Eidolon (with a friend and mostly as duo). We build up a clan house, farmed and researched. I managed to learn the movements. Since weapon was open I could find something that fits me.  It felt like "come as you are and have fun".

sadly that changed over the years:

For the creator of Jupiter. congratualtions you trigger fear of hight any time I have to cross the open. And usually fail as sliding was never working properly with me. I have to use Wukong or Titania for Jupiter missions. Same goes with some bosses. I never searched for the hidden things on Jupiter just because of that. Make it easier for people who cannot slide to cross this open things.

Helmith. Even before Helmith was able to add additional power to abilities I hated Volts and Wisps for overpowered buffs. Now I only can stand still and wait till it is over. It killed all fun with Titania (used to be my favorite warframe) as I only slammed in doors, walls and everything on the way. Well, with the buffs from helmith it has become worse as it causes headaches and dizziness due to the blurry movement on screen (and yes, I disabled all effects, does not matter). I barely can move with my character. Of course I get yelled at and they keep on buffing, not listening nor unterstanding that THIS is blocking me. Other players laugh about that. Great as if I wanted neuronal S#&$! My wish to set the maximum speed for all players in my party has never been so strong since that or to kick all wisps, volts or speed buff warframes. Due to that I don't like to do open fissure missions and avoid doing anything in groups. I play solo. I used to do at least fissure missions to open relics with random people.

Rail Jack void missions: same goes here. the intense bright white!!! blinking causes extremely fast headaches and dizziness. I can only play one or two missions. I avoid doing that at all. (same goes with plains sentinels Teralyst, Hydrolist etc). I wish to be able to tint and turn down brightness. As some colors are less harsh than bright white. Sadly you deided to add more flash for elite fighter (electricity, life leace etc.), some colors of them are a hassle too.  Tinting also others players effects would be nice too (not sure, but I saw at least a reduce button).

New war: before I could play with any weapon and find my way to defeat an enemy. not here. Somehow managed to deal with limited weaponary. But I had no clue what the hell you wanted me to do - with some archons (invisible thingy) and especially in the final battle. I just died through the last battle over and over. I needed to replay the last part couple of times and that killed all fun of the complete quest. Never want to redo that again. What the hell did you want? And there is never time to get an idea what you want.

Zariman void angels and operator movement. My hands go numb cause of that neuronal stuff. The more I have to do and focus on doing right to faster it goes numb completely (loose all haptic feelings, no more real control). That used to happen e.g. with sharp shooter weapons, very hassly warframes (mutiple abilitie frames or jump around ones), but I could take breakes in missions. I managed to get through steel path, rail jack missions, arbitrations, plaque missions as a duo despite of that. It was always close at the limit in those missions. You have to move constantly, do something constantly. But I need my breaks. I managed that with pain in the other missions, but I fail at those angels and collecting flying things. It is a too overcomplicated fight, too much zig zag around. It hits both: dizziness and hands go numb. (and you also ask for head shots for zariman weapon development... :( ) 

- definitly no more "come as you are".

faster and faster feels like giving up that everyone can have fun. definitly for people like me. I don't know if you want or can impove some parts. Would be nice to get some fun back.


tiny comments:

Bows: the only fun bows were nerfed (aoe-bows). all others are nothing but useless toys as in group missions all enemies are gone before you fired. Sad, I liked bows and used to train traditional archery. I managed to shoot down dargyn in the plains with that - no never sliding (that's too evil. ) This additional "you get more power when you charge for x" also never worked for me.

Dear sound enginiers: Sound of sword and shield (Baruks weapon, tenet weapons etc) and staff weapons. Get rid of that ugly wooden stick sound. If you use a sword it is not wood! If wukong uses it's 4th ability it is a funky laser-staff, it never sounds like wood. really, I avoid those weapons just cause of their sound.

Were are dual wield zaw weapons? No shields on earth, no two swords or two daggers? ... I used to get killed by my own zaws regularly. (if you need a weapon tester)

Steel path: either you limit the plaque enemies abilities or you block out all energy needing frames. You are drained faster than you can use your abilities. I only played Inaros in the end - also cause it wouldn't fall in an instant when I need a break.

Inaros 4th ability and passsive ability: how are those supposed to work? Neither of them ever worked with anyone from our guild. Seriously, never. I infused health and enery donation ability from heminth and that worked at least.

Dear world builders and the unseen world behind the mesh: I don't know how many times I was falling through the mesh in open fields areas and sometimes even normal missions. If seen areas that were not meant for us to visit. ..if you need a bug hunter for that. I will find all of them. Seriously. I am still afraid in plains and on venus when I use wukong or titania and k-drives. This combination let me see your environment domes more often than I wanted. (yes, I do 3D render and know some stuff)

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This is more of a rant rather than pointing some issue that may effect people with chronical issues or disabilities.

3 hours ago, Salerina said:

For the creator of Jupiter. congratualtions you trigger fear of hight any time I have to cross the open. And usually fail as sliding was never working properly with me. I have to use Wukong or Titania for Jupiter missions

There you go, you find way to overcome this. Also Void Sling could be useful

3 hours ago, Salerina said:

Well, with the buffs from helmith it has become worse as it causes headaches and dizziness due to the blurry movement on screen (and yes, I disabled all effects, does not matter)

I have the same problem so I either leave or exit razorwing mode (subsumed Nova for extra DR). Most fissure mission (i believe it's the quick capture/exterminate) can be done without using razorwing.

3 hours ago, Salerina said:

the intense bright white!!!

I have good PC, but I always deactivate gloom, glare, blur motion and lower the particle quality. 

Go to Option>Accessibility>Graphic. Lower the Visual effect Intensity and turn on Reduce Teammate Visual Effects

3 hours ago, Salerina said:

New war: before I could play with any weapon and find my way to defeat an enemy. not here. Somehow managed to deal with limited weaponary. But I had no clue what the hell you wanted me to do - with some archons (invisible thingy) and especially in the final battle. I just died through the last battle over and over. I needed to replay the last part couple of times and that killed all fun of the complete quest. Never want to redo that again. What the hell did you want? And there is never time to get an idea what you want.

Zariman void angels and operator movement. My hands go numb cause of that neuronal stuff. The more I have to do and focus on doing right to faster it goes numb completely (loose all haptic feelings, no more real control). That used to happen e.g. with sharp shooter weapons, very hassly warframes (mutiple abilitie frames or jump around ones), but I could take breakes in missions. I managed to get through steel path, rail jack missions, arbitrations, plaque missions as a duo despite of that. It was always close at the limit in those missions. You have to move constantly, do something constantly. But I need my breaks. I managed that with pain in the other missions, but I fail at those angels and collecting flying things. It is a too overcomplicated fight, too much zig zag around. It hits both: dizziness and hands go numb. (and you also ask for head shots for zariman weapon development... :( ) 

- definitly no more "come as you are".

faster and faster feels like giving up that everyone can have fun. definitly for people like me. I don't know if you want or can impove some parts. Would be nice to get some fun back.

Maybe it's time to find other game that suit you. Having a chronic dissabilities is one thing, but pushing your limit on a game are not sustainable.

I quit Warframe and gaming for one and a half year and start doing outdoor activity (riding bicycle, medium distance hiking) due to Physical and Mental Health problem. When I recover, Warframe is the only game that I constantly playing. 

Maybe you should need take a break and hopefully you find one game that didn't take on your health (both body and mind). Cheeers

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If you're struggling to stay alive in Steel Path I definitely recommend Revenant, he's quite literally immortal. You'll only have to refresh his 2 every 30 seconds or something. Inaros is actually a terrible frame for surviving since he has no shields and gets one shotted once damage gets high enough, his abilities aren't very useful either.

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