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Don't Equip Self Destruct Or Provoked!


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This was a response that cancelled out his stupidity

"You're just a sad little man aren't you? I strongly suspect you are screaming such jargon for the fact that you have made a mulitiude of attempts and yet to have ever obtain the mods.

Provoked is great for frames that have a chance of being 'killed' more easily than say, a tank-type like the Rhino or Frost. Provided that the user is willing to give up a mod or possess an unused mod slot. Especially in late game content or long term survival missions where a person can easily be swarmed and needs to clear out the area around them so their teammates can assist them.

Self-destruct is quite effective, even, as you say, against the infested. They can and often are in late game. Especially due to the number of runners and ancients that can and will target/damage the sentinels. And against the other three factions, it is even more effective as the range is quite nice and the explosion will buy some time as it knocks back the enemies.

Also, do mankind a favor, would you kindly? Please learn to read, speak, write, type and understand proper english. You're apparent illiteratcy is despairingly painful. The captialization is annoying, but your lack of punctutaion is incredibly barbaric. I would not be surprised if people are fearful of you for your lack of the aforementioned. Not understanding the difference between "Let's eat, Grandma!" and "Let's eat Grandma!" Your insults are crude and pathetic. I suggest you leave the golden cradle you have apparently lived in for so long and enter the real world.

And with sir, I will bid you adieu. And pray that this defecation that you call an opinion, never comes again".

Edited by zergla
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