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Its just bugging the heck outta me But... I have more ideas for reworks


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Can we please get reworks to some old content? Tilesets, Modding System, Enemy Ai, Combat QoL, Bosses, Quests. 

So many ideas, concepts, things buzzing in my head right now, mostly just 5 major overhauls, touchup, redos to some tilesets.

Europa, Ceres, Pluto, Neptune, Venus. and maybe Mars/Eris/Derelict, because dang.... all you need to do is jump up and you have tons of issues with map design

The new updates, tilesets far outmatch everything else in the game, bosses yes, and the Junction fights, definitely. 

I keep trying to get that message out about the tilesets, old quests, bosses, ETC. but, i just dont know if anyone has heard.


I tend to get bored and pop out of the maps, all of them really. i know of holes, escapes, seam tears, and basically all of the ice maps suck

if you simply jump up you will notice. 


My dream is that all 7 listead tilesets would get redone like Jupiter, and corpus ships. but its just alot.

I also thought, why not add planet set specific drops, rewards to some, and Enviromental hazards, planet specific.

New item called a Pobber. That adds a Second passive to warframes that is interchangeable. like an arcane in a way. but more basic

Exploring maps you can find chests, that may hold a pobber, or endo cache. early endo is a drag for new players, as is modding. 

The chest isnt like the rare ones, instead of a 1% chance, it would maybe be a 15, 10%. and always drops credits, 500-2000, endo 50 100 150, and a pobber.

There would be 20 pobbers to find, and unlike mods they are a 1 pol use, counts 0, that simply adds a new function to the warframes, similar to any other frames passive.


Ceres Idea

Simply Open up the tile sets a bit, up the theme of mining and add in hazards based on Oil and fire. 

There could be oil slicks that cause environmental toxic or corrosive.

And fire explosions for heat, saws and gears jams wheels for impact puncture slash hits. 

It would basically be like it is now but with more opportunities to bullet jump, wall jump and such.

New rooms and stuff and maybe

I had an idea to farm both of them on ceres. Oil slicks would actually be farm able in a way, to gather oil to make Dregoznia.

His parts would drop off new oil infested enemies/grineer zombies. these aggressive grineer covered in oil would attack anyone or anything.

They drop the blueprints for Chassis, system, neuroptics. the Blueprint is in the market. 

Kill the enemies for oil blobs, and corrosive blobs which are for grixus. 

Grixus parts are hidden around Ceres in caches, and machinery, you have to hack into find and fight top baliff guards. 

Gas and oil frames tie into the whole rework of Ceres becoming more focused around its toxic mining world theme


Neptune Idea

I really really want Neptune to be overhauled to look like Planet Kamino from Star Wars.

A huge open overworld industrial Water planet Corpus Complex.

You get to walk around on decks, see the oceans of Neptune, with massive skies filled with storms and hurricane clouds

Its always stormy, always night, and always raining. 

The rain can cause cold procs on you and enemies, with more environmental hazards.

With these conditions new Corpus heavy units with jetpacks would roam around.

Researching into Yareli and Hydroid respectively. New kraken enemies live here, and more fish, aquatic stuff

3 New weapons, based on the Mastery rank 5 - 7 range would drop. all 3 water themed. 


1: A assault rifle that fire automatic water blobs, these explode in a 3m range for Impact Cold damage. 

^This guns blueprints drop off the new heavy guards on Neptune's water cities

^the gun has a secondary fire that fires a stream of water instead like a beam rifle

^so you can shoot blobs, they cost 4 ammo from the 80 magazine, or a beam that is a drain like a flux rifle

-Could even add the soakatron as an optional secret weapon


2: Water shuriken's, they explode in a 6m radius inflicting base cold radiation damage on enemies

These firing automatically like a machine gun in rapid succession, 11.5 fire rate, 22 magazine. 

These can be dropped off some random enemies as well, but other parts are hidden in secret labs, and on new water animal enemies

Some new amphibious fish will jump onto the platforms and try to attack you or corpus, and these drop parts for the water shuriken's


3: Only hidden in the secret labs, and guarded by a 50% chance to spawn mini-boss, would be a Water themed Shuriken Glaive melee weapon

It explodes into a watery abyss when thrown, and the explosion would pull and suck in all enemies with a heavy attack throw

It deals slash corrosive damage to enemies, and is a secret experimental corpus/Tenno fusion hybrid weapon, by Alad V


The whole new corpus overworld tileset would be dark gloomy, and be like a high end city full of experiments, looking like Fortuna in some parts

It would be as a huge base hub for alot of experiments. 




I just really want Venus to get overhauled to look like Orb vallis, with mushrooms and wild animals running around the complex

The open world is Outdated extremely when compared to orb vallis, and i just want it to match the open world itself

Alot of issues are easily seen if you manage to get any heigh in Venus tilesets, and it hurts

Alot of immersion breaking doors that lead nowhere, and have no point in existing as well.


It could also get really foggy, could snow, and maybe even darken with the giant mirror. to fit the new tone of Fortuna/Orb vallis

Maybe even the buildings themselves would match the interior of Fortuna




since 2016, Pluto has been my Number 1 most wished for rework of a tileset

I want it outside, dark, no sky really, night and the sun being a tiny dot in the distance

A gray overworld like Lua. With brown, ice, snow, red, hues all over. 

To give a more cold dark isolated look as to the actual Real Pluto that i love.

currently, its just a copy of Neptune Venus. and i really wanted all 3 to be their own unique set piece.


Europa, could be more vibrant, open, and have what its known for.

Huge frozen ice spewing volcanoes. Ice earthquakes

Environmental effects that cause collapses, and cascades of ice to occur.

Frozen water lakes that may gush forth and knock corpus into ravines. random waves  of water. 

I always liked the skybox, but hated how busted and outdated the whole set was

Just jump up look around, and you will see the giant square map room you are on

in most areas you can escape and fall out of the map, and can see the edge of the world. 

alot of unnecessary elevators as well, the map could be more open and brought up to the bullet jump era.

Its just like everything else, outdated. and would be nice with a spit polish. 


Mars Eris and The void/Derelict also have all the same issues. but i dont know if it can be resolved as easily

I would love a mars rework, to make it more like the inaros questline, with Egyptian themed grineer ruins all over.

New mars animals, and the skrakes getting buffed. more used even.

wildlife, and environmental effects as well, like Sandstorms, that slash, blind, hinder you. 

Eris has the open space damage, but could even add in radiation from space effects. electrical or toxic clouds


The base tutorial quests all need a spit shine as well. 

like adding in the most requested Modding tutorial quest. 

explaining elemental effects, combos, and polarities, forma, reactors, to players. 

giving players a play by play of how things run in warframe, and granting them a orokin reactor to test out that first frame a bit more.

there's alot to modding that could be slightly improved. but thats a huge big thing

Just like improving ai, adding Enemy Champions, that grant allies auras, to speed, health, defense. 

Running, hiding, dodging, evading the tenno attacks. 

Like having nullifiers single out and charge a warframe with a channeled ability

Snipers running, to take cover and shoot.

Bruiser based enemies running at you to charge and knock you over.

We mostly steam roll the enemies in warframe, and they only walk forward.

There is some stuff there i notice, but most the time you cant, because they all die instantly.

its another tough one to think on like the modding system


Missions could also be changed even, Defense, the most boring one id love something to do in it. 

Exterminate could add new side objectives, or actually, All missions could add 3 side objectives, RNG missions that pop up.

The side objectives would reward bonus Credits, Affinity, Endo, and even mods. 

Like how bounties have the bonus thing to do, but expanded a bit more. 

Exterminate especially always gives me issues in Void fissures with the enemies not spawning.

Never enough it seems. 


Pobbers - The passives things

The idea behind this, is that they only show up from hidden caches, chests. 

And each one can be equipped unequipped as easily as a mod.

They are specialty items, maybe added as a 7th slot to the Parazon. Not really hacking or mercy focused at all.

But like...

1: Hackers Guile - Turn invisible while Hacking (Found on Lua/Kuva Fortress/Europa)

2: Snipers Wit - -15% Recoil, +15% Fire Rate/Reload with Sniper rifles or Bows (Found on Venus/Mercury)

3: Ghosts Gaze - Invisible while wall clinging for 5 seconds, +50% critical chance for 5 seconds (Found on Pluto/Lua/Jupiter)

4: Berserkers Craze - Mercy kills or Finishers grant 20% melee speed and 20% Fire rate for 12 seconds  (Found on Eris/Phobos/Deimos)

5: Mojo Recuperation - +3 Health per second after recovering from a status effect, for 12s, 15s cooldown (Found in the derelict void/Lua)

6: Mojo Insight - +3 Energy per second after recovering from a status effect, for 12s, 15s cooldown (Found in the void/Zariman)

7: Watery Form - 5% chance to ignore incoming projectile damage (Found on Uranus/Neptune)

8: Acidic Form - 15% chance on hit by melee attack to reflect 50% damage back as corrosive (Found on Ceres/Eris)

9: Ballistic Recharge - 3% chance on headshot to recover 3% ammo for equipped gun (Found on Void/Derelict/Lua)

10: Tidal Slam - +25% melee slam radius and slam damage (Found on Neptune/Uranus/Earth)

11: Effortless Evasion - +35% evasion during a slide, -15% Friction on slide, +15% slide distance (Found on Earth/Europa/Saturn)

12: Mercy Hero - +25% faster mercy kills (Found anywhere)

13: Flash Save - On lethal damage, become immune to damage for 3 seconds, 120 second cooldown (Found on Phobos/Ceres/Deimos)

14: Snap Draw - +15% Holster Speed, +15% reload speed, -15% fire rate (Found anywhere)

15: Crack Shot - +20% Headshot multiplier, -20% Recoil (Found anywhere)

16: Snipers Eye - Killing an enemy adds +5 enemy radar for 6 seconds, stacks 5 times (Found Anywhere)

17: Thiefs Guile - Opening a locker or breaking a chest adds +5 loot radar for 12 seconds, stacks 5 times (Found on Lua/Void/Derelict)

18: Second Sight - Enemies on your enemy radar are highlighted through walls while aiming (Found on Neptune/Jupiter/Venus/Pluto)

19: Blood Drinker - Enemies killed by your abilities have a 25% chance to drop health orbs (Found Anywhere)

20: Mind Siphon - Headshots have a 25% chance to drop energy orbs (Found Anywhere)

21: Loose Cannon - Bullet jumping causes enemies with 6m to drop their weapons and applies a radiation proc

22: Repeat Offender - Consecutive hits on the same target increase damage to them by 5% for 6 seconds. Stacks 12 times

23: Midterm Medic - 100% knockdown resistance and +50% damage resistance when reviving an ally

24: Failure Failsafe - Failing a hacking attempt has a 50% chance to result in a success instead

25: Meek Camouflage - Enemies outside 12m range cannot see you when you're crouched 


Pobbers in general, are found in new hidden chests, all over the games tilesets. all are trade able, but you can only equip 1.

it would require a upgrade, to add them to the warframe, like exilus adapters. 






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Champion enemies is another idea i had. Unlike eximus these units mean business and are random secondary objective vip targets. You can run from if you choose. 

After completing the main objective and unlocking extraction a Champion may spawn. These enemies are 25% bigger in scale and champion their allies against you. They emit a defensive aura that grants all nearby faction allies 50% health armor shields and speed. And the champion unit is 25 levels higher than the current average level. With +100% health armor shields. When defeated they drop caches of rng mods. And alot of bonus endo or credits. With 1000% bonus average unit affinity.

The steel path variant would be double. With +50 levels. And 200% health armor shields. 2000% affinity. With double the endo credits or mods usually dropped. 

The champion units only spawn in exterminate or capture missions. Alerted to you by Lotus. After you complete the main objective. They arrive to put you down. They emit a dampening aura. Turning off your tenno. Warframe powers. Within 15m. Forcing you into martial combat only. 


You can just extract to evade them though if you choose. Bit they are part of a secondary objective idea i kind of want added to expand missions in warframe. 

Such as Finding a secret cache in a sabotage. Capture. Exterminate mission that has bonus resources. Granting extra affinity. 

Or finding a secret hacking terminal. With similar results. Or a hidden captured rescue target. 

All side objectives like champions. Caches. Rescue targets. Or terminal. Will award extra bonus credits endo mods or big affinity amounts. 

These wont be in defense or interception missions. But can pop up in most run and done types. Rescue targets and terminals could be in assassination missions too. 

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I keep picturing more open worlds. But 2 different versions. One that’s the actual open world for each planet. The other is more separated into sections that follow a certain path from beginning to end. Basically picture a full open world but then divide it out into different sections like the united stats or like monster Hunter rise/world. However way you want to go about it. When doing certain missions only a specific path can be followed and the rest of the overall map can only be viewed as a background. Similar to how there are invisible barriers that keep you restricted. The difference between this version and what we currently have is that there would be more free roam. Like running through more open plains or fields on earth versus being limited to caves and such as of right now.

It would be like how there’s multiple states you can travel through to reach say California from like Virginia. Sometimes the pathway might be more downwards towards like Florida then travels across the bottom states until you reach California. Or just go straight through Colorado and such. Just an example of a couple of paths and that’s only if those 2 states were the spawn and extraction point. The overall map would be divided into multiple sections that connect to each other but only certain ones are highlighted from beginning to end when starting a mission. Instead of the randomized build a map DE has now. Make it feel more adventurous. The sections would be wide but not open world wide. So more breathing room to fight, complete objectives, or even explore. And maybe this type of map would come with something that records it so that any future missions, the entire map layout would be highlighted so you already know where it’s gonna take you and what to expect in those locations. 

It would almost be like grineer vs corpus invasions where the map changes from grineer to corpus or vice versa. It would be a similar set up with each section. Maybe the new open worlds could be set up where you get to roam the whole thing while they are divided into sections for the regular missions to reduce the amount of work for DE to deal with. 

Before Wisp prime was even a concept, I pictured a desert like open map with all sorts of underground creatures to deal with. Grineer figured out a machine that can travel under the sand which allows them to pop up anywhere. Certain moves like rhino stomp or banshee sound quake can damage them and force them to come out the sand. Part of me picture a war between corpus and grineer is happening and there is a faction where defectives on both sides decided to unite and help each other out. There would be 2 sort of leaders that will coordinate with you depending on which faction you choose to deal with. When dealing with grineer, you would probably have the leader of Steel Meridian speak to you versus Ergo Glast when dealing with the corpus side. Before wisp was a conceit, dudes talked about a “Sun Goddess” theme frame. Basically wisp would’ve been the frame for this open world had it gone my way. 

Ceres makes me picture something like the Rocky Mountains sort of environment but obviously moon rock or what ever ceres is made out of. And there would be all sorts of power plants scattered around. While currently it’s like traveling through a giant factory, I’m picturing like if there was an outside area of said factory. Maybe more cases if the Grustrag 3 showing up. Maybe they get a 4th member to make them a full squad to go up against the Tenno. 

Europa is basically a corpus ship graveyard. Really the only option is simply expansion. There would be areas run by mainly robots. Like if corpus developed advanced AI and that’s what basically running everything. And so every now and then it will control a sort of boss machine to deal with the Tenno. 

I’m sure you get the point. Just annoying playing the same maps but nothing really new. The new maps may eventually get old but at least they wouldn’t be too basic to the boredom. The void of all places should be a single open world map of a sort of city that is divided into sections that are randomly chosen for a beginning to end path during each mission. Maybe change the fissure effects and have non-corrupt enemies spawn during fissure missions. Make Corrupt Vor into more of a boss rather than an annoying assassin. 

But that’s just my opinion.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)chris1pat8twins said:

I keep picturing more open worlds. But 2 different versions. One that’s the actual open world for each planet. The other is more separated into sections that follow a certain path from beginning to end. Basically picture a full open world but then divide it out into different sections like the united stats or like monster Hunter rise/world. However way you want to go about it. When doing certain missions only a specific path can be followed and the rest of the overall map can only be viewed as a background. Similar to how there are invisible barriers that keep you restricted. The difference between this version and what we currently have is that there would be more free roam. Like running through more open plains or fields on earth versus being limited to caves and such as of right now.

It would be like how there’s multiple states you can travel through to reach say California from like Virginia. Sometimes the pathway might be more downwards towards like Florida then travels across the bottom states until you reach California. Or just go straight through Colorado and such. Just an example of a couple of paths and that’s only if those 2 states were the spawn and extraction point. The overall map would be divided into multiple sections that connect to each other but only certain ones are highlighted from beginning to end when starting a mission. Instead of the randomized build a map DE has now. Make it feel more adventurous. The sections would be wide but not open world wide. So more breathing room to fight, complete objectives, or even explore. And maybe this type of map would come with something that records it so that any future missions, the entire map layout would be highlighted so you already know where it’s gonna take you and what to expect in those locations. 

It would almost be like grineer vs corpus invasions where the map changes from grineer to corpus or vice versa. It would be a similar set up with each section. Maybe the new open worlds could be set up where you get to roam the whole thing while they are divided into sections for the regular missions to reduce the amount of work for DE to deal with. 

Before Wisp prime was even a concept, I pictured a desert like open map with all sorts of underground creatures to deal with. Grineer figured out a machine that can travel under the sand which allows them to pop up anywhere. Certain moves like rhino stomp or banshee sound quake can damage them and force them to come out the sand. Part of me picture a war between corpus and grineer is happening and there is a faction where defectives on both sides decided to unite and help each other out. There would be 2 sort of leaders that will coordinate with you depending on which faction you choose to deal with. When dealing with grineer, you would probably have the leader of Steel Meridian speak to you versus Ergo Glast when dealing with the corpus side. Before wisp was a conceit, dudes talked about a “Sun Goddess” theme frame. Basically wisp would’ve been the frame for this open world had it gone my way. 

Ceres makes me picture something like the Rocky Mountains sort of environment but obviously moon rock or what ever ceres is made out of. And there would be all sorts of power plants scattered around. While currently it’s like traveling through a giant factory, I’m picturing like if there was an outside area of said factory. Maybe more cases if the Grustrag 3 showing up. Maybe they get a 4th member to make them a full squad to go up against the Tenno. 

Europa is basically a corpus ship graveyard. Really the only option is simply expansion. There would be areas run by mainly robots. Like if corpus developed advanced AI and that’s what basically running everything. And so every now and then it will control a sort of boss machine to deal with the Tenno. 

I’m sure you get the point. Just annoying playing the same maps but nothing really new. The new maps may eventually get old but at least they wouldn’t be too basic to the boredom. The void of all places should be a single open world map of a sort of city that is divided into sections that are randomly chosen for a beginning to end path during each mission. Maybe change the fissure effects and have non-corrupt enemies spawn during fissure missions. Make Corrupt Vor into more of a boss rather than an annoying assassin. 

But that’s just my opinion.

I would love a step off the tiles and having open world zones per planet. Mars and Ceres are personal tops. But europa could be full of interchanging ice tunnels and caves

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15 hours ago, (PSN)Tomplexthis said:

I would love a step off the tiles and having open world zones per planet. Mars and Ceres are personal tops. But europa could be full of interchanging ice tunnels and caves

All those creatures in the plains, orb Vallis, and even cases like desert maps with those sand sting rays. All that makes me picture each planet having unique predatory creatures to deal with that either corpus have some weapons or that grineer did some cloning and such to add to their army. And for ice tunnels and caves, I keep imagining what if there was some new ice creature that lurked within. Like there are areas where lotus says “these tunnels don’t look man made”. 

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