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Not sure how this will go over with people but can we get Little Duck to stop talking....


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I like Little Duck shes great but she just yaps and yaps in disruption missions. Can we possibly, you know... just not have her talk to us at all throughout the mission. I'm trying to listen to the sound of where the demos are coming from but she talks and talks making it hard to hear for the sound. I'm cool her talking at the start of the mission and the end of the conduit but during the middle keepyourmouthplease.

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20 hours ago, [DE]erichdigital said:

Thanks for the feedback! We will be adding the ability to disable most of these transmissions by disabling 'Enable Hint Transmissions' in the Audio Options menu.

Wait this is actually really nice, does this include lotus spamming transmissions during missions, like when collecting reactant in fissures?

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On 2023-10-11 at 2:46 PM, [DE]erichdigital said:

Thanks for the feedback! We will be adding the ability to disable most of these transmissions by disabling 'Enable Hint Transmissions' in the Audio Options menu.

Okay, but when can we fight the Void Angel's master?

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7 hours ago, [DE]erichdigital said:

Yes, this setting does include Lotus transmissions in Void Fissure missions.

I hope this doesn't count as thread hijacking but this does remind me of a problem I have with Disruption as a game mode.

Personally when I play Warframe outside of Quests or new content I tend to play music over headphones with lowered or muted game volume.

I don't suppose we could get more visual indicators in Disruption missions? It's currently the only mission in Warframe where I feel like I have to stop listening to music to engage with the mission properly. There are some visual indicators currently, however their range is much lower than the range of the audio. If you have a keen ear, you can detect exactly where one is coming from much sooner than the current visual indicator.

With Warframe pushing for more Accessibility I don't suppose some more changes could be made to give Demolyst more visual indicators in advance? It doesn't have to be precise as "This is exactly the direction and location they are" but some more visual contextual clues would be nice addition.

I don't know any deaf Warframe players but I imagine players with some sort of hearing impairment would also benefit from those sorts of changes.

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Am 13.10.2023 um 23:52 schrieb Zahnny:

I don't know any deaf Warframe players but I imagine players with some sort of hearing impairment would also benefit from those sorts of changes.

I would say there are for sure at least a bunch. Have seen this kind of acesibility options in other games. Like for example in one game theres a visual indicator at the playes character showing you that an enemy comes closer. something like that would be a nice addition. 

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