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Everything posted by Qriist

  1. The ancient law of internet arcana dictates that I have but a single possible response to your heartfelt request.
  2. I don't care about Thermal Sunder's nuking capabilities, I just wish it didn't make the entire map impossible to see.
  3. You're conflating gameplay mechanical balance with lore.
  4. I was not aware people were struggling with this. Move Kahl to the first marked location, then use command mode pointed at your feet. Your rescued teammates will get there well before the second point opens up. Leave them there and go hold the new point. Rinse and repeat.
  5. That word is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting in your head canon.
  6. You're looking at it backwards. No faction in the Origin system planned to cooperate with any other faction, or even planned the war itself. The war came to them because the Sentients blitzed everybody, everywhere, simultaneously. Tenno, Corpus, and Grineer working together was less of a strategic gambit and more of "ignore the guys who aren't actively trying to genocide you". Any perceived cooperation on the macro level was purely by accident.
  7. Guerilla tactics are often a significant determining factor when waging war against a superior foe.
  8. "To incentivize walking, we're now going to have players crouch-walk by default and normal-walk by holding shift. Volt's speed buff will be required to spint." -DE, probably
  9. Exalted weapons suffering from followthrough can easily be addressed by setting that stat to 1.
  10. If the contention is that the conquest after our failure didn't get enough screen time then, from a storytelling perspective, I am in alignment. A short collection of scenes showing each planet falling under Sentient control would have gone a long way towards giving a feeling of a more grand scale. Beyond that, between the multi-pronged space battle leading upto Ballas and the guerilla tactics that the Drifter had to employ while hunting Archons, I thought there was plenty of entertaining "war" actions.
  11. I hate the Jackal. Way too much waiting around for boss to be vulnerable. Ropolyst has the same problem. n-n-n-, noooo please dear god no I mean, we could always just get rid of Rivens. My dude. Explain. Fully agree. Needs to be very slightly suspectible to abilities so ability-based kits are worth bringing, but otherwise is amazing. I rather like interception. As for defense, I would prefer if all of them were updated to the 3 wave/eximus rush style found in Duviri. The difference in my enjoyment is night and day. Having played Kullervo quite a bit I have come to my own dissenting conclusion.
  12. "We must rise together", complete with Corpus and Grineer scenes - nearly a year before release. That's what was promised. It's also what was delivered. Bro, do you even lore, bro? The Narmer are Sentients. Or rather, they are the minions of the Sentients. Remember, we failed against Ballas so he was able to lead the Sentients in enslaving the solar system. The Archons and Pazuul are other aspects of that enslavement. I agree! :D
  13. I greatly dislike rotating menus on abilities. Tap vs Hold is fine, cycle selectors are not. If you go this route, I'd tie the Mallet and Resonator the the Tap (maybe rename it "Resonating Mallet") and assign Metronome to the Hold.
  14. No, it didn't. There are *some* differences, most notably relating to the Drifter using a regular gun, but most of the same basic concepts apply: fighting Dax foes, the Drifter as a distinct (adult) person from the Operator, the Operator providing material help to the Drifter, weird twisted landscape, Oroworm, riding a kaithe. Duviri went through 4 years of development and mostly came out unchanged from the reveal trailer. Pretty impressive tbh. Again, Drifter says hello. but... we did? Playing as each character, Kahl navigated through a massive Sentient battlefield, Veso fights off a hostile takeover of his Corpus tech network, and Tenshin inflitrated a Sentient mothership. Those events are all more or less simultaneous and provide the opening for the Tenno to actually get to Ballas. That's 4 different factions uniting on ground and in space to fight a common threat on multiple fronts with demonstrated high stakes and plenty of worldbuilding to make it believable. People died, known locations were impacted, and our failure against Ballas had tangible consequences. I'm not sure what else you want in a war.
  15. I genuinely have no meaningful response to this flabbergastingly contradictory logic.
  16. I have discovered that Garuda's talons will proc Archon Continuity when modded for toxin.
  17. I said nothing whatsoever about moving polarities.
  18. By your logic no weapon should come with any polarized slots whatsoever. I mean, gosh, what if your desired build was being hampered by the wrong default polarities!?!?!?
  19. I am okay with expending more resources to further increase a weapon's power.
  20. This build performs nicely for me playing solo well into at least the 5ks of SP Circuit. I've found that Arcane Blessing + Adaptation is a relatively cheap way to massively boost any frame's survivability. For shards, I have 3 red shards on power strength to hit full strip with a single Gaze, 1 tauforged blue on +energy max, and 1 yellow on energy on spawn, so what you see here is the extent of the defenses on my build. Get your armor strip fields up with Gaze and regularly use Accuse to make new friends, most things will be taken care of quickly. I disagree. I'm pretty much never stationary with Xaku.
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