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Solo players, Which tier of the plague star mission are you running?


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42 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

Does her bubbles buff the damage hemocyte take? if so I have only one thing to say SOFTO AND WETO have stolen it's health.

I believe it does because the bubbles locked onto it and I saw the shimmering effect that sea snared targets usually get to indicate that it works (the dmg vulnerability part I mean, obviously you can't CC a boss).

paired with Pyrana Prime and Unairu's Caustic Strike and I was literally melting each of Green Lephantis' heads in under a second, in SP, solo.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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Solo, Steel Path with Volt, Boar Prime (Incarnon), Epitaph, Unairu. Around 10 mins. No difference for myself time wise between the difficulty. Stripping with Unairu and the Boar Prime makes the Steel Path Hemocyte seem like the regular version, and Infested are well, Infested. If anything, Steel Path might make runs faster, because unless the threshold for the bit where you have to kill Infested is increased?!? (Which it might, I don't know), then having more Infested around is nice to get that part done faster. Its also why I like bringing the Epitaph to slow them with cold proccs without killing them, when I wait for the Hemocyte. Volt is mostly there because the Daily NW was electric kills speeding the Drone along. 

Other notes, the Riven I have for the Boar Prime, is much better than the Riven I have for Pyrana Prime, but in my Rivenless run, it felt more effective, but may have been because of Shotgun Vendetta, which is pretty easy to procc here. I also should have probably modded my Itzal for more speed. I also like throwing down a Wisp Spectre. Mostly so my pet is tankier, and having another source of aggro, (plus some Motes) means I can build a more squishy glass cannon Volt. I'm not planning on doing a lot of runs to refine the run though. 

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16 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

yareli works as well xd I just wanted to blow the dust off a fun frame I haven't used in a while

my beautiful girl yareli duh

Volt does incorporate some nostalgia doesn't he?
Unless he wasn't your starter frame
And of course it's Yareli, always has beeen

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I only run Steel Path Plague Star (solo, of course), but I change my warframe very often. Titania with her Dex Pixia and a gunblade with Shattering Impact ; Volt or Wisp to speed up the Drone, Nova to speed up the Hemocyte (sorry, I can't really use her Warmhole); Ember to strip armor with Fire Blast and AoE, Oberon to strip armor and AoE... sometimes Grendel, because he is really fun.

I try to make everything I can to not make this event boring and changing the tactics very often is the best way, in my opinion.

Also, I always use some means to armor strip the Hemocyte : abilities or a gunblade with Shattering Impact (Unairu armor strip works, but I never use it) and most of the time I use Voidrig's Arquebex with fire rate and corrosive damage.

To be honest, I don't really look at the standings over time, because I prefer spend 15-20 minutes having some fun than 10 minutes in a boring bounty. At the end, the number of Formas you'll get will be more than enough (at least I think).

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1 hour ago, Malikili said:

Volt does incorporate some nostalgia doesn't he?
Unless he wasn't your starter frame
And of course it's Yareli, always has beeen

Excal was my starter, but yes I agree. Zephyr especially for me, very fun, even more fun with Target Fixation and watching as your damage dealt goes up to 99% while the rest of the squad is at 1% or less lmao

Edited by Skoomaseller
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