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Revenant - is he good? Well yes, but actualy no. - Little buff idea.


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OP - " Joined September 17th "... this year

Plays only revenant.

Unironically wants more buffs for one of the most used and noob-friendly immortal frames.


On 2023-11-19 at 2:44 PM, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

ALL except one, a legendary Forumer, the one that shall not be forgotten...I can already hear the thousand cries of those who dare argue with him about Revenants lore accuracy and theme.

😂😂 oh God no

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On 2023-11-19 at 2:44 PM, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

I like Revenant as he is currently, It's nice to have a low stress Cheese Warframe amidst the plethora of high risk - I am sorry, what high risk? Immortal Revenant? High risk? Hell no. - high rewards Warframes that we have.

His OP-ness is actually kind of cool, and what made him such a fan favorite frame, and makes any player who isn't a fan of Revenant to fall in love with him immediately ALL except one, a legendary Forumer, the one that shall not be forgotten...I can already hear the thousand cries of those who dare argue with him about Revenants lore accuracy and theme.


I love Revenant because he's this kind of frame that is perfect for your convenience...he has three Good abilities - in solo play - , for defense CC and ultimate damage - absolutely no CC for any mission and no dmg in comparasion to other warframes up to level 300 - , and fourth ability that you can helminth off for a damage buff - because otherwise 4th ability is completly useless - , to make a pretty well rounded DPS/tank/support frame....he's perfect.


Hey, you made some mistakes. I have made it more accurate for you.

You guys are not playing Revenant/multiplayer at all, this is what making this discussion pointless not "He feels perfect to us, just not you, its a difference of opinion unfortunately." and such statements. You just ignore facts and make statements.

I will reveal your lies, I am about to make a movie about how the Revenant multiplayer gameplay looks in the theory (which I refer as your "opinions") and the truth in the practice. I am going to quote all of you in that movie.

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On 2023-11-20 at 6:19 PM, Mag_Gaming said:

OP - " Joined September 17th "... this year

Plays only revenant.

Unironically wants more buffs for one of the most used and noob-friendly immortal frames.


😂😂 oh God no

I can't explain why you see 17th september. This account was made at the end of 2017, I was playing between 2017-2019 with my friend and with my own clan and then I took a long break. I have return in 2022 as I recall and my clan was deleted, almost all of my mods were deleted, there were some warframes missing for example Mirage with maxed popular back in the days Quanta build. I do not know if someone hacked this account - because my password was also changed or deleted or there was some kind of a database clean made by DE. Doesnt matter, I did back in 2022 as I recall June. Call DE, ask them.

Anyway, my main is Revenant, I am playing him at least for 6 months. Is it enough? I think - yes, it is. What about you Mag? You are here since 2017 so you are playing for 6 long years. How is that you are so blind that you can't see the weakness of one of the most popular warframes used by noobs? A player with such experience, can't point the issues? That's sad.

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On 2023-11-27 at 6:33 AM, rozdupcajka said:

I can't explain why you see 17th september. This account was made at the end of 2017, I was playing between 2017-2019 with my friend and with my own clan and then I took a long break. I have return in 2022 as I recall and my clan was deleted, almost all of my mods were deleted, there were some warframes missing for example Mirage with maxed popular back in the days Quanta build. I do not know if someone hacked this account - because my password was also changed or deleted or there was some kind of a database clean made by DE. Doesnt matter, I did back in 2022 as I recall June. Call DE, ask them.

Did you change emails? I've seen this happen with people who changed theirs.

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Le 26/11/2023 à 23:33, rozdupcajka a dit :

Anyway, my main is Revenant, I am playing him at least for 6 months. Is it enough? I think - yes, it is. What about you Mag? You are here since 2017 so you are playing for 6 long years. How is that you are so blind that you can't see the weakness of one of the most popular warframes used by noobs? A player with such experience, can't point the issues? That's sad.

I don't think that's the point they were trying to make.

When you factor in the fact that Hydroid's been useless for nearly ten whole years and only in 2023 did he finally get some love, then surely you must realize pablo's magic touch is a rare resource to be used once in a blood moon.

Now consider this.

Would you rather use such arcane dark magics to buff something that's functional for the most part and outright broken for high level content, or would you rather buff ooga booga pocket sand boi who can't take fast angry metal pebble to the knee when it's steel path on a monday morning and they hit you with the levels 2k ?


There's a clear line between functional and worthless kits, which is why the following frames are likely never going to be reworked :

  • Ash (despite having no use for his shuriken)
  • Atlas (the boulder is never of any use, not even for aggro)
  • Banshee (soundquake without augment won't kill reasonably for its energy cost past level 20 (and she's a offensive support oriented frame))
  • Caliban (need I talk about the spin?)
  • Chroma (can't fly like kahl, scream doesn't hit often enough for its damage tick, every augment is worthless, effigy doesn't scale, and as a whole can't use range for any serious build)
  • Ember (moment of silence for fireball)
  • Ivara (navigator is only for memes)
  • Lavos (the cooldown system turns an otherwise perfect caster into "welp, full umbral adapt arc guardian & grace + duration")
  • Limbo (you'd never need to stop time to kill stuff more easily in this day and age, not when you can oneshot pretty much anything already without any specific frame or weapon, and that's the only thing the rift does mechanically speaking, outside of separating friendly or enemy targets)
  • Loki (which is basically the most ninja you can get... in a game where you can speed most missions by blasting everything into dust)
  • Oberon (his entire kit has a good concept, but the actual thing is all over the place due to pointless forced synergies that should otherwise be there by default without having to dance the macarena for another 200 armor)
  • Octavia (speaking of dancing the macarena, screw doing things in rythm, just give me the damn buffs, they're not so potent that I should try to summon some outter space tentacle mustached deity with no lower half body)
  • Trinity (all of her thing is pointless in this day and age, because people negate damage with shield gating and self regen their energy with nourish and zenurik void pool whatever 2nd ability, and support players will eventually move to protea prime in february/march/april 2024)
  • Valkyr ("oogabooga melee go fast" and "haha me no die" is enough to ignore "spoodermanrope" and "LOUD NOISES" being so bad that they're worse than everything in any other frame's kit I listed previously)


Rev is no different from any of those I listed, sure he has issues, but not more or worse to play around than, say, an Oberon trying to minmax for three abilities at once (impossible challenge without shards btw).

You go on about how it's so horrible to play Rev in a pub squad. Have you tried feasting with grendel when a khora has a max range whipclaw cage? Funny when your whole kit revolves on eating enemies that you can't actually eat because they're in a cc lock animation that has priority over yours. Maybe play Chroma when a Rev player spams his 2 with the augment that goes with it, now try to build up Vex Armor buffs, oh wait, that requires taking damage... that mesmer skin protects from. Try playing Ash with the intent to bladestorm everything to death when people just run past you and obliterate everything anyway. Try maintaining Restraint low on Baruuk in the same sort of conditions. Try playing Speedva when Equinox Day just won't turn off that damn 3rd ability.

Do you see where I'm getting at?

Maining one frame leads you to being biased by design, don't expect people to take you seriously, especially when the one in question is rev.


For those who noticed, Nyx didn't even make it into the list above. Simply because I'm biased. I hate to love her, and I love to hate her. She's completely worthless until mobs can kill themselves reliably, and whenever they do she suddenly turns into an autonoobfreewin frame. Don't just trust me, hit max range and high duration with high casting speed on level cap enemies, give them a taste of Chaos with the augment. Keep moving from place to place, recast as often as needed to cover every corner of mob spawns and think about your life choices while your enemies will happily end themselves. Is she worthy of a rework? Kind of? Is it likely she will be reworked? Probably not?


Regardless I still find it funny you want some so called "teamplay" for rev, when he, in fact, can already troll his own team. You know, thralls being ignored by inferno, avalanche, feast; mesmer skin preventing the triggering of "on getting hit" effects and stunning ennemies that you wouldn't want to stun, the list goes on. And that's not including visual clutter, because I can assure you no one likes it when you've decided to do the idiotspin and their entire screen flashes every half second (and to think people will still mostly blame Mirage).


So yeah, maybe actually do consider the sandbox outside of your one button boi main before you ask for a buff. Maybe people will read then. I'm not expecting anyone to do so, outside maybe this one last line. (Got you if you did)

Edited by Fred_Avant_2019
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On 2023-11-26 at 11:23 PM, rozdupcajka said:

I will reveal your lies, I am about to make a movie about how the Revenant multiplayer gameplay looks in the theory (which I refer as your "opinions") and the truth in the practice. I am going to quote all of you in that movie.

Man, this movie is gonna be great. I've got my popcorn ready, you're welcome to release it any day now! Surely there's gonna be a movie, right? You wouldn't lie to us, right?

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On 2023-11-14 at 5:16 PM, rozdupcajka said:

I dissagree, Nidus is EXCELENT in multiplayer.

Can confirm. Here are my Citrine's Nourish and Prismatic Gem stats while linked to someone else's Nidus in the Circuit.





Prismatic Gem



Everyone may be may be shocked to hear this, but that was a very good run.

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