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Switch migrations feel like it is a punishment at this point


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I figured I'd start a thread.  Seemed appropriate given the length of what I have to say.  First off I love Warframe, I've been playing on PC since Feb, 2014.  Didn't play every day since I had an old laptop but I played and progressed, took breaks and came back.  Really played a lot once Plains came out and played daily for years.  Then the switch version was launching and I like many others migrated my account over because I love the game and figured I might own a switch of my own and be able to play.  For reference I don't own a switch but my nephew did and he had installed warframe so I migrated my account.  Then I like many never touched that account again.  I'm fine with that account just going away, hell I even linked it already with my PC account and it is currently gone.  The account causing this headache is gone but the headache is still there.  The pain and why I've not continued with the process yet for my other accounts is because I like many thought I could just merge the other non migrated account into my PC account since that is how the original version of the F.A.Q. was worded.  So I began over the last few weeks farming out the stuff I was missing on my PC account.  Mainly zaramin stuff, some duviri stuff, and dagoth stuff.  Did all that.  Then I did whispers on my xbox account, and got some stuff from that.  All of this stuff is stuff I can farm out again over the course of a couple weeks if that is all I really did game wise.

Been thinking about ways to get it over before linking and at this point half temped to merge my xbox account to a random PC account so I can trade all my stuff from it to my PC account but then I'd be stuck with a random ass PC account that has all my xbox stuff and not have my PC account on the xbox.  Unless they would let me link a second PC account to the xbox and merge everything to that, then unlink the xbox from that PC account so it keeps all the stuff from the xbox and then connect and replace the xbox account with my original PC account so I keep all the stuff on the xbox and can trade it over as needed after.  But sadly I do not think that would work.  There is honestly way too much stuff on the xbox account to even trade it all in a reasonable time with anyone that isn't already a similar MR to me and using all our trades every day until the account looses access to trading because the people I'd be trading it too got cross saves and would not longer be able to trade with my xbox account unless I turned on cross saves for it and deleted the entire account.  Not even mentioning that anything I traded could just up and poof because the person I traded it to could just keep it with zero happening to them because I traded it to them so it is now theirs to do with as they please.  I stream.  Not a big streamer but I do stream and my plan was to use that stuff for giveaways and now I can't.  I have a few just full prime sets.  The xbox account has no prime stuff built on it for the most part since I didn't need it on the account I was just using for streaming until cross saves since my PC can't play and stream at the same time and over the last couple years it got to the point that it can barely play so I've touched almost no duviri after the quest, and same with whispers.  I continued to just play on the account and get things and then not really try for things on the account since in my mine it would get deleted and I could reasonably give stuff to friends once cross trading came out.  Then they fully said merging and it wasn't just speculation that it was what they were going to do and I started farming and collecting more stuff on the account and I was having fun.


Then we get to today.  I see that they are letting anyone who bought prime access on PC to do merging and linking.  I login and go to do that to find that there is no merge option.  Just link and they say that I am not allowed to merge because I migrated my account.  I begin looking at things, I talk to some people.  I file a ticket.  Still no response and really not expecting one within a reasonable time on that.  Mainly since they are probably getting so many about this.  For every person who is posting about this there is likely more who are not and just going "what is going on?" and asking support.  I've been watching the forums and my ticket all day since then while I do other things.  I thought about compiling a list of things on my xbox account I could trade to friends and that is when I realized the sheer scale of the things I'd amassed on that account over the almost 2 years since I made it.  Not even 1 scroll of the prime parts and I had days worth of trades for a MR 20 account.  This doesn't even count mods I'd want on there, ayatan, rivens(less than everything else since I didn't collect them on the xbox) and other random tradeable things I was going to use on PC since I was missing them there.


Honestly my motivation to even touch the clan event is gone, or play in general since I'm not doing it on xbox and my PC runs the new stuff even with all the fancy stuff turned off at all of 10-15 fps and I was looking forward to doing so.  I started my clan and built the thing for it last night when I got the chance.


It honestly does feel like a punishment for enjoying the game and participating in their stuff over the last 9 years since I started playing.  I am glad I at least did the bare minimum for night wave on PC over the last 2 years and the other things so I at least have those things on my PC account but it is still so demoralizing to realize I have to delete 2 years of progress because I love the game.


For now I sleep and hope that someone from DE acknowledges that this is an issue.  I'm not going to stop playing in the long run but for now probably.  Something will drag me back in if this doesn't get taken care of in some way at some point but I have no clue when.


I compiled a list of all the things I'd want on my PC account for giving away or just to have that is actually tradable.  It is just over 18 pages of stuff.

Edited by Dragondude3
Adding stuff
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I am in the same boat. I played on PC during the closed beta and then a lot during the first year of warframe. When PS4 came out I migrated my account to it and played a decent bit, then did the same for switch when it came out. On switch I put in over 3,000 hours. I started playing again on PC about a year and a half ago and racked up another 1200 hours. It is ridiculous that I can't merge my accounts and I don't buy the technical limitations excuse. This is their product that they built. The fact that accounts not even involved in a migration from years prior are ineligible is absurd. Are they just flagging any migrated account to be permanently barred from ever merging?

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3 hours ago, Based-Lord-Prime said:

I am in the same boat. I played on PC during the closed beta and then a lot during the first year of warframe. When PS4 came out I migrated my account to it and played a decent bit, then did the same for switch when it came out. On switch I put in over 3,000 hours. I started playing again on PC about a year and a half ago and racked up another 1200 hours. It is ridiculous that I can't merge my accounts and I don't buy the technical limitations excuse. This is their product that they built. The fact that accounts not even involved in a migration from years prior are ineligible is absurd. Are they just flagging any migrated account to be permanently barred from ever merging?


I love DE but I'm not very optimistic about this.

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What bugs me most is I don't care about my switch account, it's the only migration I did and I'm fine with never using it again or just linking it, but the fact that I cannot merge my PS and PC has suddenly put a major dent in my excitement to start playing again.


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I think you summed it up perfectly how it feels like a punishment for being a longtime player. 


As many have said at least offer us a way to delete one of our choice if that's really the limit(or if we link them first then let us merge after since only one account left) 

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This 100% I fell like because we tested this feature for them back in the day we are being left out of the new wave when I migrated my pc to my switch they were both MR 3 now my pc is MR 21 and my switch it’s MR 3 still like I didn’t use the feature at all because it wasn’t cross save like this. Im fine with deleting my switch account but blocking us from merging other accounts because of this is a huge oversight. 

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