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Clan Dojo Decorations lost to the void


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sorry if this has a thread, i couldn't find one on it searching the keywords!


after installing the gargoyle for the new event, i swapped our clan's spawn point to the room where we installed the gargoyle and, for some reason, this seems to have completely destroyed every other room we had decorated by throwing whole chunks of the decor into the walls, ceilings, and even other rooms. some of the rooms have some of the decorations in the same spots as before, but all of the teleporters are not in their rooms, most of the floor items and some miscellaneous plants and rocks and trees are missing, and it's all over the dojo aside from the room the gargoyle is in. i'd love to not have to redecorate everything or destroy all of our rooms to get the items' build materials back since most of the items are completely in out of bounds spots, and we're just a 3 man clan of friends who love to decorate.

i don't have any screenshots of before the glitch happened, but the dojo is still in disarray after and i've attached a video showcasing one of our completely gone teleporters and some of the most obvious damage...please help!


it's also worth noting that our spawn room was swapped back to the hallway after the initial swap, because i remembered the arrival gate was a thing-- which is not where i spawn back in at once i fall to the bottom, but where it would be compared to the decorations if they were actually in their correct spot in that hallway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same thing happen, except all I did was change the spawn room. 

Our entire transporter system is in out of bounds areas and some other miscellaneous decorations vanished too.

I'm interested to find out if there will be a fix or if there is a way to troubleshoot this issue.

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  • 2 months later...

figured i'd reply here to mention that

a) this is still a thing and we've refrained from decorating since

and b) that this is my account now with the recent merge in case contact has to happen or anything else 🫡

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