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how to play voruna ?



already know what I am going to remove probably her energy economy, I can add my own leaving that spot open for something more fun but two things

1)I really dont know what stats she wants to build for which would go some ways to helping me choose....

2) not really sure what subsumes synergizes good with her kit ?

also with her playstyle does she get to remain stealth indefinatly ?

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10 hours ago, Ksape9901 said:

Replace your 4.  It's there for memes, even after buffs.

Tell us you know nothing about Voruna, without telling us you know nothing of Voruna.

On 2024-02-02 at 5:31 AM, _Anise_ said:

then I need more explanation on how her kit works, here is what I figure ...

1:she basically only ever presses this to get a super short crit buff because she can't attack while invisible? hold is meh, so maybe she wants to build for duration? and power since it seems to scale with both? but even with insane investment into duration its hard to get this buff to last 20 seconds

2:fangs is just status on a button, its basically citrines 3 except you have to press it more ? though I am not sure how often it needs pressing ? the hold effect seems decent

3)yet another buff button, I can easily live without the energy economy on this, hold : what does this do ? right now I am clearing rooms of high level enemies with my latest melee weapon without heavy attack efficiency , I can see myself deleting this without any trouble

4)against high level enemies it just isn't doing a whole lot for me, the hold also seems decent though.

so I figure she builds for str-duration and her playstyle is

Go stealth to break stealth only for the crit status buff

apply status to buff her 4

use 4 to kill enemies effected by status before crit runs out

repeat ? does her 2 and 4 count as melee for arcanes / mods weapons etc? does she need a stat stick ? because ..

I am killing enemies easier with my regular melee weapon by holding E than that whole above sequence! I might just go with roar or pillage over her 3 or something

To start with, I'll directly answer your questions:

  1. You keep it active at all times, because it doubles your damage from Ulfrun's Descent. Its passive effect (from hold activation) increases parkour velocity, which makes your lunges faster (although, it can result in your lunge overshooting your target, which is bad). This has a couple secondary benefits as well, but you generally don't use this passive.
  2. Fangs of Raksh is critically important, as the five debuffs it applies meets the condition to add duration to Lycath's Hunt (which in turn grants you energy via health orb drops converted with Equilibrium). You always hit your target with this ability before hitting them with Ulfrun's Descent. You also basically always use this ability's passive, as it makes you immune to all status effects (including letting you ignore energy draining fields, like Grineer sensor bars).
  3. Lycath's Hunt keeps your energy up by causing enemies killed by Ulfrun's Descent to drop health orbs, and is thus critically important to keep active. Luckily, that's super easy due to Fangs of Raksh. Its passive is completely useless, due to Ulfrun's Descent preventing usage of your melee weapon. You never use this passive.
  4. Ulfrun's Descent deals well beyond a million damage through its slash proc, which is more than enough to kill level 9,999 anything. You hit something with it, then move on to the next target. The passive can be helpful if you're in a panic situation, as it's a free revive (although it has a pretty hefty cooldown).

This is the build I use, which is mostly (if not entirely) min/max'd. It is also SP Endurance viable, all the way to level 9,999 (level cap).



Primed/Archon mods are not required. Primed Flow just gives additional wiggle room on energy econ (not that she hurts for energy in the first place), while the Archon mods are mostly a "why not?" kind of deal. Operator school is mandated to Unairu against Grineer, because you need the armor strip for the first few kills. The shield strip can help against Corpus, but it isn't necessary. Archon shards are entirely preference, I'd personally recommend ability duration for comfort.

The game flow is simple:

  • Pop energy pizza to get energy topped off at the start of mission (optional, but negates any RNG weirdness of early energy econ).
  • Enter Ulfrun's Descent, and then go find your first enemies.
  • Activate Shroud of Dynar and Lycath's Hunt.
  • Lunge at a target with Fangs of Raksh.
    • If you're fighting Grineer, pop out into Operator and strip their armor first.
      • This is only needed for the first few kills, to build your Ulfrun's Descent multiplier to the max (10x).
  • Rip their throat out with Ulfrun's Descent, which will be:
    • Doubled by Shroud of Dynar.
    • Then that result is doubled again because of the debuffs from Fangs of Raksh.
  • Only hit each enemy once with an Ulfrun's Descent lunge. The slash proc from it will kill anything in the game.
    • Enemies that are immune to slash procs are, unfortunately, not things you can kill. Ignore them entirely.
      • Some weaker ones can potentially be killed by the impact damage, however.
  • Once you've gotten Molt Augmented to its full 250 stacks (+60% ability strength), refresh Ulfrun's Descent.
    • You can also do so at any time before then, if you so desire.

Keep Shroud of Dynar active at all times (Lycath's Hunt is refreshed by Fangs of Raksh). Try to ensure you're doing so while at full Molt Efficiency stacks (+36% ability duration). Always hit your target with Fangs of Raksh first, so that you get the doubled doubling on Ulfrun's Descent lunges.

You'll never have to leave Ulfrun's Descent, and once you get good at it, you'll be able to reach really high KPM (kills per minute) which satisfies the needs of modes like Survival. Enemies can't effectively attack you due to Shroud of Dynar, but even if you get hit with a stray shot, it'll simply pop your shields (which you reset with Brief Respite on your next Shroud/Fangs).

Your other equipment (primary, secondary, melee, etc) are completely irrelevant. Voruna is really good for Nightwave challenges that involve taking specific equipment, for this reason. She's also good if you want to passively raise mastery on things, although that only applies if you're playing in a squad of course (all of your own kills will be 100% affinity to warframe, due to Ulfrun's Descent being an ability of course).

Lastly, one parting note. If you've encountered a Corpus Nullifier that's blocking forward progress, there's no need to exit Ulfrun's Descent. Just hop out to Operator, and blast the shield down with your amp. High rate of fire amps (7xx, for example) are best at this, of course.

Actually, one more last thing. When I was originally learning Voruna, TheKengineer's vids were an invaluable resource. If you'd also like to have that additional context, I'm putting them here for you:





Edited by Hexerin
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Voruna is one of those frames who's whole kit is holistic, and there's thus no reason to Helminth anything on her. Additionally, to my understanding you can't even use Helminth abilities while in Ulfrun's Descent (which you'll be in at all times).

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then I need more explanation on how her kit works, here is what I figure ...

1:she basically only ever presses this to get a super short crit buff because she can't attack while invisible? hold is meh, so maybe she wants to build for duration? and power since it seems to scale with both? but even with insane investment into duration its hard to get this buff to last 20 seconds

2:fangs is just status on a button, its basically citrines 3 except you have to press it more ? though I am not sure how often it needs pressing ? the hold effect seems decent

3)yet another buff button, I can easily live without the energy economy on this, hold : what does this do ? right now I am clearing rooms of high level enemies with my latest melee weapon without heavy attack efficiency , I can see myself deleting this without any trouble

4)against high level enemies it just isn't doing a whole lot for me, the hold also seems decent though.

so I figure she builds for str-duration and her playstyle is

Go stealth to break stealth only for the crit status buff

apply status to buff her 4

use 4 to kill enemies effected by status before crit runs out

repeat ? does her 2 and 4 count as melee for arcanes / mods weapons etc? does she need a stat stick ? because ..

I am killing enemies easier with my regular melee weapon by holding E than that whole above sequence! I might just go with roar or pillage over her 3 or something

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Hey, let me help you out.


First off, your easiest subsume is going to be nourish.  Replace your 4.  It's there for memes, even after buffs.  Keep it on one of the builds of your want to mess around with it one day.

Mod wise:  equilibrium, then max range.  Keep duration around 100, and then the rest into strength.  Your efficiency is irrelevant.  Feel free to add a health mod if you want.  280% range is ideal

Weapons: melee, something with attack speed and crit, you don't need to worry about status due to your 1 ability.  Have condition overload.

Playstyle:  press 3.  It should stay up by itself after for the rest of your mission.  If you have nourish hit 4.  Hit 2 to jump on people, then melee them a bit.  They'll die, and max your energy.  Hit 1 to go stealth and gain status change and guaranteed slash procs.  Hit 2 to jump on someone else.  Melee.  Repeat.

Once you're comfortable replace nourish with silence or wrathful advance.

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Hmmm.  The above also works.  Feel free to try my way as well, it's a solid 120 kpm (not high, but fairly decent) all the way to lvl cap.  Main difference will be I never need to hop into operator.    

While the personal attack was cute, keep in mind that there are multiple ways to play and get to lvl cap.  While I'm sure your way works, I'll still back mine for the ease of use and not needing to pop to operator unless you want to (ie: can armor strip acolytes if you really want).  Generally that doesn't start till lvl 4-5k, which I doubt he's asking about.  

Edited by Ksape9901
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28 minutes ago, Ksape9901 said:

Hmmm.  The above also works.  Feel free to try my way as well, it's a solid 120 kpm (not high, but fairly decent) all the way to lvl cap.  Main difference will be I never need to hop into operator.    

While the personal attack was cute, keep in mind that there are multiple ways to play and get to lvl cap.  While I'm sure your way works, I'll still back mine for the ease of use and not needing to pop to operator unless you want to (ie: can armor strip acolytes if you really want).  Generally that doesn't start till lvl 4-5k, which I doubt he's asking about.  

There's no reason to play Voruna as a weapons platform. She's mediocre at it, and it makes half her kit useless.

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As I said, you can use 4, or you can use a melee and clear entire rooms that way.  Both work.  I've done the melee version to lvl cap and it was nice and easy , and didn't require any use of operator outside of stripping a few acolytes to speed things up.  

I am curious, how does that make half her kit useless?

Her 3 will always be up, 100% of the time, giving you infinite energy with equilibrium.  Very useful.

Her 2 will move you around the room and clear everything in a ~18m radius.  Great if you combine with Melee Influence these days.  Once again, very useful.

Her 1 is great and can be used for along her 2 for shield gating, guarantees slash procs off of your melee meaning you can mod for straight crit and crit damage to maximize kill speed and slash damage.... very useful.

Replacing 4 allows you to utilize one of the following:

Nourish: Easiest, but scaling falls off around lvl 5k.  But great damage increase and will let you drop everything lower lvl (below 1k, which is where most people play at).

Silence: More advanced but allows you to not need to worry about any enemy abilities.  Great for lvl cap for her as a lot less things to worry about.

Wrathful Advance: I like this one for the lolz.

Once again, I'm not saying your way is wrong... it does exactly the same thing as what I'm suggesting, and her 4 is fun to play around with.  But it adds extra steps to a process that don't need to be there.  This is merely an alternative.  It requires a decent melee weapon, but the kill speed is more than worth it.   You can say mediocre, but she easily rips apart everything low lvl with nearly any melee weapon due to her 1 and 2, and can also easily go to lvl cap (though not with any melee weapon). 

I'm not sure exactly what your kpm is past lvl 5k / at level cap, but as long as it's over 100 if we're talking about survival, it doesn't really matter.  At the point it's more of a question of what's easier to use, which is why I'm providing an alternative that requires no setup ability wise (hit 3 and start jumping on people and melleeing them, use 1 every so often), and less work in terms of paying attention to what's going on, and will net the same result, especially sub 2k lvl enemies, as they all die in 1-2 hits anyway.  

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This isn't really a build for you if you subsume over her 3, but I play her as a shotgun-"sniper"... Activate her 3, use 2 to close the distance (range goes a long way), headshot things to make energy drop. I'll pull out her 1 if I need an emergency escape, and ideally I will never be low on energy since I'm making headshots to generate energy orbs, so I could always be invisible whenever needed. I also have her built for efficiency over max energy for that reason.

I think I subsumed Expidite Suffering over her 4, but I honestly forget it exists

Edited by Pakaku
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12 hours ago, Hexerin said:

Lycath's Hunt keeps your energy up by causing enemies killed by Ulfrun's Descent to drop health orbs, and is thus critically important to keep active. Luckily, that's super easy due to Fangs of Raksh. Its passive is completely useless, due to Ulfrun's Descent preventing usage of your melee weapon. You never use this passive.

so if the passive is useless maybe a companion with Synth mods (companion damage gives enemy 25% chance to drop health orbs) duplex bond 50% chance to drop an orb on companion kill, maybe even deathcube with those mods and energy generator (assists drop energy) and I can probably replace the energy economy on her 3 with something else (though sentinels wont attack if her 1 stealth them but the ones created by duplex should)

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