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Allow Yareli to go on and off of Merulina with the new augment


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On 2024-02-29 at 2:41 AM, _Anise_ said:

I will play devils advocate...

what advantage could you get from loyal being able to jump on k-drive in the middle of a mission ? it's not faster, it doesn't give you more maneuverability if anything you get less

so why put the extra work and potential bugs into making this a press / hold ability ? when you could just augment to have companion drive and augment off for regular k-drive? also considering without the augment you can still "get off" the k-drive...

A lot of things in game is not about advantages but more like variety, now its evident your not the audience for the Yareli Kdrive gimmick. But for us who are, we love the idea of having both options at the same time while not having it as a wasted augment opportunity for Yareli. It won't hurt to have it both with out this wasted augment mod slot. If you want to talk about potential bugs, as a day one yareli user bugs, its better to have this bugs now that can be fix in the future than having a half baked wasted augment mod slot now. 

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On 2024-03-02 at 1:11 PM, Hexerin said:
  • No augment:
    • Merulina gives you 90% DR while she's alive.
  • Merulina Guardian:
    • Merulina gives you 90% DR while she's alive.
  • Loyal Merulina:
    • Merulina gives you 90% DR while she's alive.
  • Loyal Merulina, with the proposed change to make it a tap/hold and let you choose if you hop on Merulina or not:
    • Merulina gives you 90% DR while she's alive.

You get 90% DR from Merulina, regardless of how you build Yareli.

The disappointing thing about the augment is it has to be an augment that waste you warframe mod slot and other augment opportunities for yareli. Normally warframe only get one augment per ability at most, this being an augment feels like a patch fix rather than an augment that gives more build varieties build opportunity.

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1 hour ago, YARELI_KAWAII_UWU said:

having an augment to be on/ off the board is such a low standard for what a different playstyle opportunity means

people who didn't like the kdrive pre-augment and wanted to helminth usually overwrote kdrive (getting survive elsewhere), the augment allows you to keep the "kdrive" but as a pseudo companion and a good damage reduction skill but also makes the companion cast snares which frees up her #1 skill for helminth instead.

I would say that qualifies as changing her playstyle significantly enough to elevate it above calling it a band-aid fix

Edited by _Anise_
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On 2024-04-22 at 10:06 AM, _Anise_ said:

people who didn't like the kdrive pre-augment and wanted to helminth usually overwrote kdrive (getting survive elsewhere), the augment allows you to keep the "kdrive" but as a pseudo companion and a good damage reduction skill but also makes the companion cast snares which frees up her #1 skill for helminth instead.

I would say that qualifies as changing her playstyle significantly enough to elevate it above calling it a band-aid fix

I used to think the same way as a yareli main until I understood the purpose of the Augment and what it tries to do. Its for the people that prefer not having a buggy Kdrive and freely be able to open up yareli to more possibilities, now here is my issue with it. Starting with the Augment, its such a waste to have this as a augment than a standard build-in toggle ability instead. Now where are left on a augment that normally every warframe only gets one per ability with some exceptions is wasted on this. This also a wastes of mod slot as well, worst thing is at this point people who got yareli are now actively being punished because they don't have the augment instead of having it build in the base ability in the first place. 

Sadly the people that says the augment is a fine augment rather than it being a band aid fix, even if they barely even playing Yareli in the first place. Even with the augment they would barely even use her cause she's not "META". Their interest was never the Merulina Kdrive ability in the first place and just want the kdrive gone for them. I would argue they would prefer not to waste the mod slot with this augment rather they would prefer it just a build feature in the first place as well. 

P.S. I would argue its one of the most bottom tier augment concept in game, for its main purpose is not to have a different playstyle but to make a playable Yareli. At least other augment may not be as useful but at least not as a band aid fix augment such as this. Its not a bad/ usless augment but a bad representation of an augment.


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Many people here said Merulina give you mobility but it actually doesn't. Merulina give you speed only at straight line but heavily cripple your maneuverability in every dimension in return.

I agree with bounding loyal Merulina into Yareli's base kit but that's actually buffing Yareli without any trade off if DE just bound it in without weaking it someway. Without augment mod Merulina currently is useless in or above level 300, the truth is it only get purpose when you have at least one augment relate to it equipped and get benefit from augment like reload speed, fire rate, and free aquablades throwing those all came from augment and not Merulina's base functions. The true base function of Merulina is no casting stagger, 90DR, Alternate version of roll-guard, and cripple you.

As a Yareli main (currently 600+hours pure Yareli in every mission) I and many people get piss off when Loyal Merulina come out, it not only take away dismount invulnerability but also take away all the benefit from augments and we think that's the trade off for use Loyal Merulina and that punishment is way too heavy to be reasonable for just making Yareli normal at that time. But in reality those thing we thought been take away wasn't even apart of Merulina at all, is augment and is fair that you can never have two augment on one ability.

Bounding Loyal Merulina into Yareli meaning that you can now how a build in augment mod that allow other augment mod be equipped with it at the same time. Which I also agree with cuz as I said Merulina currently is useless without augment, but the consideration that DE had to make is different than "give you some harmless utility or not" but "do Merulina need a buff or not" if they think Merulina is under power as I thought sure they gonna give it a buff but if not what they gonna take away in return ?

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-04-28 at 7:19 PM, PrinzeEugen said:

Many people here said Merulina give you mobility but it actually doesn't. Merulina give you speed only at straight line but heavily cripple your maneuverability in every dimension in return.

I agree with bounding loyal Merulina into Yareli's base kit but that's actually buffing Yareli without any trade off if DE just bound it in without weaking it someway. Without augment mod Merulina currently is useless in or above level 300, the truth is it only get purpose when you have at least one augment relate to it equipped and get benefit from augment like reload speed, fire rate, and free aquablades throwing those all came from augment and not Merulina's base functions. The true base function of Merulina is no casting stagger, 90DR, Alternate version of roll-guard, and cripple you.

As a Yareli main (currently 600+hours pure Yareli in every mission) I and many people get piss off when Loyal Merulina come out, it not only take away dismount invulnerability but also take away all the benefit from augments and we think that's the trade off for use Loyal Merulina and that punishment is way too heavy to be reasonable for just making Yareli normal at that time. But in reality those thing we thought been takeaway wasn't even apart of Merulina at all, is augment and is fair that you can never have two augment on one ability.

Bounding Loyal Merulina into Yareli meaning that you can now how a build in augment mod that allow other augment mod be equipped with it at the same time. Which I also agree with cuz as I said Merulina currently is useless without augment, but the consideration that DE had to make is different than "give you some harmless utility or not" but "do Merulina need a buff or not" if they think Merulina is under power as I thought sure they gonna give it a buff but if not what they gonna take away in return ?

Even though I agree with most of what you said here cheers to you too fellow yareli user, sadly loyal merulina is not as over power as people think. We already have over powered survivability that functions similar to this. Be it abilities that requires to be built with Duration based, power strength based, or a survivability mod like rolling guard/ adaptation. Merulina has already so much handicapping it through how you mod/ build it considering she draws a lot on power strength, duration, and range for her abilities. Where other warframe normally only need 2 or 1 to be competent on the over all build of the frame. Also i'm not sure if this is a bug on her loyal merulina but the knock back effect resistance you get while riding merulina is gone on loyal merulina which can work as a handicaps already.

If still you want more of a draw back, then make merulina more expensive to cas. Honestly it just suck, cause loyal merulina locks the use of the Merulina Guardian Augment. Having it tied on down to riding merulina instead of having it tied to her first ability being sea snares only with the need of riding merulina. I normally bring Yareli on the high end steel path most of the time and yareli is already complicated to keep a live compared to other frames, I don't see her needing a nerf in certain areas.

Yareli's handicaps is already her resource requirement which is a lot ot invest for newer players for steel path.

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I'm not a Yareli main but she did sneak her way into my loadouts and I just want to say that I don't like Merulina Guardian at all in it's current form.

I actually don't mind riding Merulina but it can be quite troublesome and annoying on some maps, especially the older ones, so I would appreciate being able to mount and dismount Merulina without canceling it and the DR. I don't need it to cast any abilities. It doesn't even have to do anything other than follow me around until I want or can mount it again.

That said, I would appreciate if Gloom worked on Merulina and healed it even when I dismount it.

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