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Riven Mods' features wishlist and etc.


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As per topic;


- To reduce the complexity and individualizing each weapon with their potential/respective riven mods, reduce the riven mods into categories; that is; primary, secondary, melee, zaw, kitgun and etc. so for every bow type weapons (as an example), you don't need that specific riven mod for that Paris prime, or daikyu in specific. Think of this like Ammo mutation mods, where it doesn't matter, if it's for bow type weapons, all you need is that 1 bow type riven mod and it'll fit all, and do that to allow other types; shotguns, snipers, melees (may also need subcategory; whips, claws, fists, glaives and etc.)

- Allow the stats change using more kuva: With rolling the riven mods, you get a particular RNG stat with it. with extra kuva usage, you are allowed to increase or decrease the stats. on the new roll. This allows more for modding freedom. 500 kuva per usage for changes to happen, but at the expense of "equal value" to decrease for other stats. For example in your new roll you get: +90% critical chance, +60% status duration, +80% recoil, you are allowed to use 500 kuva to change either critical chance, or status duration or recoil 'once' to get from +90% critical chance -> 100% critical chance, but the offset is that you have decrease at the "same value" (mandatory), so you have to choose (within the same 500kuva usage) either +60% status duration to decrease the value (ending up: +50% status duration) 'or' +80% recoil to increase the value to make it worse off. (ending up: +90% recoil). [See that: +10%, -10% at equal value]

- Capacity wise: Currently it's 18 at full rank, reduce down to 10 (if not ALL any mods that are above 18, reduce down to 10 or 12), so that some weapons can fit ALL primed mods and other specialized configuration and the degree of modding freedom.

- An upgrade to Ironwake like space/lore where players are allow to visit so that special deals for riven mods can be bought at a discounted price maybe welcomed at times like baro (Ironwake v2.0 maybe). Hence, like Clem, 1 off mission per day, when completed the mission, you get kuvas as a guaranteed reward at 800 kuva (normal, enemy level 40-60) 1500 (Steel Path, enemy level 100-200).

- Another Syndicate faction designed specifically for Kuva and kuva related story lore. All rewards will be inclusive with kuvas as a default.

- A specialized mod slot for Riven mods. Think of this like the old warframe where abilities are in mods form and they take up modding space, please see the following as an example for the suggested modding spaces:


~~Currently we have the following~~


[mod] [mod] [mod] [mod] [arcane]

[mod] [mod] [mod] [mod] [exilus]


~~Proposed for new setup ~~



[mod] [mod] [mod] [mod] [Riven mod]

[mod] [mod] [mod] [mod] [exilus]



- Increase Riven Capacity from 180 -> 200, given that we have more weapons now than ever.

- Proposed change for expenses of rolling Riven mods: 900 -> 700, 1000 -> 800, 1200 -> 1000, 1400 -> 1200, 1700 -> 1400, 2000 -> 1600, 2350 -> 1900, 2750 -> 2300, 3150 -> 2500, 3500 -> 2800

- Kuva fortress kuva capsules: increase from 200 -> 300 per capsule at 40secs. countdown and 5 seconds cool down before new capsule spawns. The more time spent, at max boosters applied (survival missions' perks), each kuva capsule should give us: 600 per capsule retaining wall 30secs. countdown and 5 seconds cool down.



Thanks for the read...



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34 minutes ago, polarbear911 said:

To reduce the complexity and individualizing each weapon with their potential/respective riven mods, reduce the riven mods into categories; that is; primary, secondary, melee, zaw, kitgun and etc. so for every bow type weapons (as an example), you don't need that specific riven mod for that Paris prime, or daikyu in specific. Think of this like Ammo mutation mods, where it doesn't matter, if it's for bow type weapons, all you need is that 1 bow type riven mod and it'll fit all, and do that to allow other types; shotguns, snipers, melees (may also need subcategory; whips, claws, fists, glaives and etc.)

That point completely destroys the balancing mechanics that says: you do not always get the riven to the weapon you want.

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

That point completely destroys the balancing mechanics that says: you do not always get the riven to the weapon you want.


I don't see why it will destroy the "balancing mechanics" that you think it does. When you've made your response to what I proposed, this is assuming that Riven mods are somewhat acceptable and balanced in such ways? Hence, I did mention about the "subcategory" method, which doesn't really disrupt entirely for this "balancing mechanics" you are referring to. I still believe still may bring more diversity builds and perhaps give older weapons a better playable opportunity.

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10 minutes ago, polarbear911 said:

I don't see why it will destroy the "balancing mechanics" that you think it does.

Currently, not every player can have a riven to every weapon he wants, simply because of how many weapons exist. Thats why disposition 0.5 for very popular weapons is balanced. 

With your change every player will have access to a riven to the weapon he wants and with 1 "god roll" it will be usable on every meta weapon. This will make 0.5 dispo inadequate and it will have to drop far lower making rivens for those weapon next to useless.

Anyway, no point in discussing cause the idea is so ridiculously wacky and puts whole riven system upside down it will not even be considered.

Edited by Zakkhar
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21 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

Currently, not every player can have a riven to every weapon he wants, simply because of how many weapons exist. Thats why disposition 0.5 for very popular weapons is balanced. 

With your change every player will have access to a riven to the weapon he wants and with 1 "god roll" it will be usable on every meta weapon. This will make 0.5 dispo inadequate and it will have to drop far lower making rivens for those weapon next to useless.

Anyway, no point in discussing cause the idea is so ridiculously wacky and puts whole riven system upside down it will not even be considered.

Think about what you just said about the "god roll" concept and the opportunity it provides for "those weapons next to useless", as you put it. It almost feels like you don't like the idea that people have god rolls and just maybe that DE needs to revisit and brush off some dusts and concentrate their resources on looking at each and every weapon explicitly to make sensible changes to the current gameplay.


I respect your opinion about: no point having to discuss about the idea, because it'll put the riven system upside down and etc., but I do believe a change is needed, and most players will agree that for the better and not for the worse. Going back to what you mentioned about this idea being ridiculous, have you ever thought about even with "God Rolls" riven mods, this is beneficial for both, having to give players more capacity for other weapons and as well as bringing up the stats for weaker weapons up to useable standard. Is this a good thing overall? or maybe you think you can't capitalise riven mods because it may decrease your earning in platinum in game?

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1 hour ago, polarbear911 said:

Think about what you just said about the "god roll" concept and the opportunity it provides for "those weapons next to useless", as you put it. It almost feels like you don't like the idea that people have god rolls

My critique has nothing to do with my sympathy or anytpathy for people or the system. It is simple logic. If a system worked with a scarcity of resource it will go completely nuts if you remove the scarcity factor.

Like eg. monetary system. Currency has certain value in goods, but only because there is limited amount of it on the market. What happens if you can pay with 1 bill multiple times?

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bad idea........as rivens right now for good or bad offer the chance for a weapon to have some form of uniqueness as opposed to the generic overframe copy paste.

also at what point do you compare the stats of weapon A to weapon B and then just dump stats upon them from a riven. right now those weapon seldom used are given higher disposition to encourage the usage as Rivens can make them much stronger where the most used weapons as they start out strong have lower disposition to prevent them from being the one weapon to rule them all. A strong weapon without the need for a riven can be altered to create a different type of build outside of the norm. I have an archgun and a riven that has no damage no CC no MS and no CD but it does have cold electric and heat so on my corvas it is for me an excellent riven making it somewhat unique. 

The riven trade is quite vibrant and people seek a riven for a particular weapon type. trading is dead the moment a rifle riven fits any and all rifles so no need to do the fingers crossed and hope for a rubico as in the past or today be hoping for a torid or ceramic dagger etc etc. Whether you or like or dislike riven trading it is an integral part of the game that many people pursue and enjoy so your idea simply ignores them and if ever implemented takes away something that many players actually enjoy and actively pursue.


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Those suggestions turn rivens from the occasional nice treat into mandatory features. If you want to see build diversity, then there needs to be more variant mods that offer trade offs or a rework of the modding system all together.

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