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35.5.3 changes to Dante

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18 hours ago, Roble_Viejo said:

The game has been patched and now Dante's hitbox can
block his own LoS and even the FoV settings mess with it!

Jesus Christ almighty, I dont know who is keeping LoS but
their attitude reminds me of Scott during the Draco Nerf

I thought we were over this.....


We are not the devs are just as ignorant and arrogant as can be cleary since they are continuing to dig their own gravecwith this hot mess


17 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

Seriously, If I don't see a hotfix the next three to four days, this is it for me. I've had it, I'm not going through this again, each time they do it the community freaks out and they fix it back, its getting childish and stupid...

I don't have the time nor energy to go through this again and again in the same game, or on another terribly handled game like Soulframe...

Exactly I haven't even touched the gamecsince they nerfed him and I don't intend to it will collect dist like it did before I came back and actually enjoyed the new frame and style instead of me using the same tired old frames from years ago that could do what he did. Won't be playing soulframe either causecwhy give my time and money to. A. Game where the company does sh** like this 


17 hours ago, TheGreaterWar said:

My issue with this is, which of DE's pillars of nerfing did he hurt? You had to cast 2 of his ability's to use his 4, so there's hardly any automation to playing him, if were saying that his over guard is hurting players with rage or chroma like effects then why is Stynax and revenants augments going untouched? And yes, he is dominating in the area of "Is he dominating the usage rate" because he's NEW! This is what happened with Stynax, they fixed his ability to cast ability's while in his 4, which is fair, but then over nerf him by making it so he has to touch the ground between cast for no reason. All this because his play rate was through the roof, and do you know why? Its because he was FREE for anyone who logged in as celebration of being the 50th warframe.

Dante doesn't meet any of the standards that DE has said they follow when it comes to nerfs, and its nerfs like these that makes me feel like we need to talk about how strong a warframe SHOULD be. They made his nuke sight based, okay but why not do that to Gara's 4, or Equinox's 4, why not make all aoe ability's sight based while your at it. Dont want players to effect each other's gameplay, okay then what are we doing about Limbo players who have the ability to throw people into rift were they'll accidently unload entire magazines before realizing that they just wasted there ammo cause the Limbo player decided to troll them. Also, DE couldn't go a week before nerfing but did our last two frames get any touch ups after release?

I wish I could go back in time and not buy Dante, and I will be remembering this uncalled for, knee jerking nerf when Jade comes out as I cant rely on DE to make and maintain new warframes to hold up to the ones we already have so there's no point in buying her.


(Side note, that Nezha augment nerf, way to harsh. 26 M aoe at MAX, what was the point of developing it in the first place?)

Exactly don't even bother spending a dime cause you know they are going to do it again. Fool me once and that's it 


16 hours ago, Bizzo50 said:

Read the plans for next week un community news in orbiter. They are bringing back the pageflight damage bonus. Now if they would just remove LoS, Dante would be in a great spot.

Remove like of sight and bring back his original overguard so he can protect himself  and his team at higher levels because as it stands you can't even do that. And just change the way overguard works that's literally all they had to do they didn't have to nerf it at all just change the way it works but they are lazy and wanted a quick fix and nerfing is the only quick fix they know how to do 


16 hours ago, LordOfKenpo said:

I agree this was meant to be a reasonable alternative that I thought players wouldn't be upset with

It was just one of the several suggestions that would have made it so where overguard didn't clash with other frames or abilities but DE doesn't carecto listen to community feedback andcso they break sh** and this is why they are in hot water as it stands cause they never listen and do things on their own thinking they know nest when they probably don't even play the game half as much as we do 


16 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

The changes aren't enough and Dante is still extremely treble the developers took somthing good and ruind it because of there stupidity on what the comunity actually wants they know nothing and will continue to know nothing untill they actually start listening to there comunity and revert the changes on Dante (they thought) were necessary because heaven knows we didn't ask for them we asked for him not to be changed yet they never listen and that will be the down fall of there company one day 

I'm time they will wind up like all the other companies who went under, and they went over because people stopped playing and stopped buying, you can't develop a game without money and DE time is getting thinner and thinner each time they pull one of these stints. 

16 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

When soulframe comes out they'll have 2x the bad press most likely for not listening to there comunity with the bad press now I know hundreds of people that won't be playing soulframe because of the developers so it may be dead on arrival if the developers don't get there act together and start actually listening to the majority of players instead of the minority 

True, when you don't take care of the baby you already people will remember that you didn't and when the new kid comes around no one will care because you treated the other kid like sh** for so long and they don't wanna repeat it all over again 

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Just my 2 cents, i am a MR 27 with 2600 + hours on the game and have been playing Warframe for years and bought thousands if platinum including to buy Dante. I am boycotting Warframe completely until they remove the LOS to what it was on release. It was a low and dirty nerf completely unnecessary. Many other frames are way more powerful but needs more setup than what a newer player is capable of. Completely unfair to everyone who bought Dante based on initial abilities. Hope to see a revert. 

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15 minutes ago, (XBOX)Tecnink said:

Just my 2 cents, i am a MR 27 with 2600 + hours on the game and have been playing Warframe for years and bought thousands if platinum including to buy Dante. I am boycotting Warframe completely until they remove the LOS to what it was on release. It was a low and dirty nerf completely unnecessary. Many other frames are way more powerful but needs more setup than what a newer player is capable of. Completely unfair to everyone who bought Dante based on initial abilities. Hope to see a revert. 

Exactly smh 

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On 2024-04-05 at 2:14 PM, NemiTheNem said:

I want my forma back. I dropped six forma on him between the frame and the book. #*!%, I want my plat back for the tome mods.

I paid Money for this frame and now...I don't want to play warframe anymore? He wasn't even my fav, just a new fun, and funny, thing, and *I'm* feeling this way, I can barely imagine how others are feeling.

Thinking back, there were *some* complaints about his damage, mostly about the overguard...and a whole lot of insistance that he *was* going to get nerfed, not that he needed-needed it.

With how enemies hide behind things, get stuck, etc, having another frame to clean up the trash, and find the enemy via numbers popping up, was a boon. Having another box breaker was nice too!

Gone now, all of it. And I'm feeling like crap.

I can't make my displeasure known with my wallet, I don't buy often enough for DE to notice.

But I'm not going to log on.

@Wild_cord boycott, and stay off WF, make the numbers drop

I 100% agree. This is ridiculous. I spent time, money, and in game resources on him. 

And now they are talking about doing some fixes next week. They never should have touched him to begin with. Now If they do revert him, we are still gonna be missing time we could have been using him. Absolute nonsense.

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Do we need to get to 100 pages so you guys can finally read someone telling you what everyone wants? Remove LoS its still crap, still bugged, you clearly have not tested it and it makes 0 sense for an ability that already need marked enemies to do any kind of relevant damage.... fking stupid desitions lately, someone needs to stop and think for a second before deploying crappy bandaids.

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On 2024-04-05 at 2:42 AM, Vermillion-Code said:

This is dumb. You release a tool that makes warframe able to nuke like other warframes, and then just keep gutting the new tools you gave out? The old warframes still nuke things like they always did. All DE managed to do is prevent any other warframe besides the decade old Saryn from having ANY competition.

What a joke.

Thinking about it right, Pablo made Saryn the way she is right now AND was probably behind the Dante nerfs... Coincidence?

(For clarity's sake, this is a joke)

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22 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

Do we need to get to 100 pages so you guys can finally read someone telling you what everyone wants? Remove LoS its still crap, still bugged, you clearly have not tested it and it makes 0 sense for an ability that already need marked enemies to do any kind of relevant damage.... fking stupid desitions lately, someone needs to stop and think for a second before deploying crappy bandaids.

I've given up with DE when it comes to communication with them. They know exactly what people want - they don't care. Reverting the LOS for Dante and reducing the range buff for Nezha would fix everything and make everyone happy but they absolutely will not do it. If they do it they admit they were wrong and they refuse to admit they're wrong to the community.

This isn't the first time DE has done this. They have a history of standoffishly destroying something with no real reason and then fixing it back to maybe 20% of where it was before and saying "See, we listened! We fixed it like you guys' wanted!".

Look at this nonsense with Dante's LOS. They keep trying to "improve" it or "fix" it when it was never even an issue. They decided it was an issue and the community's' opinion doesn't matter because they believe they have the right to determine what is and what isn't because they are the developers of the game, and we're just players who don't know what we're talking about.

Nezha's augment will never be fixed and LOS will never be removed from Dante. They'll throw you saltines and tell you to be happy that they fed you at all.

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There’s no way the amount of nerf supporters outweighs players (Veteran and new alike) who actually like how Dante was originally made. I’ve been a supporter of this game since 2016 and have had to endure actual “meta” frames that are far more “OP” than Dante. Saryn, Octavia, Revenant, heck even Voruna would be more reasonable frames to nerf before Dante. And even still, by no means am I even asking for those mentioned frames to be nerfed. All these whiners asking for nerfs in a primarily PVE game is insane. PVP failed in this game and that would be the only reason to nerf frames for the competitive play. And please take away the pointless LOS feature. Seriously, like why even???

DE please reconsider the nerf. He literally went from Dante Unbound to Dante in Chains. 
#UnchainDante #DanteUnchained

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On 2024-04-04 at 1:52 PM, TheMusicInTheVoid said:

Thanks to the guys who "oh, no, the new frame is OP, he does in six ability casts what at least two other existing frames do in one, outrageous".

(By the way, this was totally expected, it's never "small tweaks", it's always public execution.)

Lmao I didn't even think about that. Yeah he really had to spend a lot more energy than a Gauss or Saryn to clear a room.

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Not quite sure how DE managed to make their nerf even more bugged ridden. Almost impressive, almost. This " new era" of Warframe has had some incredible misses with Heirlooms packs and now this. DE just is not as caring as some people think. 

Love this game, absolutely hate the direction it has been going for a few years.

Edited by Joylesstuna
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If you really think the Dante 、 is too powerful, then you could nerf its damage or shields, and I wouldn't mind. But adding line of sight checks? Are you crazy? Every update in the future will bring bugs to this frame , and you're actually increasing your own workload?Have you guys have any idea how many bugs you guys already left and not fixed in this game?

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15 hours ago, RainThaBeast said:

And now they are talking about doing some fixes next week. They never should have touched him to begin with. Now If they do revert him, we are still gonna be missing time we could have been using him. Absolute nonsense.

Exactly the sheer stupidity is bafflingididnt know devs could be this stupid several fixes staring them right in the face and still proceed to nerf then try to walk back the nerfs twice because the sh** is bugged and don't work. No matter how many times they try to fix this it's always gonna be something wrong because he was fine when he originally came out and only needed one thing fixed which they completely ignored. Now they've made it to where the overguard doesn't affect chroma and other similar things. Like they haven't already F** over dante players already damage is done so we suffer and they get a buff to boot


15 hours ago, Nero.DMC said:

Do we need to get to 100 pages so you guys can finally read someone telling you what everyone wants? Remove LoS its still crap, still bugged, you clearly have not tested it and it makes 0 sense for an ability that already need marked enemies to do any kind of relevant damage.... fking stupid desitions lately, someone needs to stop and think for a second before deploying crappy bandaids.

They can reverse everything they did put back his overguard pit back his birds status abilities and remove line of sight, since now they've going to fix the overguard problem which was the real problem there's literally no reason not to revert him back to how he originally was

14 hours ago, HezDergator said:

Thinking about it right, Pablo made Saryn the way she is right now AND was probably behind the Dante nerfs... Coincidence?

(For clarity's sake, this is a joke)

Doesn't sound like a joke sounds like he probably had a hand in it we know how he is he's just another Scott 

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In case you guys missed it the line of sight mechanic is still garbage and now it gets obscured even my Dante him self enemies that stand behind Dante model take no damage great job DE keep ignoring us...... REMOVE LOS or say bye bye to your player base and our money https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelyAggressiveWormPJSalt-XA21cwDUsYU4yVcd


12 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

They can reverse everything they did put back his overguard pit back his birds status abilities and remove line of sight, since now they've going to fix the overguard problem which was the real problem there's literally no reason to revert him back to how he originally was

There is no reason to not* revert him ( I think you misspelled there)

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Y'know I called him being nerfed when he came out, DE has a rich rich history of nerfing new frames, but I didn't expect them to mess up this badly, he's nota frame that scales so easily he's godly in steel path, and we have many more frames that nuke better than he did pre nerf anyway. LOS was just stupid to put on him, a range nerf might have been one thing, although I honestly don't think he needed to be nerfed at all, but LOS in a game where the LOS check is done at thee bottom of the frame? C'mon DE do better!

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14 hours ago, Vermillion-Code said:

I've given up with DE when it comes to communication with them. They know exactly what people want - they don't care. Reverting the LOS for Dante and reducing the range buff for Nezha would fix everything and make everyone happy but they absolutely will not do it. If they do it they admit they were wrong and they refuse to admit they're wrong to the community.

This isn't the first time DE has done this. They have a history of standoffishly destroying something with no real reason and then fixing it back to maybe 20% of where it was before and saying "See, we listened! We fixed it like you guys' wanted!".

Look at this nonsense with Dante's LOS. They keep trying to "improve" it or "fix" it when it was never even an issue. They decided it was an issue and the community's' opinion doesn't matter because they believe they have the right to determine what is and what isn't because they are the developers of the game, and we're just players who don't know what we're talking about.

Nezha's augment will never be fixed and LOS will never be removed from Dante. They'll throw you saltines and tell you to be happy that they fed you at all.

They need to be bought out by someone who actually cares. 

14 hours ago, Seraph_Ashfallen said:

There’s no way the amount of nerf supporters outweighs players (Veteran and new alike) who actually like how Dante was originally made. I’ve been a supporter of this game since 2016 and have had to endure actual “meta” frames that are far more “OP” than Dante. Saryn, Octavia, Revenant, heck even Voruna would be more reasonable frames to nerf before Dante. And even still, by no means am I even asking for those mentioned frames to be nerfed. All these whiners asking for nerfs in a primarily PVE game is insane. PVP failed in this game and that would be the only reason to nerf frames for the competitive play. And please take away the pointless LOS feature. Seriously, like why even???

DE please reconsider the nerf. He literally went from Dante Unbound to Dante in Chains. 
#UnchainDante #DanteUnchained

Utterly useless dev team who never listen and cling to their arrogance thinking they know all. Nine of them probably even okay the game half as much as alot of the players but we don't know what were talking about 


13 hours ago, Joylesstuna said:

Not quite sure how DE managed to make their nerf even more bugged ridden. Almost impressive, almost. This " new era" of Warframe has had some incredible misses with Heirlooms packs and now this. DE just is not as caring as some people think. 

Love this game, absolutely hate the direction it has been going for a few years.

This, people think theybe changed in recent years because they've pit out some good updates ok but you have to keep doing it, they didn't and then preceded to ignore the community and do what they wanted knowing the backlash they would get. That doesn't sound like a caring company or devs to me. It sounds like ignorance and stupidity 


12 hours ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

Face it, unless the game numbers dumpster and the cash stops they will never care. Fir every one of us fed up and boycotting 12 DE simps thriw 100s of dollars at them to bypass the grind and support the devs. We cannot keep up with that. The perfect microcosm is my clan, half or more are dunzo, we're off the game until a revert but it won't matter because 8 new Whale members are online daily throwing buckets of cash to bypass the level grind. One just slend like 300.00 getting frames, weapons and buckets of Plat fir prime parts, dudes MR 5, like finish the star chart before you start worrying about buying rivens. 

- we told them this mind and got the usual reply "Nu uh we need to show support and spend some scratch so they keep making content" OH you poor diluded summer child. SMH-

Lmao damm ok well he's gonnaclearn the hard way just like everyone else so let him wear his rose colored glasses cause In Warframe those glasses break pretty damm quick 


12 hours ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

In case you guys missed it the line of sight mechanic is still garbage and now it gets obscured even my Dante him self enemies that stand behind Dante model take no damage great job DE keep ignoring us...... REMOVE LOS or say bye bye to your player base and our money https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelyAggressiveWormPJSalt-XA21cwDUsYU4yVcd

Lol they can't do anything right

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2 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Lol they can't do anything right

Worst part is they are so stubborn that they refuse to remove the Los mechanic in general while there are 28 pages of complains here and 13 pages at the latest patch notes post 

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Just now, MATHIELPRIME said:

Worst part is they are so stubborn that they refuse to remove the Los mechanic in general while there are 28 pages of complains here and 13 pages at the latest patch notes post 

Oh wow smh that's tragic. But we know the arrogance and ignorance of DE so I'm not surprised 

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5 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Oh wow smh that's tragic. But we know the arrogance and ignorance of DE so I'm not surprised 

Shhhh don't say anything negative about DE or the mods will just alter your post or just delete in general cause that's an amazing way of controlling all the negativity towards your company and not fixing all the mistakes you made😂

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3 minutes ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

Shhhh don't say anything negative about DE or the mods will just alter your post or just delete in general cause that's an amazing way of controlling all the negativity towards your company and not fixing all the mistakes you made😂

Negativity is all over the forums and reddit and X there's nowhere for them to run from it, they did it to themselves and will reap what they have sown. They could of avoided all this drama if they had listened but chose to be ignorant and arrogant and now they are paying for it. That's on them and this  will continue as long as they keep doing dumb sh** 

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13 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Negativity is all over the forums and reddit and X there's nowhere for them to run from it, they did it to themselves and will reap what they have sown. They could of avoided all this drama if they had listened but chose to be ignorant and arrogant and now they are paying for it. That's on them and this  will continue as long as they keep doing dumb sh** 

Regardless they have been trying to hush people everywhere Glas its not working tho I had 3 posts of mine altered or removed so not really shocked there about their scummy tactics 

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29 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Lmao damm ok well he's gonnaclearn the hard way just like everyone else so let him wear his rose colored glasses cause In Warframe those glasses break pretty damm quick 

Yeah, we have a saying. "Can't fix stupid" so the founders and I just shrugged, ok you do you. 

17 minutes ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

Worst part is they are so stubborn that they refuse to remove the Los mechanic in general while there are 28 pages of complains here and 13 pages at the latest patch notes post 

That would entail them admitting capability, wrongdoing, tomfoolery and, general idiocy. Bad PR, very bad, can't actually have or work with integrity, heavens forbid. 

10 minutes ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

Shhhh don't say anything negative about DE or the mods will just alter your post or just delete in general cause that's an amazing way of controlling all the negativity towards your company and not fixing all the mistakes you made😂

Then like a petty tyrant I laugh, a small sense of glee that they must take 20 seconds to muffle fair criticism expressed simply and without cussing.  This is also why my publishing company operates on a moral law, we only speak truth, if we screw up a design. We fix it, even if that's a full revert. Far better to admit "yup we done goofed" and retool then do what DE loves doing. Which is essentially shooting oneself in the foot, placing a bandaid over the wound, then shooting your other foot and claiming your not actually wounded or leaking since both feet are like that, and that the concerned folks telling you to maybe address that are, in fact wrong, your fine, it's they who are in need of help. 

5 minutes ago, OneOmniverse said:

Negativity is all over the forums and reddit and X there's nowhere for them to run from it, they did it to themselves and will reap what they have sown. They could of avoided all this drama if they had listened but chose to be ignorant and arrogant and now they are paying for it. That's on them and this  will continue as long as they keep doing dumb sh** 

I popped over to reddit for like 4 seconds and had to leave. I thought we were heated on here, YIKES, reddit and X make our words seem like cotton candy unicorns in comparison. But good it's warranted. Specially given they STILL refuse to admit a revert is needed, and in fact made him worse! As others mentioned his own fudging hit box now blocks the check. 


DE, swallow your dang pride and BLOODY REVERT IT ALL. You have chroma and health frame fixes launching next week. THAT SOLVES THE ONLY ISSUE PEOPLE HAD SO REVERT IT ALREADY. 

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

Yeah, we have a saying. "Can't fix stupid" so the founders and I just shrugged, ok you do you. 

That would entail them admitting capability, wrongdoing, tomfoolery and, general idiocy. Bad PR, very bad, can't actually have or work with integrity, heavens forbid. 

Then like a petty tyrant I laugh, a small sense of glee that they must take 20 seconds to muffle fair criticism expressed simply and without cussing.  This is also why my publishing company operates on a moral law, we only speak truth, if we screw up a design. We fix it, even if that's a full revert. Far better to admit "yup we done goofed" and retool then do what DE loves doing. Which is essentially shooting oneself in the foot, placing a bandaid over the wound, then shooting your other foot and claiming your not actually wounded or leaking since both feet are like that, and that the concerned folks telling you to maybe address that are, in fact wrong, your fine, it's they who are in need of help. 

I popped over to reddit for like 4 seconds and had to leave. I thought we were heated on here, YIKES, reddit and X make our words seem like cotton candy unicorns in comparison. But good it's warranted. Specially given they STILL refuse to admit a revert is needed, and in fact made him worse! As others mentioned his own fudging hit box now blocks the check. 


DE, swallow your dang pride and BLOODY REVERT IT ALL. You have chroma and health frame fixes launching next week. THAT SOLVES THE ONLY ISSUE PEOPLE HAD SO REVERT IT ALREADY. 

What do you mean both my arms and legs are missing ? Tis but a scratch 😂(Monty python reference) all jokes aside huge respect to those that can admit that they messed up big time and actually try to fix it not just put a bandaid on a severed leg and wonder why it's still bleeding 

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11 hours ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

Yeah, we have a saying. "Can't fix stupid" so the founders and I just shrugged, ok you do you. 

True true can't fix it only watch till they learn the hard way


11 hours ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

I popped over to reddit for like 4 seconds and had to leave. I thought we were heated on here, YIKES, reddit and X make our words seem like cotton candy unicorns in comparison. But good it's warranted. Specially given they STILL refuse to admit a revert is needed, and in fact made him worse! As others mentioned his own fudging hit box now blocks the check. 

Yeah they don't have as much control on X and Reddit as they do in the forums they have some but they can obviously do more on the forums. But I mean like I said they brought it on themselves now we wait and see how long they want this mess to drag on for. I read before this happened with something else and it was a good month before things died down so we will see if DE let there ignorance drag on for that long again I hope not 🤷

11 hours ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

What do you mean both my arms and legs are missing ? Tis but a scratch 😂(Monty python reference) all jokes aside huge respect to those that can admit that they messed up big time and actually try to fix it not just put a bandaid on a severed leg and wonder why it's still bleeding 

Yeah props to them. I'd give DE props to all they have to do is reverse all the asanine changes they did for no reason but to quell the thirsty minority 

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11 hours ago, MATHIELPRIME said:

What do you mean both my arms and legs are missing ? Tis but a scratch 😂(Monty python reference) all jokes aside huge respect to those that can admit that they messed up big time and actually try to fix it not just put a bandaid on a severed leg and wonder why it's still bleeding 

You sir get a cookie for wonderful taste in puns. 👏   I would mention that's not anecdotal, recently my studio team buggered the core rpg combat mechanics with a *Fix* our playtesters let me -the big boss- know very quick it was parked. I git on my horn, spoke to my guys -and gals- got the situation. They immediately realized it and put out a full revert in 2 hours with a apology. I didn't even need to tell em to. They understood it was a gross breach, and that the simplest fix was to Thanos snap that thing out of existence, back to what our test teams liked. See easy. 

11 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

True true can't fix it only watch till they learn the hard way

Tis sad tho. Like we founders are basically at a Nascar rally, we know eventually, flames screaming, wrecks and explosions. Dunno when but it's coming and we're sad. Still eating that popcorn and waiting for the horrid realization, and maybe we'll feign sorrow, really we might shed a tear in shock 


11 hours ago, OneOmniverse said:

Yeah they don't have as much control on X and Reddit as they do in the forums they have some but they can obviously do more on the forums. But I mean like I said they brought it on themselves now we wait and see how long they want this mess to drag on for. I read before this happened with something else and it was a good month before things died down so we will see if DE let there ignorance drag on for that long again I hope not 🤷

Yeah props to them. I'd give DE props to all they have to do is reverse all the asanine changes they did for no reason but to quell the thirsty minority 

Missed this while I was a Typing lol.  Are we taking bets? Cause like we could likely win easy Plat on the bet DE completely ignore this until his prime a few years from now. 

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