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35.5.3 changes to Dante

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This video sums it up perfectly.

Theres no reason Tragedy should have a completely different LoS than Dark Verse.

How about instead of coding in a billion double checks for Tragedy you just give it Dark Verses LoS, DE.

Edited by ToastyGrimlock98
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God forbid you guys make a new frame that people actually want to play with longer than the week it's released. I hopped on this morning without knowing about the changes to Dante. Started playing SP fissure mission and the frame is literally half as strong. He's nothing but MR fodder now. They do these things to make a very small, but very vocal group, happy. While the majority of players get the finger.  

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Dante avais l'air sympa sur les trailers, j'ai acheté le pack , je me suis amusé comme un fou, puis le nerf, je me sens escroqué, victime d'une "pub" mensongére, le jeu solo est a banir avec cette frame et pour le jeu en equipe, Dante n'apporte plus rien, plus envie d'ouvrir le jeu, plus envie d'acheter des plates, au vu des commentaires, la mise a mort de Dante va diminuer grandement le nombre de joueurs qui seront present au 12eme anniversaire s'il y en a un.

Un remboursement des euros du pack et des formas serait un minimum si la communauté etait respectée!


Dante looked nice on the trailers, I bought the pack, I had a lot of fun, then the nerve, I feel swindled, victim of a misleading "ad", the solo game is to banish with this frame and for the team game, Dante brings nothing, no more desire to open the game, no more desire to buy plates, in view of the comments, the killing of Dante will greatly reduce the number of players who will be present at the 12th anniversary if there is one.
A refund of the pack's euros and the formas would be a minimum if the community were respected!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



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5 минут назад, coucoumef сказал:

Данте хорошо выглядел в трейлерах, я купил пакет, веселился как сумасшедший, потом нерф, я чувствую себя обманутым, жертвой ложной "рекламы", соло-игру нужно запретить с этим кадром, а для командной игры Данте больше нет ничего не приносит, больше нет ни желания открывать игру, ни желания покупать тарелки, учитывая комментарии, убийство Данте сильно сократит количество игроков, которые будут присутствовать на 12-летии, если таковое будет.

Возврат евро за пак и форматы был бы минимальным, если бы сообщество уважали!


Данте хорошо выглядел в трейлерах, я купил пакет, мне было очень весело, потом нервы, я чувствую себя обманутым, жертвой вводящей в заблуждение «рекламы», соло-игра должна быть изгнана с этим кадром, а для командной игры, Данте ничего не приносит, ни желания больше открывать игру, ни желания покупать тарелки, учитывая комментарии, убийство Данте сильно сократит количество игроков, которые будут присутствовать на 12-летии, если таковое будет.
Возврат евро пакета и форм был бы минимальным, если бы сообщество уважалось!

Переведено с помощью DeepL.com (бесплатная версия)



And I bought this S#&$ for myself and my son, had fun for a few days and such a bummer, okay, I'm very offended for my son.

Edited by BloodyPrimeSkull
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Thanks for nerfing my new favorite frame a day before payday. I now longer feel the urge to give you guys any money for platinum. I was honestly thinking of buying the tenocon and Guass Prime access pack with this paycheck, (I havent bought a Prime access pack since Hildryn)  but you guys just saved me ~160$

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7 hours ago, yeahnil said:

Quoting what she said in the Dev shorts:

[DE]Rebecca: "Is DE gonna nerf him? I'm just going to lay it to you straight, here's what's happening: We are looking at him and we are reviewing some areas we can tweak down (so a little bit of a nerf) in order to make him not so dominant. That's it.


At this point in time stats for "dominance" really aren't the full picture for us [so] it has to be a little bit instinctual [in response to] feedback because everyone is playing Dante. He's the new, hot, shiny thing and all of his abilities are noticed. We are not doing this with a cavalier mindset. We are going to do a very focused review based on feedback and playstyles and that's it.


[...] We are taking it seriously and we are not trying to make the first five days of Dante the best and only good days. We're just reviewing, please have patience with us in this process. Please do not come to this conversation with shock and awe, because [Dante is] awesome and we want to keep him awesome. The goal is not to change that."

The fact that this was said versus what we got still baffles me. Aged very poorly indeed.

Worst part about this is the fact that it still has only been a week. DE in what world did you pull all your data within a week that stated Dante's 4 was a problem exactly? Because this "data" and "review" smells a lot like confirmation bias.

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Newish player here, been playing for about 44 days and gotta say, while this isn't on level with what a d4 nerf did to my bone boy (close to 90% damage reduction) this definitely isn't a slight tweak either.


I had fun with Dante, I could do what other frames manage to do as well in the higher levels in the normal star chart, but this nerf feels bad.   Please consider going back to stage one and doing slight tweaks vs trying to gut the man.  As op as people claim I was still struggling even with him on the starting sp chart.

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Yeah, i agree on this topic with you guys so much , players wanted to adress only overguard being mildly annoing when in team with dante , and DE did what DE do best: get the thing people like and have fun with and throw it into trash and say- hey yeah here's new patch, the thing isn't even half as fun nor good anymore , while saryn/mesa and other ret ekhem frames just go weabo things doesnt give a damn press 1 button maybe two and yeah , "Gameplay" .Im not *@##$ing about the game as a whole it's hard to balance things out when you got so many variables to take account off , but if you say you that utterly destroying one frames identity is balancing then other nukes whould be nerfed into oblivion too , so much that they are no longer nukers. again. GJ guys well done


Edited by Demlier
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DE stop killing this game. Every new content you add to this game you kill in couple day because some random noobs cant play with others... Just leave in game Saryn  Octavia and Volt and delete others..



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Good grief, the "LOS" change has completely killed his Tragedy. So many times I cast it and enemies right in front of me don't even get tickled by the ultimate.

Was it even that impactful in high-level content in its original state? The Overguard nerfs I at least understand - it was a bit silly. But this... this is just bad. 

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I really don't understand anything about these nerfs.

I don't understand why they were rushed out so quickly.

I don't understand how Dante can be judged to be "dominant" so soon after release; Rebecca admitted that they have no concrete basis upon which to make that determination when she struggled to justify a decision that was already obviously going to be unpopular in the devshort.

I don't understand how Dante can be judged to be "disruptive" except on the basis of how Overguard as a mechanic interacts with certain other warframe abilities, but that is an issue with Overguard in general, not Dante specifically. And nothing in these nerfs actually address that problem anyway, except indirectly by making it so fewer people play Dante, so the problem won't surface as often.

I don't know what DE could have possibly have noticed in the few days since Dante's release that wasn't obvious before release.

I don't know why DE has failed to communicate clearly about why these nerfs are supposedly needed, apart from the aforementioned dubious and vague remarks about "dominance" and such.

It's just a baffling — and very poor — decision. Just revert these changes, wait a few weeks, gather some data, and then decide whether a review is even necessary, do that review properly if it's apparent that there is an issue, actually playtest the changes you implement, then implement and, if necessary, iterate.

This seems like very basic stuff to me.

Edited by Tukka
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Just understand that, for many of us "old players" this was one of the first chances in a lot of time that a new frame was a viable pick instead of the same boring Saryn (no offense, but playing the same frame over and over is boring at least for me) or whatever other overpowered nuke frame's out there. You completely destroyed it. 

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DE, if you wish to save at least some of the good will that people had before this hotfix, you need to do a full revert. Everything else will still leave a very sour aftertaste. 

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this just feels like De has no respect for players time as anyone who formaed him just wasted a week of time sure they gave us some plat but who cares about 280 plat. Plat is easy to get it takes a few days tops but no i like many others spent a week test builds for a warfame that has been turned it a trash pile if he had this LOS Shi* in the first place no one would have played him i know i would not have i want my time back D.E refund that.

Edited by BlakGod
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Not to be a terrorist or anything......but all this nerf made me wanna do other than not touch warframe at all, is to make a pure str/range build and cast nothing but overguard for the next week or 2....have fun with that thought...if I see another dante in match, I hope he does the same....MEND BUTTCRACK FOR ALL!

Edit: I regret that the last few days I purposely dident nuke maps and cast overguard except on page flight and wordwarden....MEND BUTTCRACK only from here on

Edited by Rognyr
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24 pages hear now of people that want the changes reverted and still no response from DE thats how you can tell that they really dont care about there comunity very much 

First they don't listen to the majority when they say he's perfectly fine and not to touch him then they nerf his overgaurd, add line of sight to his abilities and reduce most of his damage to crap 

And when the majority of players say they want these changes to be reverted they don't listen to them and continue with the crap there doing 

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2 hours ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

How about instead of coding in a billion double checks for Tragedy you just give it Dark Verses LoS, DE.

Or better yet, just restore it to the original functionality instead of pissing us about with changes that no one asked for! 

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Encore heureux qu'il s'appelle DANTE libéré sinon il n'aurais eu aucun sorts et pas le droit d'avoir de mods et armes, crash test d'un jeu en 1 semaine.
C'est super DE

It's a good thing it's called DANTE released, otherwise it would have had no spells and no right to have mods and weapons, crash-testing a game in 1 week.
It's great DE

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I have to agree with all this negative feedback. What you did to nerf dante's "aoe" was completely unnecessary and rather stupid choice considering all the other "nuker warframes". You could have opted out to reduce the range or maybe even the damage, but you decided to instead use LOS check that is and has been very problematic in warframe ever since it was introduced.

It simply does not work properly.

Now do the right thing and rever the LOS change and figure out something else.

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First revert everything, Then make Light Verse have the Same LOS as DS, and when an ally is affected by it they get a mark that lasts until triumph is casted, and when triumph is casted any frame that either has a mark or already has OG and are in range they benefit from Triumph. 
If this isn’t possible then I don’t know 

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Really sad DE has not even said anything yet on the matter. The revert should have happened already. Waste of time, money and mats. Making allot of players feel like this was a bait and switch scam tbh.

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17 minutes ago, coucoumef said:

Encore heureux qu'il s'appelle DANTE libéré sinon il n'aurais eu aucun sorts et pas le droit d'avoir de mods et armes, crash test d'un jeu en 1 semaine.
C'est super DE

It's a good thing it's called DANTE released, otherwise it would have had no spells and no right to have mods and weapons, crash-testing a game in 1 week.
It's great DE

Imagine pissing off international players as well.

@[DE]Rebecca we will not settle for anything less than a full revert...this is a disaster, you're ruining your own game.

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