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Change of 3 Specific Weapon to Weapon Category

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I agreed with the randomized loadout for better rewards, but I do not agree that there are only 3 weapons for each primary, secondary and melee section because there are chance the weapons are actually outdated, useless (Stug I am looking at you). And I can imagine how hard and how much time needed to be taken to revisit all the older weapons to be usable or buffed/balanced properly.

The suggestion I can think of in mind, keeping the randomized loadout but utilizing it at the maximum, is reusing the sortie's Weapon Type/Category section this should retains the archimedian difficulty, keep the loadout specified to a certain category which requires player to diversify their loadout but lesser issues due to the outdated weapons.


Primary contains bow, beam weapons, launchers, assault rifles, crossbow, shotguns etc.

Secondary contains Throwable Knives, dual pistols, single handed semi auto/full auto, beam weapons, shotguns, launchers etc.

Melee contains rapiers, hammers, swords, dual swords, daggers, knuckles, throwable melees, scythes etc.

They rotate every week, for 1 category: 

e.g Week 2

Primary -  Assault Rifles only

Secondary - Throwable Knives only

Melee - Swords only


In short, it's the sortie modification.

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I don't have problems with the current situation, but what you propose would be nice indeed.

The only problem I could see is that the categories for secondary do not exist as of today, as far as I know. Sortie only has the special modified for Primary (Rifles, Shotguns, Bows etc), for Secondary and Melee it's simply "Secondary only". But that's only a matter of defining the categories so it shouldn't be too much hassle

If that could also come with a clear indication of the weapon type in the Arsenal, that would be great. There are some weapons for which it's not so clear, and the only way to check is either to equip the weapon and check if it has any type-exclusive mods (like Sniper or Shotgun mods), or try it during said Sortie.

Edited by Chewarette
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