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New Player Experience Modding Suggestion


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One thing i noticed is the game doesn't have good introduction to modding, like it has the help text in the mod menu itself but some new players will probably not even notice the help text. But i think the bigger issue of the surplus mod dumpster in iron wake and how late you get access to it(Chains of Harrow), due to mod accessibility being random through gameplay. The flawed mods from junctions help new players have some of the core mods with albeit reduced efficacy but players don't get access to the flawed mod dumpster until chains of harrow. I think they should at least add a surplus mod dumpster to relays and have new players interact with it so they know it exists as a sort of "use these until you get the better versions". It would helps the new players ease into the game better I feel than running no mods at all because real mods are really expensive capacity wise for new players.

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21 minutes ago, Lunastune said:

flawed mods from junctions

That's not a thing.

Flawed Mods have been moved from "drops during Vor's Prize" to exclusively being sold at Iron Wake,
and you now simply get the regular versions during that Quest.

27 minutes ago, Lunastune said:

have new players [...] know it exists as a sort of "use these until you get the better versions"

But that's exactly why they got moved, so players don't get confused by having 2 versions of Mods early on,
now they simply have the normal Mods and can rank those up without "wasting" resources on Flawed ones.

30 minutes ago, Lunastune said:

It would helps the new players ease into the game better I feel than running no mods at all because real mods are really expensive capacity wise for new players.

It's better to use fewer, decently-ranked Mods than filling all slots with unranked stuff.

Personally, I think "the bigger issue" is what you dismissed as such, namely that there should be better tutorials in the game itself,
as part of the "new player experience" and whatnot, at the very least there could be a small nudge towards if not forced visit of
the tutorial options in various screens as well as the Codex.

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Fun fact, there actually is a tutorial for modding, in the mod menu at the bottom right. I did not know this for years until i just recently came across a video pointing it out a week ago.

DE, please make this tutorial show on the first time using the mod menu and/or upgrade menu after acquiring the modding segment.

Edited by Joezone619
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40 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

Fun fact, there actually is a tutorial for modding, in the mod menu at the bottom right. I did not know this for years until i just recently came across a video pointing it out a week ago.

DE, please make this tutorial show on the first time using the mod menu and/or upgrade menu after acquiring the modding segment.

Right that's what I meant by the help text, is it's there but not apparently unless you accidentally go out of your way to click on it.


52 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

That's not a thing.

Flawed Mods have been moved from "drops during Vor's Prize" to exclusively being sold at Iron Wake,
and you now simply get the regular versions during that Quest.

But that's exactly why they got moved, so players don't get confused by having 2 versions of Mods early on,
now they simply have the normal Mods and can rank those up without "wasting" resources on Flawed ones.

It's better to use fewer, decently-ranked Mods than filling all slots with unranked stuff.

Personally, I think "the bigger issue" is what you dismissed as such, namely that there should be better tutorials in the game itself,
as part of the "new player experience" and whatnot, at the very least there could be a small nudge towards if not forced visit of
the tutorial options in various screens as well as the Codex.

I see that now, that you no longer get a couple of the flawed mods from junctions anymore, i do see that it can be confusing but luckily they don't cost alot resource wise even early on, but i can see it being seen as "Wasting", it can at least give players base versions of some of the core mods. I do still think the flawed mods should be accessible early but made clear that it is supposed to only fill in until you find the real ones via gameplay because of the rng drop sources for anything junctions don't give you. (The amount of flawed mods covers every mod need stat-wise early since all of the core warframe and weapon mods show up in the dumpster). Like the codex also has issues like you can't see what mods do unless unlocked but the mod screen under the incomplete tab does.(Which does not function for controller users) Drop Sources also don't give more details on how to acquire them when its not just a direct drop, nor do they in-game give the drop probability besides just the mod color which can be misleading for some gold or silver mods. Which leads to just looking at wiki if you really need to know where to find something in your codex. Or the drop tables DE provides us. I think part of the potential Flawed confusion issue is that that look way too visually similar to the real mods and the codex tutorial for modding being so easy to miss.

Like assuming no potatoes or forma, its 30 capacity which essentially is just 1 serration and split chamber at lv30 maxed but that's unreasonable endo and credit wise early. But it also kind of feels weird just saying "yeah just slap a serration one and be done with it, all those other mods? not worth it right now. In theory the flawed mods at least can introduce a player to modding better with their lower drain even if the stats are lower than the real ones since currently you don't have space to use more than a couple mods early on. Might be a symptom of the mod system being whacky. Like a new player could use Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense and either Heat or Toxic or like Serration and Split Chamber which works like infinitely better but man does it not help players learn about modding. 

Like the tutorial we have isn't very interactive, and can be easily missed but it gives the basics. It's just well, how do new players find the codex tutorial stuff if there isn't a forceful nudge like when you unlock the mod segment when it is relevant.

The codex probably should also have a sort of appendix of all the stats and keywords in one place instead of only having to hover over each stat in the arsenal if someone wants to just read them.

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