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Update Failures


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i've had the same problem with

"Update failed!

Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers.

The update will be restarted shortly..."

I let a friend download the game, c/p the whole folder from his PC to a mobile HDD , took the HDD home, c/p to my PC, -> problem solved

game works fine, i've played several rounds.

The fact that i could download about 95% of the game in the first place kept me bothering...

So if you're too lazy to open a service ticket... try this and let me know if it had worked :)

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I'm also getting constant failed updateds, I was able to play before this last major update and now I can't cause of this failing update debackle. Pretty sure this in on your end, cause I was able to play before, but can't since the update.

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"Update failed!


Downloaded data was corrupted.


The update will be restarted shortly..."


I've cleared my download cache and downloaded about 1 Gig of data after that, only to have the last 5 Megs get corrupted again.

This is my problem exactly tried clearing the cache like 5 times now and nothing just fails every time. Worked before today's patch and now it's not making me sad face.

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So. Now I see that this has been an issue since the beginning of March and I've never had any problem before today's 7.7.3 update. Iv'e been playing WF for several months now (so it's not like I'm a newb steam user or something) I was playing earlier today right before the patch hit, and now its saying the update failed even though every other update has worked flawlessly in the past, and I see it is is working for other people just fine. Now all of a sudden I'm getting the same corruption error that others have been reporting for a month now, and I see no fixes posted besides the VERY basic suggestions in the op - none of which made any difference by the way.


I don't believe my downloaded data is corrupt at all, in fact I KNOW its not corrupt. There is some other problem here. Anyone have any answers?

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Help ! I keep getting this message,

"Update Failed, some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers. The update will restart shortly"

I keep getting this over and over again and it countinues to restart download and then finally stops.


This is the third time i downloaded this game from steam and the first 2 times i uninstalled and re-installed this game because of the same reason and now i get the same error. The game works fine after freshly installing it but this error shows up whenever there is an update to be downloaded.


Some people said that " try after some time, servers might be busy", i did that too ( tried after 10 mins, 30 mins, 4 hours , 10 hours and after a couple of days) but in vain. Tried turning off Anti Virus, Firewall, DEP, restarted steam and PC several times, cleared game cache but to no avail.              :'(



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SO after hours of the corrupt files error I FINNALY got into the game, either it was these new settings I tried or they JUST just just just now... fixed it anyway. all I did was:


ctrl+alt+delete go to processes make sure anything with Warframe isn't on the list. If it is end it.


Go to the launcher options and do as follows:

1. Un check the Enable Full-Screen box.

2. Un check Enable DirectX 11 box.

3. Check the Enable 64-Bit Mode box

4. Check the Enable Bulk Download box


then hit OK

close launcher 

then right click game and Run as Administrator. Worked for me.

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Looking through my launcher log I can see it fails the hash check when it gets to the actual warframe.exe (everything else passes) so maybe it is expecting a 64-bit executable and fails when it finds a 32-bit executable on those of us running 32-bit OS.

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Update failed!

Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers.

The update will be restarted shortly....


This happen many times. I follow the steps but the result still the same =___= .

Wait for another 30 minutes, the result still the same. =______________=

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Update failed!

Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers.

The update will be restarted shortly....


This happen many times. I follow the steps but the result still the same =___= .

Wait for another 30 minutes, the result still the same. =______________=


This is always be my problem after patch is released. The download is so slow and can't seem to finish the updates.

I can't get in because of the updates.

I get frustated because my double exp is ticking yet I couldn't play it at all. My platinum is wasted.

Developers really should fix this soon.

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I cleared my download cache after numerous update fails would that delete my warframe progress as well?

No, your progress in the game is saved on their servers so you'll be fine once you're able to update somehow. I've literally been trying now for 12 hours and I'm still getting the same update failure. I've tried everything I can think of and still nothing. I've never seen anything like this in my loooooong career in gaming across hundreds of different online games - this is crazy. I give up. It's been twelve hours and I see everyone else but us is inside the game no problem, but ours keeps failing with a fake "corrupted data" message. I can assure you there is nothing corrupted, the problem lies with something in the launcher's code because I was playing just fine right before the update deployed.

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This is always be my problem after patch is released. The download is so slow and can't seem to finish the updates.

I can't get in because of the updates.

I get frustated because my double exp is ticking yet I couldn't play it at all. My platinum is wasted.

Developers really should fix this soon.

Yeah, the download seems to be slow. I was hoping to buy Ash together with Dual Heat Swords or that new blades but because of this issue, I have to wait T.T

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I am from Indonesia and i'm have the same problem with 2 kb/s download speed.

My launcher error and i'm already try anything from IE option to flushdns. Now i uninstall the game, restart my PC and Run warframe.msi again.

At first i get 200 kb/s until 12 / 1031 mb then suddenly speed drop until 2 kb/s then "File corrupt" and retry download.

Wait for a while and retry, i'm already do that 5 times. I don't run another app and i can browse just fine.

Can i download file from somewhere that i can use downloader such as IDM?

If yes where i can find such file? I'm searching google and i do not find any alternate download.

Thank's for your attention.



same problem with gferd86 :( and i'm from indonesia



indonesia. i nvr got problem to update before but when i patch the easter update i got this problem.



ok i have the same problem too...i cant update anything, and if i can update it runs very slow (1-5kb/s) until it stops and freeze the launcher.

Im from indonesia

I am also from Indonesia, and I also can't update my game -_____-

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