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Would it be possible to add focus schools to the loadout customisation in star chart?

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It's kind on annoying for certain things, for example i have a warframe where one config i use with zenurik and another where i use shield gating and therefore have to switch off zenurik. Because of this i have to go back to my arsenal even with the new system.

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10 minutes ago, Maurocke said:

It's kind on annoying for certain things, for example i have a warframe where one config i use with zenurik and another where i use shield gating and therefore have to switch off zenurik. Because of this i have to go back to my arsenal even with the new system.

Yeah.  During last week's dev short, Reb did say they'd look into this.

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15 minutes ago, Void2258 said:

And Amp and Amp Arcanes (yes those need to be separate, there are way more arcanes than amps).

Actually I looked back at the devshort, and I was mistaken:  operator arcanes are what they mentioned as a feature request, not focus schools.  Although I'd hope when and if we get it, full operator loadouts are covered.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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